The objective of the __________ is to ensure that products are consistently manufactured and controlled to the specified quality. It is concerned with all aspects of production and quality control
Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice ( GMP ) Guidelines
A quality system should be
developed, established and
implemented as a means by
which stated policies and
objectives will be achieved.
Quality Management System
are the ones that provide the benefit of
cosmetics. They include cleansers
(surfactants), conditioning
agents, colorants, fragrances,
reactive ingredients, film
formers, and drug actives. Every
cosmetic you’ve ever used or made has
at least one ____ ingredient.
Functional ingredients
cleansers (surfactants)
Functional ingredients
conditioning agents
Functional ingredients
Functional ingredients
Functional/Aesthetic ingredients
reactive ingredients
Functional ingredients
film formers
Functional ingredients
drug actives
Functional ingredients
are those that help make delivery
of the functional ingredients
more acceptable. These are
ingredients like solvents,
thickeners, preservatives,
fragrances, pH adjusters,
plasticizers, fillers,
appearance modifiers, anti
-oxidants, anti-irritants, and
delivery systems.
Aesthetic ingredients
Aesthetic ingredients
Aesthetic ingredients
Aesthetic ingredients
pH adjusters
Aesthetic ingredients
Aesthetic ingredients
Aesthetic ingredients
appearance modifiers
Aesthetic ingredients
Aesthetic ingredients
Aesthetic ingredients
delivery systems
Aesthetic ingredients
are ingredients added to a formula at a
low level for the primary purpose of getting to put the
ingredient name on the label. This includes ingredients like
natural extracts, vitamins, proteins, biotechnology, and
fanciful made-up ingredient names.
Claims ingredients
natural extracts
Claims ingredients
Claims ingredients
Claims ingredients
Claims ingredients
fanciful made-up ingredient names
Claims ingredients
means the name given to a cosmetic product, which may be an
invented name, together with a trade mark or the name of the manufacturer;
Name of the cosmetic product
means the container or other form of packaging immediately in contact with
the cosmetic product;
Immediate packaging
means the packaging into which is placed the immediate packaging;
Outer packaging
means information written or printed or graphic matter on the immediate or outer
packaging and any form of leaflets;
bar of soap but for the hair
Solid Shampoo
-Bars made with pure 100% natural oils, without sulfates, parabens or silicones
-It proposes several options, for every need: Antidandruff, dry hair, normal hair, fortifying and anti-oily.
Herbal Bio Nature
Shampoos, replete with natural ingedients and essentials oils, concentrate three of 250g of liquid shampoo.
The process of making soap by the hydrolysis of fats and oils with alkalis
Saponification is made by heating animal fats or vegetable oil
with concentrated
sodium hydroxide (NAOH)
Fat or Oil + NaOH →
Soap + Glycerol
The saponification of the fat is done by
boiling the fat with sodium hydroxide solution in a large cylindrical steel vessel known
sodium hydroxide solution
soda lye
large cylindrical steel vessel is known
Soap Pan or Kettle.
The soap pan is usually open at the
The lower part of the pan is
funnel shape
It contains a system of ______________ which can be either’open’ or’closed.’
steam heating coils
______________ and appropriate quantity of soda lye are simultaneously run into the pan.
Molten fat
admitted through the open ‘steam coils’
to boil the mixture which is thus kept in a good state
of agitation all the time
____ maintained in sufficient excess, more of it
being added if necessary.
Boiling is continued unless the greasy nature of the
mix has almost disappeared and
the fat is thus saponified to the extent of about _____
80 percent
In ________________ process the saponification is allowed in cold
condition with mechanical stirring.
______ is initiated to convert soap into the
hot liquid soap is run into frames where saponification is
The by-product _________ is not recovered and re mains in the soap.
The Cold Process is also employed in _____ to prepare ‘ Washing Soap’ on a small scale for household use.
Use: Olive oil
Oily Material
Use: Palm Kernel Flakes
Bodying Agent
Use:Sweet Almond Oil
Oily Material
Cleansing Agent
Use:Castor Oil
Oily Material