Patterns and Trends In Crime: Gender Flashcards
males commit around 80% of all offences
the peak age of offending: 18
offending is falling faster for females
peak age of offending: 15
female offenders are more likely to be on benefits before and after their caution
chivalry thesis
CSEW: Victimisation
fewer women are victims of crime than men
levels of victimisation has decreased over the past 5yrs
men are usually victims of violence
women are more victims of sexual assault
Young (1988)
argues that the same crime doesn’t have the same meaning or seriousness in all cases and discusses ‘the meaning of a punch’
e.g. the power dynamics are masked by the statistics
Hanmer and Saunders (1984)
carried out unstructured interviews with women and found that 20% of women there had been sexually assaulted and not reported it
Walklate (2006)
considered repeat victimisation of women and why some remain in an abusive relationship.
she found that many women are unable to leave and thus not report it
this is due to children, having nowhere to go and a possible lack of economic independence