Marxism Flashcards
general theory:
they don’t agree that deviance is functional for society
they argue that it’s the powerful who benefit as they can pass laws which favour them
they argue that it’s the capitalism system that drives people to crime
focusing on white-collar and corporate crime too
marxists focus on ideology, idea and believes that suit the powerful and their interests
these ideas make sure the powerless stay in their place and they’re presented as ‘fact’ so everyone in society accepts their ideas
social control
Althusser (1970)
argues that control of the proletariat is maintained through 2 sets of institutions:
Ideological State Apparatus
Repressive State Apparatus
Ideological State Apparatus (ISA)
controls us more subtly, by socialising us to accept capitalist ideology
e.g. agencies of social control (family, media etc)
ISA functions by ideology
Repressive State Apparatus (RSA)
directly and obviously controls the proletariat
e.g. armed forces, police and cjs
RSA functions by violence
Box (1983)
illustrated how crime is socially constructed by the powerful
murder can be seen as ‘avoidable killing’ but there are many avoidable killings which don’t get classified as murder
we’re encourage to see murder as a particular act involving stereotypical actors and instruments
those who commit legally defined murder are usually poorer and less powerful than those who commit ‘avoidable killing’
other ‘avoidable killings’ that aren’t consider murder included deaths resulting from failure to give priority to health and safety risks etc
Box (1983)
directly links crime to social control, arguing that the statistics are socially constructed and manipulated to criminalise the powerless i.e. most criminals are WC
see crime as a problem justifies an increase in policing and surveillance and greater powers of punishment etc
we’re encourage to fear the typical criminal
Bonger (1916)
draws a causal link between crime and economic conditions.
much crime is caused by poverty e.g. during periods of economic depression, crime rates amongst the poorest sections of society increase.
Gordon (1973)
argues that the focus of public fear and governmental control is on ‘urban’ and ‘violent’ times with little attention being given to white collar crime
Chambliss (1975)
argues that the structure of capitalism creates both the desire to consume and thus inability to earn enough money to meet these consumption desires.
Evaluating Marxism:
accused of being too extreme to argue that the ruling class are all involved in a deliberate conspiracy to control and criminalise the working class.
also there are laws that protect the powerless i.e. murder, theft, raps and health and safety
also most people do obey the law which is suggestive of a value consensus