a. The patient was in a hurry she took diabetic drugs but skipped her breakfast, your nurse discovered she has hypoglycemic conditions; what are the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia (4)
Symptoms: shakiness, anxiety, palpitation, increased sweating, hunger, dizziness
Signs: tremor, tachycardia, altered consciousness, blood glucose level < 60 mg/dL
b. What can you do immediately for managing hypoglycemia for this patient? (4?)
c. How to avoid having the same situation next time (3?)
- Morning appointments recommended
- Endogenous cortisol levels are typically higher at this time; because cortisol increases blood sugar levels, the risk of hypoglycemia is less
- Patient should take regular meals before coming to dental appointment
- Look for any signs and symptoms of insulin reaction occurring during dental visit and ready a glucose source nearby.
- Given: radiograph showing a periapical lesion (Summative, 2010)
a. What are the symptoms of hypoglycaemia?
Symptoms: shakiness, anxiety, palpitation, increased sweating, hunger, dizziness
Signs: tremor, tachycardia, altered consciousness, blood glucose level < 60 mg/dL
Given: radiograph showing a periapical lesion
b. How do you manage the condition if the patient is hypoglycaemic?
- What are s/s for hyperglycemia?
- Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, glucosuria, weight loss, weakness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
- confusion, diabetes coma (unconsciousness)
- Chronic
- Blurred vision, blindness, foot ulcer, kidney failure