- A 8.5 years old girl complaining of irregular teeth, no family member shows similar malocclusion - Panoramic radiograph: mixed dentition, apical radiolucency at 85 (over 45) - Extra-oral photographs: Straight profile at both CO & CR (even slightly convex at CR) - Intra-oral photographs: Class III incisor relationship at CO, edge to edge occlusion at CR - Cephalometric analysis: In both CO & CR positions, everything is normal except decreased SNA & increased SNB - Study cast: mandibular displacement shown at CO a. What is the cause of the dental abscess at 85? (1)
- A 8.5 years old girl complaining of irregular teeth, no family member shows similar malocclusion - Panoramic radiograph: mixed dentition, apical radiolucency at 85 (over 45) - Extra-oral photographs: Straight profile at both CO & CR (even slightly convex at CR) - Intra-oral photographs: Class III incisor relationship at CO, edge to edge occlusion at CR - Cephalometric analysis: In both CO & CR positions, everything is normal except decreased SNA & increased SNB - Study cast: mandibular displacement shown at CO
b. What are the complications if the abscess at 85 is left untreated? (2)
Affects development of 45, delayed eruption Malformation of tooth germ Spread of infection Cellulitis
- A 8.5 years old girl complaining of irregular teeth, no family member shows similar malocclusion - Panoramic radiograph: mixed dentition, apical radiolucency at 85 (over 45) - Extra-oral photographs: Straight profile at both CO & CR (even slightly convex at CR) - Intra-oral photographs: Class III incisor relationship at CO, edge to edge occlusion at CR - Cephalometric analysis: In both CO & CR positions, everything is normal except decreased SNA & increased SNB - Study cast: mandibular displacement shown at CO
c. State the treatment options for 85. (2)
Prescribe antibiotics Pulpectomy + SS crown Extraction + space maintainer
- A 8.5 years old girl complaining of irregular teeth, no family member shows similar malocclusion - Panoramic radiograph: mixed dentition, apical radiolucency at 85 (over 45) - Extra-oral photographs: Straight profile at both CO & CR (even slightly convex at CR) - Intra-oral photographs: Class III incisor relationship at CO, edge to edge occlusion at CR - Cephalometric analysis: In both CO & CR positions, everything is normal except decreased SNA & increased SNB - Study cast: mandibular displacement shown at CO d. If this patient experience pain after office hour, where can she receive emergency treatment? (2)
A&E / so me private dental clinic provide 24 hrs services
- A 8.5 years old girl complaining of irregular teeth, no family member shows similar malocclusion - Panoramic radiograph: mixed dentition, apical radiolucency at 85 (over 45) - Extra-oral photographs: Straight profile at both CO & CR (even slightly convex at CR) - Intra-oral photographs: Class III incisor relationship at CO, edge to edge occlusion at CR - Cephalometric analysis: In both CO & CR positions, everything is normal except decreased SNA & increased SNB - Study cast: mandibular displacement shown at CO
e. Under what circumstances would you prescribe antibiotics to this patient? State the antibiotic and regime for this patient. (3)
Aggressive periodontitis
Ulcerative periodontitis (ANUG)
Abscess with systemic involvement
Immunocompromised patient: radiotherapy, AIDS, DM
Amoxicillin 125-250 mg tid 5 days
Metronidazole 7.5 mg/kg tid 3 days
Given: 8 1⁄2 year old patient, with edge to edge biting at CR and class 3 malocclusion at CO History: no familial history of class 3 malocclusion
a. What is the cause of the abscess at 85?
Untreated caries invade into pulp and subsequent pulpal necrosis and spread apically to form localized abscess
Given: 8 1⁄2 year old patient, with edge to edge biting at CR and class 3 malocclusion at CO History: no familial history of class 3 malocclusion
b. What are the complications if left untreated?
Pain –> disruption of quality of life, difficult to concentrate
Arrest of unerupted permanent tooth development or enamel defects –> make permanent teeth prone to caries
Spread of infection to fascial spaces –> life threatening conditions (Ludwig’s angina)
Premature loss of deciduous teeth –> drifting of adjacent teeth and cause malalignment
Space loss –> psychological impact, speech, mastication
Given: 8 1⁄2 year old patient, with edge to edge biting at CR and class 3 malocclusion at CO History: no familial history of class 3 malocclusion
c. Where could the patient go in case of dental emergency?
Dental Clinics with General Public Sessions (under Department of Health)
For emergency dental services (limited to pain relief and extraction)
Or 24 hour opening private clinics
Given: 8 1⁄2 year old patient, with edge to edge biting at CR and class 3 malocclusion at CO History: no familial history of class 3 malocclusion
d. What are the treatment options?
Extraction, incision and drainage, followed by space maintainer
Given: 8 1⁄2 year old patient, with edge to edge biting at CR and class 3 malocclusion at CO History: no familial history of class 3 malocclusion
e. What antibiotics would you prescribe? Give the dosage.
Amoxicillin clavulanic acid / metronidazole
Same as adults, simple pulpitis, apical periodontitis, sinus tract, localized intraoral swelling normally do not require antibiotics
Except for acute facial swelling, cellulitis, systemic involvement (All Guidelines from AAPD) Antibiotic table on page 45
Given: periapical radiolucency at 21/22
a. Give the differential diagnosis of the lesion.
Acute apical periodontitis
Chronic apical periodontitis (apical granuloma)
Acute / chronic apical abscess
Radicular cyst
Given: periapical radiolucency at 21/22
b. No caries was found on 21/22, what could be the other causes of the radiolucency?
Trauma / Cracked tooth / Perio endo lesion
Ortho treatment
Accessory canal
Deep abrasion
Exposure during treatment
Given: periapical radiolucency at 21/22
c. Why lymph node would swell?
Lymph nodes drain for a specified area
When infection, microorganism is drained to the corresponding lymph node through tissue fluid
Fluid containing foreign bodies pass through lymph node will stimulate the initiation of immune response including proliferation of defense cells (WBC, marcophages)
Given: periapical radiolucency at 21/22
d. Outline the treatment in emergency and preventive phase. Explain your rationale.
Emergency: emergency RCT (Remove causative agents, prevent spread of infection)
Preventive: OHI, scaling and root debridement, f luoride application, removal of plaque retentive factors
Given: periapical radiolucency at 21/22
e. What are the signs of systemic involvement of an abscess?
Malaise, lymphadenopathy, fever, leukocytosis