pathology slides Flashcards
sarcoidosis- mixed dilated and restrictiv
sarcoidosis- mixed dilated and restrictive
HEREDITARY HEMOCHORMATOSIS - notice the decreaed signal intensity of the heart from increased iron deposition
restrictive cardiomyopathy- amyloidosi
restrictive cardiomyopathy- amyloidosis
restrictive cardiomyopathy- amyloidosis
restrictive cardiomyopathy- amyloidosis
restrictive cardiomyopathy- amyloidosis
hypetrophic cardiomyopahy
left ventricular hypertrophy with asymmetric septal hypertrophy
hypetrophic cardiomyopahy notice the nelarged septm
degeneration of cardiac myocytes
vacuolar degeneration of myocytes
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
dilated cardiomyopathy with areas of fibrosis
interstitial fibrosis
myocardial hypetrophy with an enlarged nuclei
large, dilated left ventricle is typical of a dilated cardiomyopath
four chamber dilatation, with prominent left ventricular en;argment
left ventricular anerurysm
heart wall rupture
rupture of the chordae tendinae
what stage MI
MI- over 2 months post MI
MI- 10 days old
heart failure cells
what do we see
contraction band necrosis
what are these cells and when do they appear
wavy fibers
what is happening to this lumen.
coronary atherosclerosis plaque rupture or disruption
blood with trhombus formation
what do we see here
foamy macrophages in a fatty streak
what are the three layers pictured here
what is this and where do we see them
we see them in fatty streaks in atherosclerosis
classification of AA dissection
aortic dissection
syphilitic aneurysm
fusiform aneurysm
saccular aneurysm
valvular vegetation that best characterizes the following
lupus- fribrinoid material with hematoxyphil bodies
lupus- undersurfaces of mitral vale
NBTE mitral
Purulent suppurative pericarditis
what is this and what do we see.
myocardial abscess
aortic valve preforation
infective endocarditis
infective endocarditis
mitral valve stenosis
rheumatic mitral valve
acute rheumatc mitral valvulitis
Fibrinous pericarditis
Anitschkow cells
Aschoff nodule
Aschoff nodule- fibrinoid necrosis and inflammatory cells, lymphocytes, histiocytes
erythema marginatum- possible symptom of rhematic fever Jones’
subcutaneous nodule- example of a possible symtpom of rheumativ fever
Floopy valve- alcian blue stain that shows ncreased myxoid material
floopy mitral valve that shows increased myxoid material in the valve with attenuation of the fibrosa
what are the tree layers answer
floopy mitral valve
Ballooning or hooding of the mitral leaflets- floopy mitral valve
BAV calcific stenosis
normal BAV
left ventricular hypetrophy- eccentric
left ventricular hypertrophy- concentric
venous congestion of the liver-nutmeg cells
heart failure cellsthat are hemosidering laden macrophages
pulmonary congestion and edema look at the foamy macrophages
identify the three layers
rheumatoid nodul
constricitive pericarditis with granulomatous infection
constrictive pericarditis
myocardium is scarred, thickened with narrowed vena cava, a small, quiet heart with restricted venous inflow and low diastolic volume in cosntrictive pericarditis.
healed or chronic pericarditis
caseous pericarditis- TB
caseous pericarditis
hemorrhagic pericarditisv
fibrin, bacteria, and acute inflammation- purulent pericarditis
purulent myocardits
fibrin and inflammation on the heart surface for fibrinous pericarditis
fibrinous pericarditis
serous pericarditis
pericardial blood effusion
giant cell myocarditis
Chagas disease aused by a small trypanosoma cruzi organisms fill a pseudocyst in a myocardial fiber
parasetemia can be seen in chagas.
parasitic myocarditis
fungal myocarditis
bacterial myocarditis
bacterial myocarditis in the interventricular septum
epicardial surface of the heart is smooth and glistening, but there are small scattered pinpoint yellowish micro abscesses due to an infectious myocarditis
aids myocarditis
viral myocarditis

t- cell lymphoma

metastatic renal collecting duct carcinoma

metastatic lung adenocarcinoma

metastatic to the heart: metastatic melanoma involving the myocardium resulting in destruction of cardiac myocytes

metastatic lung adenocarcinoma involving the epicardial lymphatics



papillary fibroelastomas

papillary fibroelastomas

papillary fibroelastomas






lymphedema- angiosarcoma




endemic K

classic K

cavernoys hemangiomas
