✅Pathology-INFECTIONS Flashcards
Most common presentation of mumps
Bilateral parotitis
Pathophysio of sterility in mumps
Caused by scars and atrophy of the testis after resolution of viral infection
Large pink to purple intranuclear inclusions found in herpes simplex infections
Cowdry type A bodies
Facial nerve paralysis in varicella
Ramsay hunt syndrome
Inclusions and morphology seen in CMV infection
Owl’s eye inclusions- prominent intranuclear basophilic inclusions surrounded by halo
Which is heterophile positive?
Which congenital infections can cause blueberry muffin baby?
Congenital rubella syndrome
Disemminated neuroblastoma
What is the drug of choice for CMV infection
Atypical lymphocytes found in EBV
Downey cells
What malignancies are associated with EBV?
Burkitt’s lymphoma
Nasopharyngeal CA
Pathology in hidradenitis suppurativa
Apocrine sweat glands
Paronychia is an infection of the
Nail bed
Felon is an infection of the
Scalded skin syndrome is also known as
Ritter disease
Toxin in s.aureus that cause scalded skin syndrome
Moa of exfoliatin in Ritter disease
Exfoliatin cleaves desmoglein in desmosones causing separation of epidermis at the stratum granulosum
Scalded skin syndrome vs TEN
Ritter - epidermis separation at stratum granulosum
TEN - dermis and epidermis
Other name for TEN
Lyell disease
Areas of friction in the axillary and ingunal area seen in scarlet fever
Pastia’s lines
Diffuse edematous neutrophilic inflamattory reaction in the dermis and epid seen in S. pyogenes
Toxin in scarlet fever seen in lysogenized strains
Erythrogenic toxin
Test determining susceptibility to scarlet fever
Dick test
Erysipelas vs malar rash
Erysipelas - painful
Malar rash - spares the nasal fold
Pseudomembranes in corynebacterium are made of
Necrosis of the epithelium with outpouring of a dense fibrinosuppurative exudate
Complications of corynebacterium diphtheriae
Airway obstruction
Typical bacterial meningitis
Listeria monocytogenes
Morphology of listeria
Gram positive
Describe the motility patter of the following:
Proteus mirabilis
Vibrio cholerae
Giardia lamblia
Listeria - tumbling
Proteus mirabilis - swarming
Vibrio cholerae - shooting star
Giardia lamblia - falling leaf
None of the cephalosporins are effective against
Treatment for MRSA
Bacillus anthracis morphology
Large boxcare shaped gram positive extracellular
Fatal complication of bacillus anthracis
Mediastinal hemorrhage
Modified acid fast stain for nocardia
Slender beaded gram positive arranged in braching filaments
Nocardia asteroided
Haze of bacilli entangled with the cilia of bronchial epithelia
Bordetella pertusis
Which virulence factor causes whooping in pertussis infection?
Tracheal cytotoxin
Pattern in necrotizing pneumonia in pseudomas aeruginosa
Fleur de lis pattern
Etiology of hot tub folliculitis
P. Aeruginosa
Etiology of ecthyma gangrenosum
P. aeruginosa
Lymph node enlargement in yersinia pestis
Other plagues caused by yersinia pestis
Bubonic plague
Pneumonic plague
Septicemic plague
Painful genital ulcer
Etiology of chancroid cells
Haemophilus ducreyi
Beefy red ulcer with Pseudobuboes
Klebsiella granulomatis
Stain and findings for klebsiella granulomatis
Donovan bodies in warthin starry stain
Subpleural granuloma
Ghon’s focus
Supleural granuloma + lymph node
Gohn’s complex
Radiologically detectable calcifiction in TB
Ranke’s complex
Focus found in apices in reactivation TB
Simon’s focus
Most common site of intestinal tb
Abundant acid fast bacilli within macrophages in patients with AIDS CD4
M. avium
Drives macrophages to contain TB in competent people
Gamma interferon
Mycobacterium leprae subtypes
Tuberculoid leprae
Lepromatous leprosy
Paucibacillary type of M. Leprae
Large aggregates of lipid laden macrophages in lepronatous leprosy
Lepra cells
Masses of acid fast bacilli in lepromatous leprae
Most common nerve involvement in lepromatous leprosy
Ulnar and peroneal nerves
Primary stage of syphilis
Multinucleate giant cells found in measles
Warthin-finkledey cells
Secondary stage of syphilis
Palmar rash
Condyloma latum
Tertiary syphilis
Tabes dorsalis in syphillis is what stage?
Condyloma acuminata
HPV infection
Condyloma lata is found in
Syphilis (2nd stage)
Signs of congenital syphilis
Pneumonia alba
Hutchinson’s teeth
Pale and airless lung in congenital syphilis
Pneumonia alba
What is hutchinson’s teeth?
Small incisors shaped like a screwdriver or peg often with notches in enamel
Relapsing fever
Borrelia recurrentis
Clinical findings in borrelia recurrentis
Moderate splenomegaly
Lyme disease
Borrelia burgdorferi
Acrodermatitis atrophicans is found in
3rd stage of lyme disease
CNS symptoms are found in what stage of lyme disease
2nd stage
Characterized by foul odor, gas bubbles, wide tissue destruction
Clostridum cellulitis
Clostridium perfringens
Irregularly shaped foci of necrosis in lymphogranuloma venereum
Stellate abscess
Chlamydia trachomatis are easy to gram stain and culture. T or F.
Basic pathophysiology in rickettsia
2 ricketssial diseases
Rocky mountain spotted fever
Focal microglial proliferations with an infiltrate of mixed T lymohocytes and macrophages in typhus fever
Typhus nodules
Hemmorhagic rash
Thrombosis of small blood vessels
Brain infarcts
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
Rocky mountain spotted fever
Morphology of cryptococcus neoformans
Thick gelatinous capsile and soap bubble lesions
Pathophysio of soap bubble lesions in cryptococcus neoformans
Yeasts grow in the meninges or expand the perivascular Virchow-Robin spaces
Acute angle of branching filaments
Aspergillus fumigatus
_____ lesions are seen in invasive aspergillosis
Target lesions
Right angle branching of filaments
Morphology of mucormycosis
Nonseptate, irregularly wide fungal hyphae with frequent RIGHT Angle branching
Systemic mycose
Spherules in endospores
Coccidiodes immitis
Systemic mycoses
Intracellular yeasts
Histoplasma capsulatum
Systemic mycosis
Board based bud
Blastomyces dermatitidis
Systemic mycoses
Mariner’s wheel
Paracoccidiodes brasilensis
In malaria hepatosplenomegaly, black or gray parenchyma is due to
Granulomas in cerebral malaria
Durck granulomas
Which microscopic dots are seen in the ff malarial species?
Vivax - schuffner’s dots
Ovale - schuffner’s dots
Malariae - ziemann’s dots
Falciparum- maurer’s dots
What is the drug of choice for radical cure of benign tertian malaria?
Maltese cross pattern
Babesia microti
Black skin pigmentation in leishmaniasis
T. Brucei
African sleeping sickness
Plasma cells containing cytoplasmic globules filled with Ig in african sleeping sickness
Mott cells
What characteristic sign of chagas disease is associated with unilateral periorbital edema
Romaña’s sign
Other than myocarditis, what other expected complications in Chagas disease?
Rupture of hydatid cysts may lead to
Parasite that encysts in striated muscle
Trichinella spiralis
The coiled larvae of trichinella spiralis is surrounded by menbrane bound vacuoles within
Nurse cells
Only carcinogenic parasite
What CA?
Schistosoma haematobium
SCCA of the bladder
Pattern of fibrosis in severe schistosomiasis
Pipe stem fibrosis
Characteristic lesions in mild schistosomiasis
White pinhead sized granulomas scattered throughout the gut and liver from regurgitated heme pigments
Dead microfilariae surrounded by stellate hyaline eosinophilic precipitates embedded in small epitheloid granulomas
Meyers kouvenaar bodies
Drug of choice for river blindness?
River blindness is caused by
Onchocerca volvulus
What complications may arise during initiation of treatment due to lysis of onchocercal worms?
Mazzoti reaction