Patellofemoral Pain CPG Flashcards
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Diagnosis
A level: use reproduction of pain with squatting and other functional activities that load the PFJ: stairs
B level: 1 retro or peripatellar pain. 2 pain with squating, stairs, sitting, flexed PFJ. 3 exclusion of all other conditions
C level: patellar tilt test
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Classificiation
Expert opinion
- Overuse/overload: hx of load increase
- Muscle performance deficits: weak hip and quad
- Movement coordination deficits: poorly controled knee valgus during dynamic tasks
- Mobility impairments: hypermobility of foot, flecibility deficit of hamstring, quad, gastroc, soleus, lat retinaculum, ITB
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Exam: Outcome measures: activity limitations/self-report measures
A level Anterior knee pain scale (AKPS) Knee injury and OA outcome score - PF (KOOS-PF) Visual analog scale (VAS) Eng and Pierrynowski Questionnaire (EPQ)
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Exam: activity limitations/physical performance measures
B level
Tests that reproduce pain and assess coordination:
squatting, step downs, single leg squats
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Exam: activity limitations/physical impairment measures
C level Measure of patellar provocation patellar mobility foot position hip and thigh muscle strength muscle length
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: specific modes of exercise therapy
A level
hip (post-lat) and knee targeted exercises
WB and NWB
early stage preference for hip targeted
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: Patellar taping
B level
Tailored patellar taping combined with exercise.
Short term - 4 wks
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Intervention: patellofemoral knee orthoses - bracing
B level
AGAINST bracing
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: Foot orthoses
A level
prefab foot orthotics for greater than normal pronation for 6 wks, combined with exercise
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Internvetions: Biofeedback
B level: don’t use EMG biofeedback for VMO actication
B level: don’t use visual feedback on LE alignment during kin and knee targeted exercises
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interverntions: Running gait retraining
C level: forefoot strike, increase cadence, reduce peak hip add
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: BFR training plus high rep knee targeted exercise therapy
F level: can use BFR plus high rep knee exercises for those with painful resisted knee extension
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: Needling
A level: don’t use dry needling
C level: could use acupuncture to decrease pain
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: manual as a stand alone
A level: don’t use manual as a stand alone tx
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: Pt ed
F level: you can give specific pt ed on load management, BW management when appropriate, importance of adherence to active tx like exercise, biomechanics, evidence for tx options
Patellofemoral Pain CPG: Interventions: combined interventions
A level: should combine PT interventions