Clinical Prediction Rules - Diagnosis Flashcards
Anterior Shoulder Instability
Anterior Drawer
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Berlin Criteria)
Morning stiffness >30min
Improvement in back pain with exercise but not with rest
Awakening because of back pain during the second half of the night only
Alternating buttock pain
Ankylosing Spondylitis (IBP Criteria)
Age at onset <40 Insidious onset Improvement with exercise No improvement with rest Pain at night with improvement on getting up
Canadian Cervical Spine Rules (Indicating radiographs)
High risk factor: 1. age >65 2. Dangerous MOI 3. Paresthesias in extremities Low risk factor: 1. simple rear-end MVA 2. normal sitting posture in ER 3. Ambulatory at any time since injury 4. Delayed onset of neck pain and absence of midline tenderness
1 high or don’t meet low -> imaging
meet all low then check c/s rot
Unable to rotate >45 deg B -> imaging
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
shaking hands for symptom relief wrist-ratio index >.67 symptom severity scale score > 1.9 Reduced median sensory field of digit 1 Age >45
Cervical Myelopathy
Gait deviation Positive hoffmanns test positive inverted supinator sign positive babinski test Age >45
Cervical Radiculopathy
Positive ULTT A
Involved cervical rot <60deg
Positive distraction test
Positive spurling’s A
Closed Cervical Fractures
Age <55 yo Single (marital status) Condition involved trauma Acute condition Condition involved ER visit
Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Active cancer
- Immobilization of LEs
- bedridden x 3 days, major surgery in prior 12 wks
- Local tenderness
- entire leg swollen
- calf swelling >3cm, measured 10cm below tib tub
- Pitting edema
- Collateral superficial veins
- Prior DVT
- Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT -2
One for each except last is -2
>3 = high probability
Hip OA
Squatting as aggravating factor \+ Scour test for groin or lateral hip pain Active hip flex causing lat hip pain Passive IR <25 deg Active hip ext = pain
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Bilateral symptoms Leg pain > back pain Pain during walking/standing Pain relief with sitting >48 yo
MCL Pathology
Trauma by external force to leg
rotational trauma
pain with valgus stress test at 30deg
laxity with valgus stress test at 30deg
Meniscal Pathology
History of catching or locking reported Joint line tenderness Pain with force hyperextension (modified bounce home test) Pain with max passive flexion Pain or audible click with McMurray
Ottawa Ankle Rules
Pain in malleolar or midfoot area and either:
1. inability to bear weight immediately after injury and in the ED (take 4 steps)
2. Bone tenderness at post edge of tib or fib or tip of med./lat malleolus
3. Bone tenderness at navicular or proximal base of 5th met
Ottawa Knee Rules
age >55
Fib head TTP
Isolated tenderness of patealla with palpation
Inability to flex knee to 90
Inability to WB immediately and upon ER eval
Higher specificity vs PKR
Pittsburgh Knee Rules
Blunt trauma or a fall as MOI, PLUS:
1. age >50 or <12
2. Inability to walk 4 WB steps in ED
Sensitivity = to OKR
Pulmonary Embolism
- Age >65. +1
- Prior DVT or PE. +3
- Surgery/fx w/in 1 mo. +2
- Active malignant condition. +2
- Uni LE pain. +3
- Haemoptysis. +2
- HR 75-94bmp. +3
- HR 95+ BMP. +5
- Pain with deep palpation of LE and unilateral edema. +4
High >10
Med 4-10
Low <4
Rotator cuff Pathology
Painful Arc Sign
Drop-arm Sign
Infraspinatus MMT
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
3 of the following: SI distraction SI compression Thigh Thrust test Gaenslen's test Sacral Thrust (laslett) FABER/Patricks sign (van der Wurff)
subacromial Impingement
Positive Hawkins Kennedy Test
Painful Arc Sign
Infraspinatus MMT
Vertebral compression Fracture
Age >52 No presence of leg pain BMI <22 Does not exercise regularly Female
RTC full thickness tear
night pain
ER weakness
Cervicogenic HA
Reduced c/s extension ROM
Painful upper cervical joint dysfunction
Positive craniocervical flexion test (decreased cervical muscle function/control)
SLAP cluster
Anterior apprehension
OBriens test
Speeds/yergesons/bicep load II
Sensitivity: 75%
Specificty: 90%