Ankle Sprain CPG: 2021 update Flashcards
Ankle Sprain CPG: how to ID clinical course - acute lateral ankle sprain
B: include: age, BMI, pain coping strategies, report of instability, hx, ability to WB, pain with WB, ankl DF ROM, medial jt line tendenrness, balance, jump and land
in IE
Ankle Sprain CPG: how to ID clinical course - chronic ankle instability
C: include: prior tx, number of sprains, pain level, self report of function. assessment of: sensorimotor movement of foot/ankle/knee/hip during dynamic postural contorl and funcitonal movements.
Ankle Sprain CPG: diagnosis for acute lateral ankle sprain
B: use: reverse anterolateral drawer, anterolateral talar palpation, anterior drawer. plus history and physical exam
Ankle Sprain CPG: diagnosis for chronic ankle instability
B: Cumberland ankle instability tool, plus functional perofmrance tests
Ankle Sprain CPG: Outcome measures
C: Pain Self Efficacy Questionnair in acute LAS
Ankle Sprain CPG: Exam - physical impairment measures
A: ankle swelling, ROM, talar translation, talar inversion, single leg balance. DF ROM with WB lunge test, static single leg balance on firm surface with EC, dynamic balance with star excursion balance test
C: CAI: hip abd, ext, ER strength
Ankle Sprain CPG: Exam: activity limitation/physical performance measures
B: measures of single limb hopping
Ankle Sprain CPG: Interventions: primary prevention for first time lateral ankle sprain
A: use of prophylactic brace to decrease risk of first time LAS if they have risk factors
C: use of balance exercises for those who have not had LAS
Ankle Sprain CPG: secondary prevention of recurrent lateral ankle sprains following initial sprain
A: prophylactic bracing, proprioceptive and balance focused therex.
Ankle Sprain CPG: interventions - acute and postacute LAS - protection and optimal loading
A: use external supports (brace or taping) and progressive WBing.
A: severe injuries: immobilization for up to 10days post injury
Ankle Sprain CPG: Interventions: acute and postacute lateral ankle sprains: therex
A: therex with AROM, stretching, NMR, postural ed, balance training. In clinic and as HEP
D: conflicting: use individuals specific learning needs and access for giving HEP instructions
Ankle Sprain CPG: interventions: acute and postacute LAS: occupational and sports related training
B: RTW/S schedule and use brace early in rehab/training
Ankle Sprain CPG: interventions, acute LAS: manual therapy
A: lymphatic drainage, active and passive STM and jt mobs, AP talar mobs within pain free movement. PLUS therex.
reduce swelling, improve pain free ankle ROM, normalize gait.
Ankle Sprain CPG: interventions: acute and postacute LAS: acupuncture
D: conflicting evidence
Ankle Sprain CPG: interventions: acute and postacute LAS: physical agents
A: ultrasound: DO NOT USE C: cryotherapy, can use it C: diathermy: can use it C: low level laser: can use it D: electrotherapy: conflicting evidence
Ankle Sprain CPG: interventions: acute and postacute LAS: NSAIDS
C: can prescribe if practice act allows
Ankle Sprain CPG: intervention: CAI: external support
B: should NOT use braces/taping as stand alone intervention
Ankle Sprain CPG: intervention CAI: therex and theract
A: proprioceptive and NMR exercise to improve dynamic postural stability
Ankle Sprain CPG: interventions: CAI: manual therapy
A: graded jt mobs, manips, NWB and WB MWM. improve WB ankle DF and dynmaic balance in short term
Ankle Sprain CPG: intervention CAI: dry needling
C: could use it to fibularis muscle group in conjunction with proprioceptive training program
Ankle Sprain CPG: internvention: CAI: combined treatments
B: use multiple interventions for balance training, combine exercise and manual
Ankle Sprain CPG: intervention to address psychological factors during course of rehab
E: psychologically informed techniques: motivational interviewing, to maximize pt self efficacy and address uncomplicated psychological correlates and mediators of injury.
Risk factors: acute LAS
female sex, hip abd and ext weakness, poor performance on balance and hopping tests, court sports
Risk Factors: CAI
not using prophylactic bracing, not participating in exercise-balance program, poor functional performance after LAS, participating in sports, higher BMI