Achilles Pain, Stiffness, and Muscle Power Deficits: Midportion Achilles Tendionpathy CPG Flashcards
Achilles CPG: Diagnosis/Classification
C level:
- arc sign
- royal london hospital test
- pain located 2-6cm proximal to achilles tendon insertion that began gradually
- pain with palpation of midportion of tendon
Achilles CPG: Exam: outcome measures: activity limitations/self-reported measures
A level:
- VISA-A for pain and stiffness
- FAAM for activity and participation
- LEFS for activity and participation
Achilles CPG: Exam: activity limitations/physical performance measures
B level: hop and heel raise endurance tests
Achilles CPG: Exam: physical impairment measures
B level: ankle DF ROM, subtalar jt ROM, PF strength and endurance, static arch height, forefoot alignment, pain with palpation.
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Exercise
A level: mechanical loading in form of eccentric exercise, heavy-load slow speed (concentric and eccentric) program
F level: exercise at least 2x/wk within pain tolerance
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Stretching
C level: stretch and PFs with knee flexed and extended to dec pain and improve outcome satisfaction if they have limited ankle DF
Achilles CPG: Interventions: NMR
F level: use NMR to target LE impairments
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Manual therapy
F level: consider jt mobs to improve mobility and function, and STM to increase ROM.
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Pt ed: activity modifications
B level: nonacute, complete rest is NOT indicated, should continue with recreational activity within pain tolerance while participating in rehab.
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Pt counseling
E level:
- theories supporting use of PT and role of mechanical loading
- Modifiable risk factors including BMI and shoewear
- Typical time course for recovery
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Heel lifts
D level: contradictory evidence, no recommendation
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Night splints
C level: should NOT use night splints
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Orthoses
D level: contradictory evidencem no recommendation
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Taping
F level: should NOT use therapeutic elastic tape to reduce pain or improve functional performance
F level: may use rigid taping to dec strain on achilles tendon or to alter foot posture
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Low level laser therapy
D level: contradictory evidence, no recommendations
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Iontophoresis
B level: should use iontophoresis with dexamethasone to decrease pain and improve function
Achilles CPG: Interventions: Dry needling
F level: may use dry needling combined with injection under US guidance, and eccentric exercise for pts with symptoms >3mo and increased tendon thickness