Ankle and Foot Flashcards
Sever’s Disease
calcaneal apophysitis
kids 7-14
Iselin’s disease
apophysitis of tuberosity of 5th met - peroneus brevis tendon insertion site.
boys <14, girls <11
Freiberg’s disease
osteonecrosis of metatarsal head - commonly 2nd and 3rd
athletic adolescent females
Kohler’s disease
osteochondroses of tarsal navicular.
5-9yo, male
Anterior drawer test (ankle)
anterior fibular ligament
Inversion stress test (ankle)
calcaneofibular ligament
Maisonneuve Fracture
fracture of proximal fibula - associated with syndesmosis injury
Squeeze Test (ankle)
test for syndesmosis sprain: compress fib and tib at mid calf
External rotation test (ankle)
syndesmosis sprain: stabilize leg prox to ankle jt, ER foot
Syndesmosis vs regular sprain
Lack of swelling with eversion or hyperDF mechanism
Tenderness at distal tib/fib jt
Exam finding for avulsion of peroneal brevis tendon
TTP base of 5th met
exam finding for osteochondral talar dome lesion
pain and effusion along talocrural jt line
Nylon filament loss of protective sensation
can’t feel 10 gram = loss of protective sensation
Hammer toe
Flexion deformity PIP
no deformity of DIP or MTP
Mallet Toe
Flexion deformity DIP
no deformity MTP or PIP
Lateral compartment
support foot, abduct forefoot
Fibularis longus and brevis
Deep posterior compartment
supinate subtalar joint
FHL, FDL, tib post
Anterior compartment
tib ant, fib tertius, EDL, EHL
Foot Posture Index components
- Talar head poistion
- supralateral and infralateral malleolar curvature
- Calcaneal frontal plane position
- Prominence of talonavicular joint
- Congruence of medial longitudinal arch
- Abd and add of forefoot on rearfoot
FPI cutoffs
0 = neutral
+2 = pronated
-2 = supinated
cutoff +/- 10
Deltoid ligament
superficial: -tibionavicular lig -tibiospring -tibiocalc -superficial post tibiotalar Deep: -ant tibiotalar (ATTL) -deep post tibiotalar (DPTTL)
Lateral ankle ligaments
Anterior talofibular lig (ATFL) PF calcaneofibular lig (CFL) DF Posterior talofib (PTFL)
Critical Foot Fractures
- ant tib
- navicular
- med mal
- 5th met
- sesamoids