Pastoral Peoples on the Global Stage (1200 C.E. -> 1500 C.E.) Flashcards
How long ago was the revolution of domestication?
11,500 years ago.
How were the settlements of Pastoralists different from that of Agriculturalists?
Pastoralists couldn’t produce food at the same speed as Agriculturalists, so they had smaller and more spread-out societies.
How was the life of Pastoral women different from that of Agriculturalist women?
They had more freedoms and were more involved in public labor.
What is Fictive Kinship (Bond)?
A bond that designated allies as blood relatives and treating them with that level of respect.
Why was constructing a large pastoral society difficult?
They lacked the money to pay for things like professional armies and not much food was produced quickly.
Why were the pastoralist Mongols so powerful?
They were very skilled at archery and horseback riding.
What peoples spread Islam to the area of China and Mongolia?
The nomadic Turks.
What are the Kaghan and the Wolves?
In Turkic society, the Kaghan was a ruler and the Wolves were a loyal corps of soldiers.
What is a Sultan?
Turkic Muslim rulers.
Who were the Masai?
A converted Muslim people that lived in East Africa.
How far did the Mongol Empire stretch at its strongest?
From the Pacific coast to Eastern Europe.
What is a Dowry?
Also known as a bride price, this is a payment that gives women some economic security.
What is Chivalry?
A medieval European practice that encouraged proper conduct towards women.
What is Sati?
The burning of widowed Hindu women.
What are Shamans?
Religious specialists who are said to be able to communicate with the spirit world.
Who is Tengri (Mongol)?
The supreme sky god of the Mongols.
Who is Temujin (Mongol)?
The Mongol later named Chinggis Khan; this name means universal ruler.
Why is it pathetic that old China was taken over by the Mongols?
The Chinese outnumbered the Mongols 100:1 and had far more resources.
What made Chinggis Khan a beloved leader?
He endured the same hardships as his troops and was very noble and kind.
How was Mongol brutality an asset for them?
Many were scared of what could happen based on other battles and surrendered before fighting back against the Mongols.
How much of Europe’s population was believed to have been lost due to the plague?
About 50%+.
Where was sugar first extracted?
From the sugarcane plant in New Guinea at around 8,000 B.C.
What is the Medieval Climatic Optimum?
A global warming trend that started between 800 and 1300 A.D.