Commerce and Culture (500 C.E. -> 1500 C.E.) Flashcards
What is the Hundred Years’ War?
A long war between France and England over land (1337-1453).
What is the Holy Inquisition?
A special group of Christian churches that sought out to punish religious non-conformers.
Why did many ancient peoples dislike merchants?
They made so much money without producing anything themselves.
What was the worst thing that spread on the Silk Road?
What is the Silk Road?
A 4,000 mile long road that connected China to many other Asian countries.
What were some of the most desired products from Asia?
Silk, bamboo, glass, gunpowder, paper, copper items, medicine, precious stones, and more.
Why is the Silk Road so important?
It spread many products which made a huge economic system, and many ideas were exchanged.
What was an upside for workers that all of the trade caused?
Demand greatly rose for many things, so workers could get higher wages and better terms.
What other large trade network arose in Asia?
The making of the Sea Roads in the Indian Ocean.
Why were the Sea Roads more efficient in trade?
In boats, you could carry more and go farther faster.
What is the Theme System?
A system where soldiers were given frontier land for their services.
What is the Ideal of Christendom?
The belief that the Pope should have the most power.
What are the Crusades?
A series of four holy wars for control over Jerusalem.
What new metal was worked on in the Middle Ages?
Who are the Berbers?
Nomadic camel herders from the Middle East.
What are Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Hard?
Dar al-Islam means “house of peace” and Dar al-Harb means “house of war.”
What was South African civilization like in the early Middle Ages?
It was very urban and all states were politically independent.
What were the most popular things traded from Africa?
Gold, Salt, and Slaves were the main ones.
How did African rulers get rich off of trade?
They taxed merchants a lot.
Who are Pochetca?
American trading merchants who undertook enormous trading expeditions.
What is a Tributary System?
A system where other states had to pay at intervals to avoid punishment.
What is the Black Death?
An enormous plague that killed almost half of Europe’s population.
What is Bushido?
“The way of the warrior” in Japan.
Who were the Normans?
Viking descendants who went on to conquer England.
What is the Spain anti-Muslim Reconquista?
An event in Spain where all Muslims were evicted. It is sometimes referred to as a kind of crusade.
What is Pax Mongolica?
The time of the peak of Mongol power.
What happened to the Mongol lands in 1260?
One of the Mongol rulers died and the lands split into four large units which ruled themselves and changed on their own. Some adopted different religions such as Islam and some gained/lost land.