China and the World; East Asian Connections (500 C.E. -> 1300 C.E.) Flashcards
What large religious change occurred in China?
People started to follow Daoism and Buddhism much more instead of Confucianism.
What conquest greatly expanded China’s population?
The conquest south at the area of the Yangzi River.
When was the “Golden Age” of China?
618 B.C. to 1279 B.C.
What are the Six Major Chinese Ministries?
Personnel, Finance, Rites, Army, Justice, and Public Works.
How did Women’s rights change during the “Golden Age?”
Women generally had more freedom but were forced into several jobs and new traditions such as foot binding.
What is Chinese Foot Binding?
A procedure where a girl’s feet are wrapped extremely tightly, which deforms them into small wierd shapes.
Why were several new traditions made in China during the Golden Age time?
European ideas spread to the Chinese and some ways were changed.
What is the Chinese Tribute System?
A system where other cultures were forced to admit that China was superior in exchange for borrowing some of their traditions.
How did China’s neighbors react to the Tribute System?
Most of them actually accepted and followed it.
What did some neighbors do to China?
They actually gave them large “gifts,” such as helping them fend off barbarians.
What is the pre-Columbian Era?
The period before 1492 in America.
What were the two most famous American native groups?
The Anasazi and the Mound-Builders.
What were the four most famous Mexican and South American native groups?
The Aztecs, Toltecs, Moche, and the Incas.
How was Korean and Vietnamese culture formed?
Through heavy Chinese influence.
What was interesting about Japan’s borrowing of Chinese culture?
The borrowed voluntarily, as China never posed a military threat to them.
What outside religion replaced the Japanese Shinto?
What was old Japanese religion like?
They believed in religion where there were numerous kami (gods) for pretty much everything in the world.
What is the Tale of Genji?
A book written by Murasaki Shikibu at around the year 1,000. It talks about court life.
What was gender equality like in Japan?
Women had much more freedom and didn’t do things like foot binding.
What were China’s two most important inventions?
Printing and modern paper-making.
What important navigational invention did China create?
The magnetic compass.
What was the most important thing that China got from India?
How did Buddhism enter China?
Through the Silk Road.