Passmedicine/Pastest Flashcards
blue lines on gums
Burtons line - lead poisoning
blood product most likely to cause a gram negative infection
blood product most likely to cause a gram positive infection
red cells
genetic change in burkitts lymphoma
diagnostic test for hereditary spherocytosis
osmotic fragility test
mode of inheritance G6PD deficiency
x linked
mode of inheritance of hereditary spherocytosis
autosomal dominant
starry sky appearance on lymph node biopsy
burkitts lymphoma
Hb threshold for transfusion
blood product given for the reversal of warfarin in severe bleeding e.g after RTA
prothrombin complex concentrate
what is the most common hereditary thrombophilia
factor V leidan
what is factor V leidan
activated protein C resistance
transmission of which type of infection is most likely with platelets trasfusion
score for DVT
which type of hodgkins lymphoma has the worst prognosis
lymphocytic deplete
mirror image nuclei
reedsternberg cells - hodgkins
ecg changes after red cell transfusion
likely hyperkalaemia
what symptoms indicate poor prognosis in lymphoma
b symptoms eg nigh sweats weight loss
tear drop poikilocytes
leukoerythroblastic picture
what can be given in VWF deficiency to reduce bleeding in surgery etc
howell joly bodies
hyposplenism e.g. sickle cell disease
what should always be prescribe if two or more units of blood are to be given
furosemide - as red cells can cause fluid overload
hodgkiins lymphoma best prognosis
lymphocyte predominant
what is the major constituent of cryoprecipiatate
factor VIII
contraindication to platelet transfusion
TTP - treat with steroids instead
platelet transfusion threshhold
10 x 10 (9) if not actively bleeding
platelets in alcoholic liver disease
crab features of myelome
C hypercalcaemia
R raised ESR/renal failure
A naemia
B bence jones proteins/ bone pain/lytic lessions/fractures
what can be given in active bleeding in someone with von willebrand
desmopressin as ADH stimulates VWF production
smear cells
what do spherocytes inicate
indicates extravascular haemolysis
why are irradiated blood products used
to minimise risk of graft versus host as this is caused by reducing t lymphocytes in the blood product
indications for irradiated products
Granulocyte transfusions
Intra-uterine transfusions
Neonates up to 28 days post expected date of delivery
Bone marrow / stem cell transplants
Immunocompromised (e.g. chemotherapy or congenital)
Patients with/previous Hodgkins Disease
indications for CMV free products
Granulocyte transfusions
Intra-uterine transfusions
Neonates up to 28 days post expected date of delivery
Pregnancy: Elective transfusions during pregnancy (not during labour or delivery)
what is post thrombotic syndrome
chronic venous hypertension painful, heavy calves pruritus swelling varicose veins venous ulceration
treatmnet/prophylaxis of post thrombotic syndrome
compression stockings