Part 9 Flashcards
What are FBA strategic approaches?
altering antecedents (SDs and MOs), altering consequence variables, teaching alternative behaviors
What is determinism?
behaviors are lawfully related to other events in the environment
What are default technologies?
increasingly intrusive, coercive, or punishment-based interventions used when others fail
What are FBA methods?
functional analysis, descriptive functional behavior assessment, indirect functional assessment
What is a functional analysis?
antecedents/consequences are arranged in analogs with (typically) 4 conditions: play (control), demand, escape, attention; results may be undifferentiated
What are disadvantages of a functional analysis?
assessment process may strengthen/weaken behaviors; may seem counterintuitive to evoke behaviors; some behaviors may not be amenable to FA; contrived settings may miss functions present in natural environment; time, effort, and professional expertise required to conduct FA and interpret results
What is a descriptive FBA?
observation under natural conditions; correlation between behaviors and environmental events may indicate function
What are 3 variations of descriptive FBAs?
ABC continuous recording, ABC narrative recording, scatterplots
What is ABC continuous recording?
all relevant antecedents and behaviors are recorded
What are advantages of ABC continuous recording?
use of precise measures; conducted in natural environment which should give useful information for a subsequent FA
What are disadvantages of ABC continuous recording?
correlations may not be apparent; conditional probabilities may need to be calculated, and these can be misleading
What is ABC narrative recording?
data collected only when target behavior occurs; recording is open-ended with only relevant events recorded
What is the advantage of ABC narrative recording?
less time-consuming than ABC continuous
What are disadvantages of ABC narrative recording?
may identify functional relations that do not exist; concerns in recording accuracy as it may become subjective
What are scatterplots?
data split into segments, record lots/some/no behavior for each and compare over course of days