Part 11 Flashcards
How is a contingency contract developed?
1) hold a meeting
2) fill out list A
3) fill out list B
4) fill out list C
5) write contracts
What is a contingency/behavioral contract and its components?
document specifying contingent relationship between completion of certain behaviors and access to a specified reward; task (who/what/when/how well), reward (who judges completion/what/when/how much), and task record, rewards not reinforcers due to delay
What is a token economy?
behavior change system with specified target behaviors, tokens/points for emitting behaviors, and a menu of backup reinforcers to be exchanged for tokens
What is a level system?
token economy where individuals move up/down hierarchy of levels contingent on meeting specific target performance criteria
How are token economies designed?
select tokens; identify target behaviors and rules; select backup reinforcer menu; establish exchange ratio; write procedures specifying what happens if the token requirements are not met; field test
How are token economies implemented?
initial token training; ongoing token training; management issues during implementation; withdrawal of token economy
Why are token economies effective?
bridge time gap between behavior and ultimate reinforcer; bridge setting gap between behavior and reinforcer; motivation is less critical
What are considerations for using a token economy?
intrusive, self-perpetuating, cumbersome, federal mandates
What are group contingencies?
a common consequence is contingent on behavior of one group member, part of the group, or everyone in the group
What are advantages and rationale for group contingencies?
saves time; can be used when individual contingencies are impractical; cases when problem must be quickly resolved; capitalize on peer influence/monitoring (peers as change agents); facilitates positive social interactions and positive behavioral supports within the group
What is an independent group contingency?
contingency presented to all group members but reinforcers only delivered to those meeting criterion
What is a dependent group contingency?
reward for whole group depends on behavior of an individual or small group (hero procedure)
What is an interdependent group contingency?
All group members must meet contingency criterion individually or as a group before any individual gets reward; all or nothing arrangement; group averaging; good behavior game and good student game
What are group contingency guidelines?
choose a powerful reward, determine behavior to change and collateral behaviors that might be affected, set appropriate performance criteria, combine with other procedures, select most appropriate group contingency, monitor individual and group performance
What are the components of self-control?
a controlling response and a controlled response