Part 1 Flashcards
Which of the following civilizations was the first to infuse essential oils from leaves, bark, and blossoms of plants for use as perfumes and for purification purposes?
Archaeological studies reveal that haircutting and hairstyling were practices in some form as early as:
The Ice Age
The art and science of beautifying and improving the skin, nails, and hair is:
The first culture to cultivate beauty in an extravagant fashion was:
The Egyptians
In 3000 BC the first recorded use of a hair-coloring agent was the use of:
Hairdressing was an art during the time of the
Middle Ages
During the middle Ages, women wore colored makeup on their
In ancient Rome, hair color was used by women indicate
Class in society
The barber pole has its roots of origin in what profession?
To achieve a look of greater intelligence during the Renaissance, women:
Shaved their eyebrows and hairline
A popular method of adding color to the face during the Victorian Age was to:
Pinch the cheeks to induce natural color
In 1938, Arnold F. Willatt developed a method of permanent waving that used waving lotion with no heat called a:
Cold wave
In 1932, Charles Revson of Revlon marketed the first:
Nail polish
In 1998, Creative Nail Design introduced the first spa:
Pedicure system
To be a successful salon manager, it is important to have:
Ability to manage people
Short-term goals can generally be completed in:
one year
A personal plan that will help you decide what you want out of life is called:
goal setting
Long-term goal are measured in larger sections of time, usually
5 to 10 years
Making a list of tasks to complete from most to least important is called:
The principles of good character are called:
Using discretion means:
not sharing your personal problems with clients and not repeating personal information clients have shared with you
Being tactful means being straightforward but not:
A combination of understanding, empathy, and acceptance is called:
That which propels you to do something is called:
An unhealthy compulsion to do things perfectly is called:
When your personal appearance and conduct are in harmony with the beauty business, you project a:
professional image
One of the most vital aspects of good grooming is carefully maintenance of:
The daily maintenance of cleanliness and healthfulness through certain sanitary practices is:
personal hygiene
Your clothing should always be stylish and:
The inability to cope with a threat, real or imagined, is:
An important aspect of professional image is:
physical presentation
The study of how a workplace can best be designed for comfort, safety, efficiency, and productivity is:
The key to prevent repetitive motion injury is to be aware of:
body posture and movements
Musculoskeletal disorders is a term used to describe:
work-related repetitive injuries
When providing client services, it is important to keep your back:
The ability to understand people is the key to:
operating effectively
You are in a better position to do your job professionally when you:
clearly understand the motive and needs of others
Central to a stylist’s success is:
excellent customer service
The single most important communication tool that should be done prior to any client service is the:
client consultation
A form used to record information on a new client is also known as a:
client questionnaire
Listening to a client and then repeating in your own words what you think the client is telling you is known as:
reflective listening
To reiterate everything to a client during the consultation process means to
repeat in measured, precise terms
If you experience any problems with colleagues, the best way to resolve them is to:
speak with them directly and privately
The individual in the salon that has the most responsibility for how the salon is run in terms of daily maintenance, operations, and client service is the:
salon manager
Communication can be defined as:
the art of effectively sharing information between two or more people
An excellent time to discuss your progress with the salon owner or your employer is during a(n):
employee evaluation
In the event that a situation is beyond your control, the key to handling your reaction is to:
communicate past the issue
In handling a client who is dissatisfied with a service, the ultimate goal is to:
make the client happy
A good customer service practice to develop if you are behind schedule is to:
call to inform your client about the delays
To be successful, it is important for your career to:
participate proactively by communicating your desires and interests
Material Safety Date Sheets (MSDSs) are obtained from:
the product manufacturer
Regulatory agencies and governmental health departments require businesses that serve the public to:
follow prescribed sanitary precautions
Bacteria are very small and can only be seen with the aid of:
a microscope
One-celled microorganisms with both plant and animal characteristics are:
In the human body, nonpathogenic bacteria help metabolize food, protect against infectious microorganisms, and:
stimulate the immune response
Bacteria can exist:
almost anywhere
A small minority of bacteria that cause disease when invading plant or animal tissue are:
A type of pathogenic bacteria that require living matter for growth are:
Pus-forming bacteria arranged in curved lines that resemble a string of beads are:
Cocci are pathogenic bacteria that are:
Bacteria that may cause strep throat or blood poisoning are:
Bacteria that grow in pairs and can cause pneumonia are:
Lyme disease, syphilis, or sexually transmitted diseases(STD) are cause by spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria called:
In humans, pathogenic bacteria are known to produce:
Bacteria that are transmitted through the air are rarely show active motility are:
Bacilli and spirilla bacteria are both motile and use slender, hair like extensions known as:
Harmless bacteria are what type of bacteria?
nonpathogenic bacteria
In 2000, a bacteria called Mycobacterium fortuitum
whirlpool foot spas
Bacteria generally consist of an outer wall containing a liquid called:
The life cycle of bacteria has two distinct phases, the active state and:
inactive or spore-forming stage
The process whereby bacteria grow, reproduce, and divide into two new cells is:
Bacteria that pose little or no risk to a client in a salon setting but are dangerous in the medical setting are:
anthrax and tetanus bacilli
The presence of pus is a sign of a(n)
bacterial infection
When body tissues are invaded by pathogenic bacteria, it is a sign of a(n)
Common human bacteria transferred through skin-to-skin contact or by using unclean implements are:
When a disease spreads from one person to another, it is communicable or:
An infection, indicated by a lesion containing pus, confined to a particular part of the body is a
local infection
When a disease spreads from one person to another by contact, it is
A submicroscopic structure capable of infecting plants and animals including bacteria is a
A virus can live and reproduce only by
penetrating other cells and becoming of them
Hepatitis A, a blood borne virus, is marked by an inflammation of the:
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
An organism that lives on another living organism and draws its nourishment from that organism is a
If nail implements have not been disinfected properly, the client may contract
nail fungus
Disease-causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through the body in the blood or body fluids are
bloodborned pathogens
Transmission of blood borne pathogens can become possible through shaving, nipping, facial treatments, waxing, tweezing or
anytime the skin barrier is broken
A skin disease caused by an infestation of head lice is
The ability of the body to destroy pathogenic bacteria or viruses that have entered the body is
The type of immunity the body develops after overcoming a disease or through vaccinations is
acquired immunity
The surfaces of tools or objects not completely free from dirt, oils and microbes are covered with
The process of removing pathogens and other substances from tools and surfaces is
The three main types of decontamination are
sanitation, disinfection , and sterilization
Decontamination is a process that involves the use of
physical or chemical means to remove or destroy pathogens
Estheticians who use needles and probes that lance the skin must use a level of decontamination called
In the salon setting, disinfection is extremely effective in controlling
microorganisms on non-living surfaces
A higher level of decontamination than sanitation is
An exception to the level of protection that disinfection provides and the possibility of an infection could be present if
the client’s skin is broken
A chemical agent that is used to destroy bacteria and viruses on surfaces is
Disinfectants must have a registration number and be approves by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
A manufacturer must supply pertinent safely and storage information by providing
Material Safety Date Sheets
The agency that enforces safety and health standards in the workplace is
A disinfectant that meets regulatory agency requirements for destroying bacteria, fungi, and viruses is
bacterial, fungicidal, and virucidal
A disinfectant used in salons should be appropriate and have the correct
A salon implement that accidentally comes in contact with blood or body fluids should be cleaned and
completely immersed in an EPA-registered disinfectant
Any item that cannot be disinfected after use on a client must be
discarded quaternary ammonium compounds
Common, very safe, and useful types of disinfectant that contain sophisticated blends that work to disinfect implements in 10 to 15 minutes are
quaternary ammonium compounds
Disinfectant with a high pH that can cause skin irritation or burn the skin or eyes are
phenolic disinfectants
To be effective in the disinfection of implements, ethyl alcohol must be no less than
70 percent sodium hypochlorite
A common household product used effectively as a disinfectant is
mix according to the manufacturer’s exact directions
When mixing a disinfectant solution, add disinfectant to water and
tongs, basket, or gloves
To avoid contaminating implements, remove from a disinfectant solution using
a station drawer
Store a clean, disinfected implement in
with other implements
How often must individual towels and linens be set aside to be laundered?
after use on a client
The contact points of equipment that cannot be immersed in liquid solutions should be cleaned and disinfected using a
regulatory oversight agency approved disinfectant
At the end of the day, the disinfection procedure for a foot spa should include removing and cleaning the screen, washing the screen and inlet with soap and water, and totally immersing the screen in an approved disinfectant according to manufacturer’s directions and
flushing the system with low-sudsing soap and warm water for 10 minutes, rinsing, draining, and letting air-dry
Every week, foot spas should be cleaned following the daily procedure and filled with
a disinfectant solution and left at least 6 to 10 hours, then drained and flushed
Any disposable material used in cleaning blood spills should be
placed in double bags before disposing or places in a container for contaminated waste
The first step in the decontamination process is called
When using liquid soap, scrub your hands and later for at least
20 seconds
The use of bar soap is prohibited in most salons because bar soaps
grow bacteria
Which of these is a danger of using antibacterial soaps?
they may promote the growth of resistant strains
Antiseptics are effective for
sanitizing the hands
The agency that sets the standard for dealing with blood borne pathogens is
Universal precautions require employees to assume that human blood and body fluids are infectious for
bloodborned pathogens
A client that is infected with Hepatitis B or other blood borne pathogens and shows no symptoms or signs of infection is
Cosmetology is primarily restricted to the muscles, nerves, circulatory system and
bones of the head, face, neck, arms, hands, lower legs, and feet
The basic unit of all living things is the
The substance called protoplasm is found in
the cells of all living things
The study of the structures of the human body is
A dense active protoplasm found in the center of the cell is
Most cells reproduce by dividing into two identical cells called
daughter cells
The watery fluid that cells need for growth, reproduction, and self-repair is found in the
The chemical process whereby cells are nourished and carry our their activities is
The chemical process of cell nourishment has two phases which are
anabolism and catabolism
A collection of similar cells that perform a specific function are
A type of tissue that supports, protects, and binds together other tissues of the body is
connective tissue
Tissues that are protective covering on the skin or the lining of the heart and glands are examples of
epithelial tissue
Nerve tissue is composed of special cells known as
The physical foundation of the body is the
skeletal system
The connection between two or more bones is a
The scientific name for the study of the anatomy structure, and function of the bones is
The ankle joint is formed by the tibia, fibula, and the
The oval, bony case that protects the brain is the
The hindmost bone of the skull, below the parietal bone, which forms the back the skull above the nape is the
occipital bone
The bones of the face are involved in
facial massage
The system of them body that covers, shapes, and supports the skeleton tissue is the
muscular system
The medical term used to describe the study, function, and diseases of the muscles is
The two bones that form the upper jaw are
maxillae bones
The two bones that form the sides and crown (top) of the cranium are the
parietal bones
The uppermost and largest bone of the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder, is the
The foot is made up of______ bones.
The_______is a heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee.
Muscles are fibrous tissues classified as three types, which are
striated, nonstriated, and cardiac
Skeletal muscles attached to bone that are voluntary or controlled at will are
striated muscle
The part of the muscle that does not move is the
Pressure applied to a muscle during a massage is usually directed from the
insertion to the origin
The broad muscle that covers the top of the head is the
The front portion of the epicranius that raises the eyebrows draws the scalp forward and causes wrinkles across the forehead is the
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is the muscle of the neck that is responsible for
lowering and rotating the head
The ring muscle of the eye socket that enables the eyes to close is the
orbicularis oculi
A muscle covering the back of the neck and the upper and middle region of the back that rotates and controls the swinging of the arms is the
Muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, and fingers to form a straight line are the
The muscles at the base of the fingers that draw fingers together are the
the gastronemius muscle is located in the
lower leg
The scientific study of the structure, function , and pathology of the nervous system is
Every square inch of the body is supplies with fine fibers known as
The nervous system that controls the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves is the
central nervous system
The system of nerves that carries impulses or messages to and from the central nervous system is the
peripheral nervous system
The portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain, extends down the lower extremity of the trunk, and is protected is the
spinal cord
The largest and most complex nerve tissue is the body is the
Whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue are
Sensory nerve endings that are located close to the surface of the skin are
Nerves that carry impulses from the brain to the muscles and produce movement are
motor nerves
The largest of the cranial nerves, also known as the trifacial nerve or the trigeminal nerve, is the
fifth cranial nerve
The chief motor nerve of the face that emerges near the lower part of the ear and extends to the muscles of the neck is the
seventh cranial nerve
The nerve and branches that supply the thumb side of the arm and back of the hand is the
radial nerve
The anterior tibial nerve extends to the front of the leg, behind the muscles, and is also referred to as
deep peroneal nerve
The system that controls the steady circulation of blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels is the
circulatory system
The system that involves the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins is the
blood vascular system
A clear yellowish fluid that circulates in the lymphatic’s of the body and carries waste and impurities away from the cells is
The upper thin-walled chambers of the heart are the
left and right atria
The blood circulatory system that sends blood from the heart to the lungs to be purifies is the
pulmonary circulation blood vessels
Tube like structures that include arteries, capillaries, and veins are
A thin-walled blood vessel that is less elastic than an artery is a
The largest artery in the human body is the
disease-causing microorganisms
White blood cells perform the important function of destroying
external carotid artery
The artery that supplies blood to the anterior (front) part of the scalp, ear, face, neck, and side of the head is the
ulnar and radial arteries
The main blood supply of the arms and hands are the
radial artery
Which of the following is NOT an artery that supplies blood to the lower leg or foot?
Endocrine glands release a secretion called The integumentry system is made up of the skin and accessory organs such as
oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair, and nails
The medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin, its functions, diseases, and treatment is
The largest living organ of the body is the
Healthy skin is slightly moist, soft, and flexible with a texture that is
smooth and fine-grained
Continued pressure on any part of the skin can cause it to thicken and develop a
Appendages of the skin include, hair, nails, and
swear and oil glands
The skin structures is generally thinnest on the
The skin on the scalp has larger and deeper
hair follicles
The outermost layer of the skin is also called the
epidermis later
The epidermis layer of the skin does not contain
blood vessels
The stratum germinativum is the deepest layer of the epidermis and is responsible for
growth of the epidermis