Parotid and Temporal Regions, Infratemporal Fossa, and TMJ Flashcards
Where do most salivary gland tumors occur?
The Parotid Glands
Why might one avoid performing a parotidectomy on a salivary gland tumor?
Because of the potential harm to the plexus of VII.
How is a parotidectomy performed?
A superficial portion of the gland is removed, the plexus of nerves is identified and retracted, then continued removal.
Example of a disease that may cause a parotid infection.
Mumps, an acute communicable viral disease, can come via the bloodstream.
What is parotiditis?
Inflammation of the parotid gland.
Why does parotiditis cause pain?
The parotid sheath limits swelling
Aside from the parotid gland, what other local structure may mumps infect? How can you tell?
The parotid duct. Can cause reddness of the parotid papilla, where the duct enters the mouth. (Distinguishes it from a toothache)
Symptoms of Parotid gland disease?
Pain in the auricle/external meatus, temporal region, and TMJ because the auriculotemporal and great auricular are also providing sensory to these regions.
What is an abscess of the parotid? Causes?
Pus forming infection of the parotid. Caused by extremely poor dental hygiene and spread through the ducts.
What is sialography of the parotid duct?
A radio-opaque fluid is injected into the duct system of the parotid through a cannula. Followed by radiography of the gland. The show parts of the parotid that may be displaced or dilated by disease.
What might block a parotid duct? What makes pain worst
Sialolith/Calculus. Eating/Sucking on a Lemon Slice
Where might an accessory parotid gland be found?
Between the parotid and the zygomatic arch.
Where do you inject for a mandibular nerve block?
Near the mandibular nerve where it enters the infratemporal fossa.
Where do you inject for an inferior alveolar nerve block? What will be anesthetized?
Around the mandibular foramen (medial ramus). This will numb all teeth on that half, skin and MM of lower lip, gums, and chin skin.
What might cause an anterior dislocation of the mandible?
Yawning or taking a bite thats too big.
What might cause a lateral TMJ dislocation?
A sideways blow to the chin by a fist when the mouth is open
Why so few posterior TMJ dislocations?
Postglenoid tubercle and lateral ligament
What nerves do you need to watch for in TMJ surgery?
Facial and Auriculotemporal
Symptoms of TMJ arthritis?
Inflammation, dental occlusion, crepitus from delayed disc movements