parliamentary relations 03-28 Flashcards
when was the buckinghamshire election
when was shirley’s case
when was the treaty of london
when did union negotiations begin
when did union negotiations fail
when did james join the protestant union of european states
when was the great contract
when did the great contract fail
feb 1611
when was addled parliament
when did the 30 years war break out
when was james’ 3rd parliament
when was the madrid trip
when was parliament first called for charles
when were the mansfield and cadiz expedition
when were forced loans
when was la rochelle
when was the 5 knights case
when was the petition of right
when was the 3 resolutions
when was personal rule
when was buckingham assassinated
what book did charles write
the true law of free monarchies - saying law should be made solely by the king.
forced loans
charles had little parliamentary finance and was facing a war against spain and france. he called his prerogative right to issue forced loans. this was public so any refusal to pay was seen as an act of opposition.
76 people were arrested for not paying
£267,000 was raised
forced loans stats
76 people were arrested for not paying
£267,000 was raised
la rochelle
1627 buckingham allowed the use of 8 english ships to support the french in an attack on the huguenots in 1624. the french refused to free the palatinate in return . the french principal minister to the king (richelieu) decided to acquire trading posts that harmed english interests.
buckingham and charles devised a scheme to depose richelieu by supporting the huguenots. 100 of buckingham’s ships landed at la rochelle and after months of deadlock, an assualt failed
7800 soldiers went to la rochelle, 3000 returned.
5 knights case
1627 the 76 who were imprisoned for not paying forced loans claimed habeus corpus (right to a trial). the judgement upheld charles’ prerogative right to imprison without trial - but oculdnt be without a good reason.
charles allowed the attorney general to falsify legal records that it had to be for good reason
=any critic of the king was in danger
=the commons found out and were angry
=mps like john seldon and john eliot took action
petition of right
-parliament had to consent to taxation
-people could only be imprisoned for sufficient reason
-martial law and billeting should be removed
=charles delayed and gave in
when was the remonstrance
17th june 1628 - denounced buckingham as ‘the cause of all our miseries’ . they made another about charles’ use of tonnage and poundage so he suspended parliament
buckinghamshire elections
current MP for buckinghamshire was annulled as an outlaw
john fortescue (a privy councillor) was elected
=parliament saw this as royal intervention
court found goodwin to not be legally outlawed and they voted to reinstate goodwin.
=james saw this as illegal and widened the conflict by saying their privileges derived from him. = raised wider constitutional issues
=james tried to compromise by suggesting a new election take place without either candidate.
==== caused tension between prerogative vs privilege
shirley’s case
1604 MP thomas shirley arrested for debts.
=upset MPs who stood by freedom from arrest whilst parliament is sitting.
parliament sent the governor of the fleet debtor’s prison where shirley was held to the tower of london until shirley’s release.
union of scotland and england
james believed this was god’s plan
lots of racism and hostility; sir christopher pigot described the scots as ‘murderers, thieves and rogues’
parliament delays this debate leading to both sides being frustrated
1607 negotiations end
=parliament prevail whilst angering both sides in the process
when was calvins case
calvins case
legal decision that a child born in scotland can hold land in england
=parliament lose and have to accept the dynastic union
cadiz expedition
1625 - charles and buckingham set up an anti-spanish front after the failed spanish match
-parliament give charles a £250,000 subsidy for a naval war but were weary as it was estimated to cost £2 mil
-the english fleet failed to take the cadiz port adn many were lost to starvation (7000 killed as were untrained and starved)
=buckingham was lord high admiral so got most of blame
how many were killed in the cadiz expedition
spanish match
1623 to get the infanta for charles. charles and buckingham go in disguise
-7 month stay costs £47,000
=failed and they held an anti-spanish front.
=new negotiations took place for charles to marry french princess henrietta maria.
mansfield expedition
1625 - 6000 troops marched through denmark to the palatinate to free them.
-troops had no training or equipment and were comprised of mostly criminals who didnt want to be there
-4000 died of disease and starvation
=internationally displayed how poorly administrated charles was
=proved to parliament that naval battles were cheaper and better
=decreases faith in the king’s insight
when does british involvement in the 30 years was end
1628, charles made peace with spain and france in 1630/1
addled parliament of 1614
-sat for less than 8 weeks due to:
-financial need - after the failure of the great contact (james debt at £680,000)
-factional conflict - catholic howards v protestant faction
-james’ indecisiveness - failed to appoint a secretary of state until the last minute and he was incompetent
1624 parliament
-charles took the lead as james was ill
-crucial issue whether england should intevene in the 30 years war. (war with spain) c+b were anti-spanish so this undermined james’ neutral position
-james ‘pushed’ for an agressive anti-spanish front to force MPs to evaluate the finances = illustrates that the war was against financial interests = pragmatic
1621 parliament
-buckingham, cranfield, coke encouraged parliament to impeach francis bacon over bribery = factional corruption and infighting
-foreign policy was granted to be discussed in parliament to scare the spanish into the spanish match. despite parl’s insistence on joining protestant forces, james maintained his peace negotiations.
-3rd dec, parliament produced a petition criticising the spanish match
-12th dec, commons protest declaring parliament’s ‘undoubted birthright’ to discuss foreign policy
=charles deleted this from the common’s journal and dissolved parliament
foreign policy was the root of opposition to charles
1625 parliament
-to fund a war against spain, charles asked for £1 million. parliament gave him 2 subsidies and tonnage and poundage for the first year
=charles continued to collect it
-buckingham was made a genteleman of the bedchamber, allowing him access at all times to charles = point of tension in commons.
-parliament attack richard montagu = charles made him royal chaplain
-charles would not cooperate or use consultants
=dissolved after 2 months
1626 parliament
-immediately antagonised parliament by asking Laud to read the opening sermon about obedience to the king
-edward coke adn wentworth were removed from parliament (oppositon removed). anti-buckingham people such as John Williams were dismissed and arrested
-impeachment proceedings against buckingham angered charles. john eliot in particular attacked buckingham = 1627 he is arrested.
-charles dissolved parliament to stop buckingham’s impeachment and said ‘remember parliament are in my power’ = absolutist