charles political divisions Flashcards
when was the triennial act
feb 1641
when was the wentworth and Laud imprisonment
march 1641
when was the long parliament
nov 1640 for 12 years as parliament never gave consent for a while
when was the protestation of oath
may 1641
when was the first army plot
may 1641
when was the death of bedford
may 1641
when was the act of attainder
may 10th 1641 -> execution of wentworth
when was the 10 propositions
june 1641
when was the abolishment of tonnage and poundage
june 1641
when was the 2nd army plot
june 1641
when was the abolition of the court of star chamber and high commission
july 1641
when was the irish rebellion
oct 1641
when was the grand remonstrance
22nd nov 1641
when was the militia bill
dec 1641
roles of john pym before long parliament
-influenced buckingham’s impeachment in 1626
-helped pass the petition of right in 1628
-involved in bedford’s bridge appoinment scheme 1641
-became radicalised after the army plot
earl of bedford’s proposed financial settlement
-bridged the gap between the crown and parliament
1. abolition of financial and political aspects of personal rule.
2. return to elizabethan protestant church
3. financial settlement with Pym as the chancellor of the exchequer.
=charles was reluctant and bedford died in may 1641 so negotiations collapsed
wentworth as a person
-loyal to charles and main advisor.
-harsh to irish
-parliament blamed him as it was safer than directly blaming the king.
wentworth’s impeachment
nov 1640 - as he attempted the bring the irish army to england to help charles’ control
+parliament hoped itd make charles stand weaker without councillors and accept reform
-didnt target the whole system
what was bill of attainder
-a medieval method which allowed anyone who was seen as a threat to the state to be removed by Parliament without trial.
=spurred on by the army plot
204:59 majority to pass the bill. however many were absent.whe
when was wentworth executed
12th may 1641
=>charles was less inclined to work with parliamentarm
army plot
what and when
3rd may 1641 - Pym revealed rumours of a royalist army plot to parliament, to seize the tower of london, release wentworth and dissolve parliement. charles was circumstancially evidenced to be involved
=parliament passed a bill stating they could not be dissolved without consent which was given royal assent on the 10th may
what and when was the protestation oath
1641 reflecting common belief that catholicism and absolutism were linked.
the london crowd/mob
Mps were aware they could mobilise Londoners for campaigns eg 15,000 signed the Root & Branch Petition
-they came to defend the tower of london in may amidst rumours about the army plot
=Xmas 1641, Pym used London crowd to pressure the Lords into excluding Bishops.
=>charles had to consider his family’s safety
root & branch petition
dec 1640
demanded the end of episcopacy (governance of bishops)
signed by 15,000 of the london mob
debated in parliament however many saw the removal of bishops as dismantling the social order. led to moderated like Hyde becoming supporters of charles.
=>prefigured subsequent political allegiances.
=>was rejected 8th June 1641 by the Lords
Triennial Act what and when
feb 1641
-abolished ship money without parliamentary consent
-charles had to call a parliament for 50+ days every 3 years +NO PERSONAL RULE.
establishment of the royalist party
why? MPs agreed for prevention of personal rule but were split about methods.
bill of attainder broke unity of HOC as some thought it was constitutionally dangerous
=labelled constitutional royalists as many liked the monarchy but just not charles rather than radical puritans like pym who posed more of a threat to the moderate protestant church, and law & order
10 propositions what and when
june 1641 - the king would need to make concessions:
1. parliamentary input to the privy council
2. parliamentary control to those around the queen
3. parliamentary control over religious education of the royal children.
=no way will charles agree to this.
cumbernuald band
aug 1640 - 18 scots including the earl of montrose signed this stating their defence of the king
=charles liked this and so accepted the abolishment of episcopacy and reform. he did this to distinguish divisions in scotland and to pacify long parliament. he left for scotland
when was the incident
oct 1641
what was the incident
oct 1641 - while charles was in scotland, there was a royalist plot to kidnap radical scottish covenanter leaders.
=>destroyed charles’ hope of gaining scottish support as he was linked to the plot
when did charles leave scotland
17th nov 1641 - with no scottish support due to the incident
what and when was the grand remonstrance
introduced by pym:
-list of criticisms of charles’ government since 1625, and that the king could not be trusted with an army to squash the irish rebellion
-careful not the accuse the king directly, moreso his councillors
-used heavily anti-catholic language
-people debated whether to publish it which caused divisions in the HOC, debate lasted 12 hours.
additional instruction to the grand remonstrance
if parl was to raise an army for the irish rebellion, parliament should approve charles’ appointment for councillors
=won only 151:110
=>not all MPs were radical and wanted to uproot the system
militia bill
dec 1641 - forced MPs to take sides on who should command the army
-remove king’s power over trained bands
-give parl power to appoint army commanders.
=revolutionary as it challenged Charles’ prerogative right and transferred it to parliament
=>charles positioned hismelf as the defendedr of ‘fundamental law’ against revolutionaries.
when was the five members coup
jan 1642
what was the 5 members coup
charles announced the impeachment of his key rivals: Pym, Hampden, Haselrig, Edward Montagu
=complete failure, on jan 4th he entered the commons and forced the arrest but they had been forewarned and left.
consequences of the 5 members coup
-pym used this as evidence of the danger charles posed to MPs and his absolutism
-led to demonstrations against charles so he had to leave with his family to Hampton Court for safety
exclusion bill
dec 1641 petition had 30,000 signatures
= feb 1641 lords accepted as they were pressured by the london mob.
-stopped bishops from sitting in the HOL
militia ordinance (later)
feb 1642 - to support the ordinance, Parliament ironically proposed the raising of £400,000 in SHIP MONEY
consequences of the militia ordiance
btoh royalists and parliamentarians tried to control local ammunition stores in preparation for war. Charles tried to seize ammunition in Hull
-gentry in Yorkshire attempted to make neutrality pacts and prevent war through kinship ties but this was futile as both sides were preparing for war.
19 propositions
june 1642 - Parliamentary demands for a negotiated settlement
-privy councillors to be approved by parliament
-impeached MPs to be pardoned
-charles to accept triennial and militia
-parliament direct the reformation of the church
=charles responded by saying it would lead to ‘a dark equal chaos of confusion’
ehat is iconoclasm
destruction of icons in the church - countered Laudian measures
-Pym encouraged it in Sep 1641w
when was war declared
22nd august 1642
factors in the outbreak of civil war
- charles’ (personal) rule & stubbornness
- parliament seeking independence
- scottish rebellion inspired it
- religion
- foreign policy strains