Parenting --> Child Outcome Flashcards
What were Baumrind’s 4 dimensions of parenting? (C, N, CC, MD)
Control, Nurturance, Clarity of Communication, Maturity Demands
Baumrinds 4 parenting styles?
Authoritarian, Permissive, Authoritative, Neglectful
Steinberg et al, said what about these parenting styles?
Dont categorise as one or the other, use a dimensional approach
What cultural variability was there between white americans and African americans?
Authoritarian had less optimal outcomes with white americans but good outcomes with African americans
What cultural variability was there in China?
Positive correlation between Parental warmth and Directiveness
Petit et al did a longitudinal study with children aged 5 followed through to 12 and found 3 predictors of supportive parenting summed up, what were they?
1) Parenting e.g. harsh or warm
2) Family adversity e.g. stress, SES
3) Child outcome e.g. externally, academically
What are the 3 main types of Parenting Interventions?
1) Behavioural Therapy
2) Cognitive Behavioural therapy
3) Systematic or Ecological interventions
What are the differences between the 3 types of parenting interventions?
Behavioural Therapy addresses the problematic behaviour, assuming all behaviour is learned and can be changed
CBT addresses the behaviour and the thoughts and feelings behind it
Systematic interventions address multiple factors contributing to the problematic behaviour
Name 3 commonalities in parenting interventions?
Play, Praise and Planned ignoring
What does NICE stand for?
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
What are NICE based on?
Social learning model e.g. model, rehearse, feedback
How are these interventions programmes evaluated?
Randomly assigning to treatment groups, valid and reliable outcome measures, appropriate control, pre and post-treatment
What % of parenting interventions work?
What could the other 40% of parenting interventions that don’t work be due to?
The childs age, gender, type and severity of behaviour, or the parents psychophathology
Why did 42% of families who consented to participate not attend HCA?
Safety, other commitments etc
Is the effect size big, small or modest for good parenting predicting better child outcome?
Name 3 recommendations from NICE?
1) Both parents present when possible
2) Group-based
3) 10-12 parents in a group
What did Carolyn Webster find?
Parents view videotapes as a stimulus for discussion and problem solving
How do we evaluate within-subjects designs? and between-subject design?
Stepwise introduction of treatment, Randomised controlled trials
Why did Moore et al carry out his study, and what was the background?
Expansion of a previous study of parenting behaviours of anxious mothers, wanted to see whether there was a dyadic relationship to aid future preventions
What was done and what was found in this Moore Et al study?
68 Mother-Child dyads (children aged between 7 and 15) watched videotaped interactions and engaged in convo tasks and were then coded
1) Mothers of anxious children were less warm and granted less autonomy
2) There was an interaction between mother and child anxiety in predicting maternal catastrophising
What did McGilloway want to study?
The effectiveness of the IYBP for improving child behavioural and social adjustment, and parental well-being in disadvantaged community-based service settings and urban areas
What participants were eligible for McGilloway?
If the primary caregiver rated their child above the clinical cutoff on Intensity subscale
What was the age of the children in McGilloway?
32-88 months
What did the McGilloway study find?
That IYBP is effective for early onset behavioural problems