parathyroid anatomy and physiology Flashcards
what hormone is released from the parathyroid?
parathyroid hormone
3 main roles of parathyroid hormone
- increase bone resorption (breakdown) - increase cytokine release from osteoblasts - stimulate osteoclasts
- increase kidney reabsorption of calcium to keep it in the blood and potassium excretion
- vitamin D synthesis - this in turn stimulates calcium absorption from the gut
What effect does PTH have on calcium and phosphate absorption?
Increases Ca reabsorption by the distal renal tubule
PTH decreases phosphate reabsorption by the proximal renal tubule
What is PTH action pathway?
PTH acts on the target cell (bone, kidney)
Uses secondary mesengers, such as cyclic AMP and calcium
How does parathyroid hormone affect phosphate?
Increases 1,25 vitamin D causing increased active gut absorption
Decreases tubular reabsorption of phosphate causing renal excretion
what hormones moderate bone growth and breakdown?
calcitonin - growth
PTH - breakdown
name the bone cells and their roles
osteoblasts - bone formation by synthesising and secreting bone matrix
osteocytes - Mature bone cells that maintain bone tissue, regulate mineral content, and communicate with other bone cells to coordinate bone remodeling
osteoclasts - bone resorption
how is PTH regulated and controlled?
blood calcium levels
- low levels - PTH released
- high levels PTH inhibited
CaSRs in parathyroid sense blood Ca level
name some roles of calcium
- bone strength
- muscle contraction - binds to troponin
- nerve transmission - neurotransmitter release at synapse
- blood clotting - coag cascade
role of vitD in bone maintanance
- increases ca absorption from the intestines
- promotes ca reabsorption in kidneys