addisons disease Flashcards
what is addisons disease?
- adrenal gland fails to produce adequate cortisol
3 types:
primary - failure of adrenal glands to produce cortisol and aldosterone
secondary- failure of pituitary gland to produce ACTH leading to cortisol deficiency
tertiary - failure of hypothalamus to secrete CRH
addisons signs
- hyperpigmentation
- hypotension
- hyponatremia and hyperalkemia
- no hyperpigmentation or hyperalkaemia bc aldosterone is unaffected
addisons symptoms
generalised fatigue
weight loss and loss of apetite
salt cravings - aldosterone deficiency
addisons investigations
serum cortisol - <5 (low)
ACTH - high in primary, low/normal in secondary and tertiary
ACTH stimulation - no inc in cortisol - primary
insulin tolerance test- secondary / tertiary