Parasitic Amoebas Flashcards
More easily destroyed than the cyst
Active vegatative form
15-30 u
Ectoplasm of tropozoite is sharply separated from the
Endoplasm of tropozoite sometimes include ____
How many nucleus tropozoite has?
Location of nucleus of tropozoite?
Single eccenteric nucleus contains a _______ located _______
Look like of tropozoite
Finger like pseudopodia
Tropozoite only has one?
What is the shape of the cyst
Round to oval
What is the size of cyst?
10-20 u
How many days the cyst can surive at 37c
Cyst can survive 60 days at what temperature?
Cyst has a _____ wall
Smooth refractile
Cytoplasm of cyst contains ____ and ____ for nutrition
Chomotoid bodies
Immature cyst
1 or 2 nuclei
Mature cyst
Contains 4 nuclei
Reproduction of trophozoite
Binary fission
Cyst- small intestine enzymes undergo ______ becomes ______
Cyst passes through _____
How many trophozoites in the colon have?
Cyst formation
Pt. only forms formed stools
Lesions under microscope, primary.
Lesions under microscope, secondary.
Extra intestinal
Colonization of the large intestine
Flask shaped ulcers
Wide base and narrow opening
Irregular slightly elevated
Muscularis propria
Appendicitis Intestinal perforartion Hemorrhage Stricture Granuloma (chronic)
Belong to a group of protozoans that are motile through cytoplasmic extensions known as pseudopods
Example of amebas
Parasitic amebas Entamoeba histolytica E. coli Dispar Hartmanii Gingivalis Nana Butchliii
Entamoeba histolytica causes
Amebic dysentery
Amebic hepatitis
Principal host of E. histolytica
Human beings
Example of E. H
Cyst may be seen in
Formed stools
Trophozoite commonly seen in
Diarrheic stools
E.H incidence of infection is as high as
0.2 - 50%
E.H prevalence in homos is as high as
25 - 35%
Infective stage of organism
Main source of infection
Dissemination from the intestine chiefly by the bloodstream
Hepatic amoebiasis
The wall of the abscess thickness and the center liquifies becoming a red brown mass of autolysed hepatic cells, rbc, bile, etc.
Hepatic amebiasis
Hepatic amebiasis
Pulmonary amebiasis
Cerebral amebiasis
How to diagnose?
Microspcopic identification of the cysts or trophozoites in feces or tissue
What are components of amebic stools?
Few neutrophils
Degenerated RBCs
Positive charcot leyden crytals ( derived from eosinophils )
Treatment for parasitic amoebas
Metronidazole 750 mg TID for 5-10 days
Iodoquinol 650mg TID, 20 days
Non pathogenic amoebas
Entamoeba coli Entamoeba dispar Entamoeba hartmanii Entamoeba gungivalis Entamoeba nana Iodamoeba butchilii
Prevalence of 10-30 %
E coli
Life cycle to E H
Mistaken for a EH
E coli
More ganular endoplasm containing ingested bacteria
E coli trophozoite
Larger with more granular cytoplasm
E coli cyst
In 1993, proposed as the name for non pathogenic E Histolytica
E dispar
Originally though to be a “ small race” of EH, now considered as a seperate species
E hartmanii
Narrower ectoplasm
E coli trophozoite
Slender, splinter like chromatoid bodies neclei with eccenteric karyosome
E coli cyst
Broader or blunter pseudopodia -
E coli trophozoite
Identical to E H but does not invade the tissues
E dispar
Eccenteric karyosome in the nucleus
E coli trophozoite
More sluggish movement
E coli trophozoite
Morphology is similar to E histolytica but smaller (12-15u)
E hartmanii
Most stricking characteristics
E gingivalis
10-20% prevalence
Endolimax nana
With prominent karyosine
Endolimax nana
Identified by the charac nucleus and large glycogen body in the uninucleated cyst
Iodamoeba buthclii
Small (5-14)
Endolimax nana
4 nucleus cyst, uninucleated trophozoite
Endolimax nana
May be stained by iodine due to glycogen
Iodamoeba butchlii
Blastocystis hominis
Yeast to protozoa
Large number found in feces with severe diarrhea
Commonly in stool small
Blastocystis hominis
Tereatment to blastocystis hominis
Appear in the feces as spherical cyst like stage large central vacuole with narrow rim of cytoplasm containing nuclei
Blastocystis hominis