Parasites Flashcards
Giarda is transmitted via?
poorly purified drinking water
Liver abscesses with bloody stool is caused by which intestinal parasite?
Entamoeba Histolytica
” constuction site sketchy”
Most common cause of diarrhea in AIDS patients?
What causes strawberry cervix, erythematous vulva and green foul smelling discharge?
_____ is found in hot springs or freshwater and causes ____________
Neigleria Fowleri ; acute meningitis
What are the 5 intestinal parastites?
- giardia
- entamoeba histolytica
- cryptosporidium
- cyclospora (low yield)
- balatidium (low yeild)
What is the parasitic oppotunistic infection in AIDS patients?
Toxoplasma Gonddii (CATS feces)
What demographics are affected by Toxoplasma gondii?
- immunocompromised
2. Preggos. (torch infection)
What is the triad for toxoplasma gondii?
- chorioretinitis
- encephalopathy
- intracranial calcifications
What 2 parasites cause meningoencephalitis?
Neigleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba
What is the difference between Neigleria fowleri and Acanthamoeba
BOTH cause meningoencephalitis
BUT Acanthamoeba ALSO causes ophthalmitis
What is the vector for Trypanosomiasis brucei ?
Tsete fly
What are symptoms of african sleeping sickness?
Trypanosomiasis brucei
CNS lethargy, drowsiness, slurred speech
” sleeping beauty sketchy”
Leukopenia, skin ulcers, hepatosplenomegaly characterizies ________ leishmaniasis and skin papules that progress to nodule or ulcer is ________ leismaniasis
Visceral (kala-azar) ; Cutaneous
Leishmaniasis is found in what regions?
Middle East, NOrth Africa
A 68-year-old man presents to the physician with complaints of fever, malaise, and chills for the past few weeks. He says that he and his wife recently visited New Hampshire for a summer family reunion, where they hiked in the White Mountains. His temperature is 102°F (38.9°C). Physical exam is notable for a palpable spleen. Laboratory studies are significant for a hematocrit of 30%, decreased serum haptoglobin levels, and an elevated reticulocyte count.
What region is this parasite most commonly found?
Northeast US
Babesia Microti
Leading cuase of death in children under 5 ?
Plasmodium Malariae has a ______ fever pattern
Quarten( day 1 , then day 4)
What is the ONLY common feature across all plasmodium species?
Plasmodium vivale and OVale have a _____ fever pattern
Tertian (day 1 and day 3)
PLasmodium falcipirum has a _______ fever pattern
Which plasmodium species has a DORMANT form in the liver?
Plasmodium vivale and OVale
Rupture of hepatocytes in malaria virulence cycle , results in release of
A. mesozoites
b. trophozoite
c. sporozoite
What has a banana shaped gametocyte?