Fungi Flashcards
Where is Histoplasma capsulatam?
Midwest/ Mississipi
Systemic fungi are transmitted via?
respiratory route
Blastomyces Dematidis is located in what regions?
Great lakes
WHat are 3 common characteristics of systemic fungi?
- cause pnuemonia
- asymptomatic in most
- disseminated in immunocompromised
WHere is coccidioides located?
SW US and california
Frequent dust storms create large incidence of _______
MOST COMMON cause of fungal meningitis?
Cryptococcus neoformes
Diaper rash, vaginitis and oral thrush is caused by ?
candida albicans
What are the 3 manifestations of aspergillus?
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- Aspergilloma - fungal ball
- invasive aspergillosi- crotizing pneumonia/ TB cavitities
Which ooportunistic organism is ANGIOINVASIVE?
What fungus invades the sinus and orbit?
Murcomycosis (opportunistic in diabeteic or bone marrow transplant pts)
What are the two fungi like bacteria?
COMMON cause of iINTERSTITIAL pneumonia in AIDS?
Pneumcystisis jiroveci
appearance of hyper-/hypo pigemented surface of skin is caused by ?
Malessezia furfur
What causes the gardeners disease?
sporothrix shenkioo
What are the intraerythrocytic parastites?
Describe the morphology of sporothrix shenkioo?
tiny, oval
Cauliflower warts, dark copper colored are caused by?
** not in sketchy
What infects the anus in children and is dxd via scotch tape test?
enterobius vermicularis
What infects people who walk around barefoot and cause irritation of the feet?
Necator americanus
The MOST common nematode infection in US is ?
enterobius vermicularis
IWhat is the most common complication of ascaris lumbricoides?
intestinal obstruction
” groot”
To diagnose strongyloides stercoralis you look for ______ in the stool ?
To diagnose HOOKWORM you look for ______ in the stool ?
Necator americanus
To diagnose ascaris lumbricoides you look for ______ in the stool ?
Which 2 intestinal nematodes can infect via INTACT skin?
Necator americanuus
Strongyloides stercoralis
Trichonella spiralis is found in ________
uncooked pork
Fever, significant myalgia and eusinophilia is caused by what intestinal nematodes?
Trichomella spiralis
Trichuris trichiura is also known as __________
––––––––– is transmitted via BLACK FLIES and migrate to eye and cause blindness
onchocerca volvulus
pt who is febrile with ELEPHANTIASIS has __________
Wuchereria bancrofti
What are the hosts of shistosomes?
Shistosoma mansoni and Shistoma Japonicum reside in __________
GI tract
Shitosoma hematobium resides in __________
pelvic and bladder
What are the 3 common symptoms of shistosomas?
- katyama fever
- dermatitis
- fibrosis
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease is the most common
Prion diseas
Which flatworm can be contracted in instutionalized setting?
Hymenolepsis nana- (Cestodes)
________involves 1 human and 2 other hosts crustacean and fish and presents with lack of B12, megaloblastic anemia
Diphyllobothrium latum-
______ is the pork tapeworm and ______ is the beef tapeworm
Taenia sOlium - pOrk
Taenia saginata- beef
List the main organisms in which you can observe SPOROTRICHOID lymphocutaneous lesions?
Mycobacterium Sporotrichosis (fungi) Lesihmanisis ( Mycobacterium Leprosy/ Tuberculoid Tularemia
Someone who contracts the pork tape worm will exhibit _______
seizures or cavitary lesions of the brain
Someone who contracts the beef tapeworm will exhibit?
in GI tract, abdominal pain, weight loss, anorexia, (+) PROGLOTTIDS in feces