Bacteria Flashcards
Streptococcus pyogenes resides mostly in what part of the human body?
strep pharyngitis
Rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis are a result of untreated__________
Strep A Beta Hemolytic ( strep pyogenes)
(+) test for anginosis species group indicates ?
occult abscessses
What 3 bacteria are implicated in meningitis in neonates?
E/ coli
Listeria Monocytogenes
Group B streptococcus
Which two strains of streptococcus should one immediately assess for ABSCESS?
Strep intermedius
Strep viridans
should order CT scan to evaluate organs
What two streptoccocal strains fall under the non enterococcus classification>
S. Bovis
S. Equinus
What bacteria is associated with increased UTI , cholycystitis and endocarditis acquired in hospital?
(Group D ) Enterococcus faecalis/ faecium
With (+) S. bovis in blood doctor should be aware of possible ______?
colon cancer
Otitis media is caused by what 3 bacteria?
- Strep Pneumoniae
- Haemophilis influezae
- Moraxella catarhalis
Who gets vaccinated for strep pneumoniae?
Elderly folk
Which staph strains are coagulase negative?
Staph epidermis
Staph saprophyticus
What are the 4 Ds of Botulism
Risus sardonicus is related to which bacterial infection?
Clostiriduim Tetani
Virulence factor: tetanospasmin
Which bacteria is responsible for pseudomembranous enterocolitis?
Clostiridium Dificile (Gram +)
Virulence factor Toxin A/B
What are the symptoms of infant botulism ?
constipation , muscle weaknes, floppy baby
Which non spore forming bacteria infect pediatric patients?
Corynebacterium and Listeria
What gram positive bacteria is/are the most commonly associated with nosocomial infection ?
Group D strep (enterococcus)
Which are the most common organisms associated with prosthetic device infections?
- Staphylococcus epidermis
2. pseudomonas
Which bacteria require infection by a bacteriophage in order to elaborate an active toxin?
Strep A beta hemolytic
Corynebacterium Diptheriae
What bacteria causes necrotizing pneumonia?
Rhodococcus Equi
S. Aureus
Which group of gram negative pathogens cause endocarditis?
Haemophilus species Actinobacillus CArdiobacterium Eikenella Kingella
What are the nsocomial (hospital acquired) gram negatives?
E.coli KLebsiella pneumoniae proteus mirabilis Enterobacter serratia Pseudomans aeruginosa
Neisseria can be grown on __________agar and thayer-martin media
Neisseria spp. contains __________with strong endotoxin activity
lipopolysaccharide (virulence factor)
Patients with ________ disease and _________patients are at a high risk of infection of Neisseria meningitidis
sickle cell disease
The most common cause of meningitis in teenagers is ____________infection
neisseria meningitis
Which 3 bacteria cause similar diarrhea to cholera (rice like stool) and shigella (bloody diarrhea with WBC) ?
Vibrio Cholera
__________is the #1 cause of neonatoal meningitis and _________ is 2nd
Group b streptococcus
2nd most common nosocomial, gram negative enteric pathogen_________ and 1st is ___________
Klebsiella Pnuemoniae
What causes necrotizing pneumonia with currant jelly sputum ?
Klebsiella pneumoniae
virulence factor.: encapsulated (O antigen)
UTI caused by ___________ is characterized by alkaline urine (pH) with an ammonia scent
Proteus mirabilis
Virulence factor: urease
Does Klebsiella ferment lactose?
Klebsiella can result in _______ formation in the lung
The three gram negative, lactose fermenters, are major causes of nosocomial infections are …
Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Serratia
What urease positive, pneumonia-causing bacteria is a common cause of UTI?
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Does Shigella ferment lactose?
________causes an c1::inflammatory diarrhea, with the presence of blood and leukocytes
virulence factor.: shiga toxin destroys 60 S ribosome
The shiga toxin of Shigella binds the ______subunit of ribosomes, inhibiting protein synthesis
60 S
Which strain of salmonella does not transmit via zoonotic infection?
Salmonella Typhi
Chronic carriers of Salmonella ___________ (species) carry the infection in their _________ (organ)
typhi; gallbladder
Salmonella _______ (species) can present with abdominal pain with _________spots’ cutaneously
typhi ; rose
What cause of osteomyelitis is more common in sickle cell disease patients and asplenic patients?
Salmonella cholerasuis (#1) and S. aureus
A 4-year-old girl presents to her pediatrician for diarrhea and fever. She recently flew back from India, where she spent a summer with her grandparents. She has had a low-grade fever since 3 days prior and had constipation followed by non-bloody diarrhea. On physical exam, she has a low grade fever, abdominal tenderness to palpation, and a faint pink blanching papular rash on her trunk and upper arms. She is started on antibiotics.
What is she being treated for ?
Salmonella Typhi (ROSE SPOTS is described as pink blanching papules
A 43-year-old Caucasian male spent the past month on a business trip in the Caribbean. Two weeks following his return, he began experiencing diarrhea, pain in his abdomen, and a headache. He presents to the hospital and is noted to be febrile with prominent rose-colored spots on his chest and abdomen. Following recovery, the patient may become a carrier of the bacteria with the bacteria heavily localized to the
- spleen
- gallbladder
- neurons
- lungs
- sensory ganglia
- gallbladder
this is salmonella typhi
An 84-year-old female presents to the emergency department from her nursing home with complaints of fever and a productive cough with rust-colored sputum that has developed over the last 2 days. She also endorses shortness of breath and severe fatigue. Her vital signs are as follows: T 38.5 C, RR 18, SpO2 94% on room air. Physical examination is significant for decreased breath sounds and crackles over the the right middle and lower lobes on auscultation. A sputum sample is also collected for gram stain and culture, with the results of the gram stain positive. Which of the following is the primary virulence factor of the infecting pathogen in this patient’s presentation?
- IgA
- M protein
- exotoxin
- polysaccharide capsule
- lipopolysaccharide
This patient is suffering from a Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia. The primary virulence factor of S. pneumoniae is its polysaccharide capsule, which inhibits phagocytosis of the pathogen by macrophages or neutrophils.
S. pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic diplococci that is transmitted by respiratory droplets. It is the most common cause of community acquired pneumonia and meningitis in adults
A 19-year-old college student is brought to the emergency department by her roommate. Her roommate reports that the patient was complaining of a headache this morning. A few hours later, the patient seemed lethargic and confused. In the emergency department, the patient’s vital signs are as follows: HR 98, BP 110/70, T 38.7 degrees Celsius. Her neurological exam is notable for flexion at the hips when her neck is passively flexed. A lumbar puncture is performed, and Gram stain is NEgative. Which of the following bacterial structures does the involved organism use to adhere to the nasopharynx?
- lipooligossacharide
- pilus
- spore
- capsule
- glycocalyx
This patient has meningococcal meningitis, which is cause by Neisseria meningitidis. Neisseria meningitidis uses pili to adhere to epithelial cells in the nasopharynx.
N. meningitidis is a Gram-negative diplococci, which is a common cause of bacterial meningitis in adults, particularly in college students living in dormitories
Which bacteria that causes diarrhea and gastroenteritis cause pseudoappendicitis (RLQ pain)
yersinia enterolitica
Does Vibrio cholera produce an inflammatory diarrhea?
No it causes NON INFLAMMAORY watery rice diarrhea
Which gram-negative enteric bacteria causes rice water stools?
Vibrio cholera
what bacteria would you get if you consume sushi?
vibro parahemolyticus
leading cause of diarrhea in japan
3 most common causes of diarrhea?
ETEC (travelers diarrhea ), camplylobacter jejuni, rotavirus
What bacterial infection is commonly associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome/ reactive arthritis?
Campylobacter jejuni
____________ is an obligate anaerobe that is typically found in the gut and causes abdominal abscesses
Bacterioides fragilis
check after surgeriess
__________ causes necrotizing anaerobic pneumonia following GI aspriation
bacteriodes melaninogenicus
Lung abscesses are commonly due to ANEROBIC bacteria such as Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, and __________________
peptostreptococcus (Gram +)
4 multidrug resistant gram negative bacteria?
pneumonia in association with cystic fibrosis is due to which bacteria?
burkholderia pseudomonas
not in sketchy
What substances (2) produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa give it a blue-green pigment?
pyonin / pyocyanin
2 causes of bacterial meningitis LATER in life ?
Hemophilus influenzae
Neisseria Meningitidis
Which cause(s) of painful genital ulceration present with unilateral painful inguinal lymph nodes?
hemophilus ducreyii
A 35-year-old woman presents to the urgent care clinic for genital ulcers. She started having unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner 1 month ago. She reports that he had not been tested for sexually transmitted diseases. She reports having a painful ulcer on her labia and wishes to be tested.
What are differential diagnoses for this patient?
Soo this person has hemophilus decreyi due to PAINFUL ULCER
differential DX of this is
A 26-year-old G0 woman with last menstrual period 5 days ago who presents to her gynecologist for fishy-smelling vaginal discharge. She currently has multiple sexual partners and does not use consistent protection. She also requests to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. On pelvic exam, she has a thin, malodorous gray vaginal discharge that coats the vaginal wall smoothly. Her vulva is not erythematous or edematous. What do you expect to see on wet mount microscopy?
A.. rose spots
b blue cells
c clue cells
d. macrophages
C. this is gardnerella vaginalis
What are the three stages of Bordetella pertussis infection?
Catarrhal (1-2wks pt most contagious
Paroxysmal 2wks - 2ms develops cough
Convalescent (3ms
Legionellla pneumophila is commonly found in ?
air conditiong and cooling towers
What causes Pontiac fever and Legionnairs disease?
Legionellla pneumophila
What are the gram negative bacilli and are all zoonotic?
What is the cause of Bubonic Plague?
Yersinia Pestis
Gram negative ; ROD (bacillis)
Which gram negative bacillus has a bipolar (safety-pin) staining pattern and tends to cause black discoloration
under the skin via hemorrhages?
Yersinia Pestis
Gram negative ; ROD (bacillis)
___________ is a zoonotic bacteria that forms a painful ulcer with a black base at the site of infection
Francicella Tularensis (ulceroglandular tularemia)
(contracted from rabbits , infected ticks or deeerflies
Similar to Yestenia pestis
A 34-year-old man presents to the emergency room for acute-onset fever, pain in the eyes, and ulcer. He has not been to the physician in years, so his past medical history is unknown. He currently works at an angora rabbit farm and interacts with the animals daily. He reports being bit recently on his forearm, where there is now a lesion. On physical exam, he is febrile. He has severe conjunctival injection bilaterally and has multiple 1-2-cm tender cervical lymph nodes.
What is the characteristic gram stain and shape of the bacteria?
Francisella Tularenisis
Gram negative ; ROD (bacillis)
40-year-old woman presents to the emergency room after being bitten by a cat. She cleaned it with some water and soap. On physical exam, she has a normal range of motion and sensation in her thumb. Her pulses are 2+ bilaterally. The wound is irrigated with sterile saline and wound is examined for any foreign bodies
Pt is at risk of contracting?
Pasturella Multocida
Gram negative ; ROD (bacillis)
” CAT chasing a bird in a PASTEUR
Most common STD in the US?
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Leading cause of preventable blindness? What serotype?
Chlamydia Trachomatis (A-C)
NGU or non gonoccal urethritis is caused by what 2 bacteria?
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Ureaplasma Urealyticum
Mycoplasma genitalia
___________can cause reactive arthritis (aka Reiter syndrome
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Campylobacter jejuni
Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes _______ cause a STI
causes urethritis
cervicitis/ PID
Erythromycin is used in neonates with neonatal conjunctivitis caused by {_______________ or _____________ (bacteria)
Neisseria ghonorrea
Chlamydia Trachomatis
26-year-old woman presents to her primary care physician for a nonproductive cough of 1-week duration. She reports that the cough started quite suddenly, along with subjective fevers. She denies having any headaches, any upper respiratory symptoms, chest pain, or shortness of breath. She lives at home with her parents and a 10-year-old parrot. A chest radiograph shows left lower lobe consolidation and bilateral small pleural effusions.
What organism did she contract?
Chlamydia psittaci
Transmitted to humans via inhalation of infected dust or dried feces
( pet breeders, pet shops and veternarians are at high risk )
(+) Weil felix reaction indicates presence of?
_______________is a Rickettsial disease that presents with a rash that typically starts at the wrists and ankles and then spreads to the trunk, palms and soles.
Rocky mountain spotted fever
rickettsia rickettsii
What two bacteria cause SUbacute meningitis?
Treponema pallidum
Myobacterium tuberculosis
_________ syphilis can result in Tabes Dorsalis or demyelination of the dorsal column and roots.
also causes
subacute meningitis
meningovascular syphillis
general paresis
Which cause(s) of painless genital ulceration present with painless inguinal lymph nodes?
Treponema pallidum
_______ syphilis can result in condyloma lata ( wartlike lesions) and rash
Argyll roberston pupil present in both general paresis nad tabes dorsalis indicates presence of ?
Fetus is most vulnerable to T. pallidum infection at ?
1 st trimester
What are the non specific diagnostic tests for syphilis?
What are the specific diagnostic tests for syphilis?
Also :
argyll robertson
silver stain
What occurs after administration of antibiotics to treat syphilis?
Jarisch- Herxheimer reaction
Following or concomitant with appropriate treatment, symptoms exacerbate with increased fever, chills, malaise, HA and myalgias.
A 35-year-old man presents to the clinic after noticing an ulcer on his penis. He is unsure how long the ulcer has been present, as he has not felt pain in the area. He denies any symptoms of discharge, rash, or dysuria. Sexual history is notable for unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners over the past year. On physical examination, there is a 1-cm ulcer on the underside of the penis and bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy.
What would his diagnostic tests look like
- (+) VDRL (-) FTA ABS
- (-) VDRL (+) FTA ABS
- (+) VDRL (+) FTA ABS
- -) VDRL (-) FTA ABS
- indicates an active infection
- false positive
- successfully treated syphillis
- unlikely to have infection
What stage of lyme disease is associated with myalgias arthritits, heart block/myocarditis and smaller ECM?
Disseminated stage (Stage 2)
A 30-year-old male presents to the urgent care clinic for a round rash on his thigh. He reports that he noticed this rash 3 days ago while showering and has since expanded in size. He denies any pain, itching, or blistering from this rash. Two weeks ago, he had gone hiking in Connecticut while visiting relatives but denies pulling off any ticks, though he admits he did not thoroughly check after his hike. He denies any fevers or chills.
What is the shape of the organism you suspect ?
Borrelia burgdorferi
Which of the following presents with an ulcer at the site of organism entry?
A. Rocky mountain
B. StAR1
C. Lyme disease
D. Tularemia
Which of the following presents with red bulls eye with no associated arthritic or neurologic consequences?
A. Rocky mountain
B. StAR1
C. Lyme disease
D. Tularemia
B. star1. similar presentation to lyme disease
Which of the following presents with fever and small , flat pink, non itchy spots on wrists forearms and spreads to trunk?
A. Rocky mountain
B. StAR1
C. Lyme disease
D. Tularemia
A. Rocky mountain
Where is leptospira interrogans found?
in contaminated water with animal urine
What is a result of severe leptospira interrogans ?
Weils disease ( subgroup Icterohemorrhagiae) - infectious jaundice caused by renal failure and hepatitis
Which spirochete is described as having ice-tong ends?
leptospira interrogans
A 40-year-old man presents to the emergency room for fevers, myalgias, jaundice, and some photophobia. He recently returned from a trip to Hawaii, where he spent the majority of his days surfing. He denies having had any mosquito bites. His past medical history includes diabetes mellitus and hypertension. On physical exam, his conjunctivae are erythematous without any exudate. His skin is jaundiced and there are petechiae on his legs
Whcih of the following describes the organism causing this patients symptoms?
a. G-, spiral corkscrew
b. G-. coccobacilliary
c. thin beaded rods with lipid laden walls
d. long, thin, aerobic spirochetes
d. long, thin, aerobic spirochetes
this is leptospira interrogans
What is the etiology of Relapsing Fever?
{Borrelia recurrentis
Which component of Mycobacterium tuberculosis allows the bug to survive in macrophages?
What stain is Mycobacterium tuberculosis
characterized by?
acid fast due too HIGH lipid content
What is the rule of 5s for mycobacterium tuberculosis?
- droplet nuclei are 5 micrometers
- 5% risk of reactivation
- HIV + pple have 5 + 5% risk reactivation per year
Mycobacterium _________ thrives in cool temperatures, explaining its predilection for extremities of the body
n 18-year-old college student presents to the student health clinic with a mild fever, headache, fatigue, and a dry, non-productive cough. He says that his symptoms started about 3 weeks ago and have not improved. The physician obtains a chest radiograph, which shows a pattern of diffuse interstitial infiltrates that appears worse than the patient’s physical appearance
What bacteria do they have?
mycoplasma pneumoniae
______which bacteria; does not gram stain due to lack of a cell wall.
mycoplasma pneumoniae
_________ bacteria is generally seen as a common opportunistic infection in the immunocompromised
especially AIDS patients with CD4+ T cell counts <50 cells/mm .
Myobacterium avium intracellulare
Which 4 bacteria are agents of bioterrorism ?
bacillus anthracis
yersinia pestis
francisella tularensis
clostridiun botulinum
Ureaplasma urealyticum is a _________-positive bacteria related to Mycoplasma that commonly causes urocystitis (and prostatitis)
All organisms in the ___________ genus (ex ureaplasma urealyticum) lack cell walls and thus are resistant to agents that target the cell wall
A 37-year-old man presents to a local free clinic for evaluation of urethral discharge and pain with urination for 3 days. He denies having any new sexual partners and reports having sex with the same man for the past 3 years. He wants sexually-transmitted infection testing. He is started empirically on antibiotics. Testing comes back positive for a urease-positive, non-gram-staining bacteria.
He tested neg fro chlamydia or ghonorrhea.
What does this patient have?
Ureaplasma urealyticum
WHat are the gram + / nonspore forming bacteria?
Corynebacterium and Listeria
What are the gram - / coccus bacteria?
Neisseria and Moraaxella
WHat are the gram + / spore forming bacteria?
bacillus and clostridium
What are the gram - / spirochetes?
Name the 2 neurotoxins?
tetanospasmin - uncontrolled muscle contraction (clostiridium tetani)
botulinum toxin - flaccid paralysis (Clostirisium botulinum)
Which bacteria releases TSST-1 toxin?
staphylococcus aureus
causes toxic shock syndrom
- fever
- rash
- desquamation
- diarrhea
- hypotensive shock
Which toxin causes scarlet fever?
streptococcus pyogenic toxin
The __________hemolysis pattern on blood agar is present with full lysis of RBCs
_________ is an anti-phagocytic virulence factor contained on Streptococcus pyogenes cell walls
M protein
14-year-old male is brought to the Emergency Department by his mother. She is worried because his face has become puffy and his urine has turned a tea-color. Patient history reveals the child recently suffered from a sore throat. The physician suspects a bacterial infection. Which of the following describes the likely bacteria responsible
A. urease positive B. coagulase positive C. catalse positive D. gram negative E. beta hemolytic
E. this is streptococcus pyogenes (Gram +)
1 week after infection of pharynx
causing delayed ab mediated disease: glomerulonephritis (tea color urine, hematuria , hypervolemia , puffy face)
A 29-year-old woman at 36-weeks gestation presents to her obstetrician for a prenatal visit. She denies any bloody vaginal fluid production and endorses the presence of spontaneous fetal movement. Ultrasonography demonstrates infant size that is appropriate for gestational age. She undergoes a rectal and vaginal swab, which grows group B streptococci.
What does this cause in neonates?
Group B strep (strep, agalactiae)
- neonatal: penumonia, sepsis, meningitis
Which gram + bacteria resides in the oral cavity and is implicated with subacute bacterial endocarditis?
Viridans Streptococci (alpha hemolytic )
(“ donkey with yellow teeth”
Where in the body are Group D Streptococci (Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium) normally found?
GI tract (gamma hemolytic)
What procedure should be performed with S. bovis infection?
Colonoscopy (suspect colon cancer)
Who are the people most susceptible to strep pneumoniae?
sickle cell disease
What causes community aquired UTI in women?
Staph. saprophyticus
Where is bacillus anthracosis found?
spoil and infected animals
What does bacilus cereus cause?
Food poisoning. ( bacillary dysentery)
What are the virulent exotoxins of B, cereus?
Heat labile and heat stabile toxing
A 24-year-old college student consumed a container of canned vegetables for dinner. Fourteen hours later, he presents to the E.R. complaining of difficulty swallowing and double-vision. The bacterium leading to these symptoms is
a. obligate anaerobe
b. gram negative
c. rod shaped
d. non spore forming
e. cocci shape
ROD (bacillus)
canned food is metal
he patient described above is suffering from a Clostridium botulinum infection due to the consumption of the uncooked canned food. The consumption of uncooked canned food, smoked fish, and reheated rice are common routes of botulism toxin
Which bacterial infection can result in risus sardonicus and lock jaw?
Clostridium. tetani
Why should a female in 3rd trimester avoid cheese / milk products?
risk of Listeria Monocytogenes
contained in unpasteurized mild products
can cause neonate meningitis
What re the major pathogenic G- cocci?
Neisseria meningitidis
Neisseria ghonorrheae
WAterhouse Friderischen hemorrhage (b/l adrenal hemorrhage) is related to what bacteria?
Neisseria meningitis
What is the second most common STD?
Neisseria ghonorrhea
Ghonorrhea is more ________ in women and symptomatic in men
can lead to PID , pain with sex, infertility
What gram negative diplococcus causes otitis media in children less than 3years old?
Moraxella catarrhalis?
Fecal transplantation is used to treat which bacteria?
C. difficile
Which of the enterics invades lymph nodes and blood stream?
Salmonella typhi
yesrsinia entercolitica
campylobater jejuni
Which of the enterics lack cell invasion?
E. coli
vibrio cholera
Which of the enterics invade the intestinal epithelial cells?
E. coli
Salmonella Enteriditis
Salmonella _____ causes sepsis and salmonella ________ causes diarrhea
cholerasuis; enteriditis
What is the carrier state of salmonella?
Salmonella typhi
Rice water stool and death by dehydration/ electrolyte abnormality is characteristic of ____________
Vibrio cholera
What strain of Haemophilus influenzae is a vaccine available for?
Type B (meningitis causing
What is the age group target of H. influenzae?
6 months - 3 years
__________ is associated with painless chancroid and ________. is associated with painful chancroid
syphillis; hemophilus ducreyi
Which bacteria cuases increased CAMP in the upper respiratory tract? in the GI tract?
Bordetella Pertussis
Vibrio CHolera
Which bacteria is symbiotic with ameoba?
Legionella pneumophila
Which cause(s) of painless genital ulceration presents without inguinal lymph node enlargement?
Klebsiella granulomatis (donovanosis)
What clinical sxs do you see in tertiary syphills?
thoracic aortic aneurysms
gummatous syphilis
Pinta , yaws and bejel are results of subspecies of which bacteria?
Treponema pallidum
- endemicu - endemic sypho lis in dessert
- pertenue- Yaws, moist tropics
- carateum - Pinta
What is the etiology of lyme disease?
Borrelia burgdorferi
What is the number one cause of neonate meningitis?
Streptococcus Agalactiae (group B strep)
What 3 things does S. agalactiae cause in neonates?
What allows S. Epiderdimis to attach to many ssurfaces?
S. saphrophyticus causes __________ in sexually active female
Glomerulonephritis occurs 1 week after infection of ____________ while Rheumatic fever occurs after infection of _____________
- Pharynx AND Skin
2. Pharynx
fevevr, strawberry tongue , red rash that spares the face is due to what bacteria?
S. pyogenes
scarlet fever
What is the difference between Clostiridium and Bacillus in terms of O2 consumption?
Clostiridium - obligate anaerobe
Bacillus- aerobic
Black eschar formation and hemorrhagic pneumonia is caused by ?
Bacillus anthracosis
aka vikings in sketchy
What is unique about Bacillus group capsule?
PROTEIN capsule
What is a complication of untreated corynebacterium diptheria?
Heart myocarditis Neural sxs ( peripheral nerve palsy)
ETEC causes________ diarrhea and EHEC causes _________ diarrhea
watery, blooody
caused by Ecoli
What bacteria is a lactose fermenter, (+) catalase and can cause gram negative sepsis?
(#1 cause of UTI
What are the 3 curved gram negative rods?
Campylobacter jejuni (curved)
Vibrio (comma)
(+)oxidase positive ) “ blue rings in sketchy
Which bacteria cause osteomylitis?
Staph. aureus
pseudomonas aeruginosa
What are the 4 major virulence factors of bordetella pertusis?
- pertussis toxin
- extracytoplasmic adenylate cyclase
- filamentous hemagglutin
4 tracheal exotoxin
What are two diseases caused by bartonella henselae?
cat scratch bacillary angiomatoses ( fever, red papules)
Bacillary angiomatosis occurs in ___________ patients
immunocompromised! ppeps with HIV
What 3 bacteria cause ATYPICAL pneumonia
- Mycobacteria pneumonia
- legionella
- chlamydia pneumonia/ psitacci
Hepatitis with pneumonia after exposure to cattle or farm animals indicate possible presence of ___________
Coxiella Burnetti
do not Confuse with BRUCELLA (farm animals and UNDULANT fever)
Q fever is associated with exposure to ?
Farm animals. / Coxiella Burnetti ( endospore former )
Rickettsia, Coxiella, Bartonella, Eerlichia are all ___________intracellular
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi is transmitted via
larvae of mites
Rickettsia prowazekii is transmitted via
louse( lice)
Mycobacterium leprae ( ___________) (type) is characterized by leonine facies, saddlenose deformity, glove stocking sensory peripheral neuropathy
Mycobacterium leprae ( ___________) (type) is characterized by unilateral superfical skin involvement like ulnar, posterior tibial or greeat auricular nerve
Tuberculoid form of mycobacterium leprae has.a. (-/+)_________ lepromin test
(+) positive = self limiting
Which 3 bacteria are stained with silver stain?
Pneumocystis Jiroveci
Which bacteria stain via giemsa stain?
Which bacteria stain MacOnkey agair?
E. coli
India ink stain is for ?
cryptococcus neoform( #1 cuase of fungal meningitis isn HIV patients)
What bacteria inhibits Gi and increases cAMP?
Bordetella pertussis
What bacteria activates Gs and increases cAMP ?
Vibrio cholera
WHat bacteria inhibits AcH?
Clostiridium Botulinum
What condition presents with unilateral axillary lymph nodes in one arm?
Catch scratch, Bartonella henselae