Paper References Flashcards
Hip acetabular orientation in Chinese
Zhang et al., (2017)
Mechanical properties of tendons change with age
O’Brien et al., (2010)
Pictorial review of the distal tibfib syndesmosis and relation to ankle injuries
Hermans et al., (2010)
Proposed a model taking into account structure, flexibility and function of foot to predict foot type
Schultzz et al., (2017)
AC joint injury review of types and management
Warth et al., (2013)
FDG PET of the rotator cuff muscles questioning the role of subscapularis
Omi et al., (2010)
Protocol for determining which muscles should be targeted with botox to treat spasticity
Genet et al., (2017)
Kinematic wrist coupling
Normal axes of rotation of wrist are skewed being neither aligned to anatomical planes or orthogonal to eachother
Nichols et al., (2016)
Those with kneeo OA have different joint biomechanics to those without inlc:
Increased mid stance knee adduction moments, decreased peak knee flexion, hip flexion and hip extension moments
Only severe changes included reduced late stance knee extension
Astephen et al., (2008)
Pts with OA adapt their gait to pain
Demonstrate lower walking speed, lower cadence, shorter step length and shorter single stance phase of affected leg
Bejek et al., (2006)
Walking slower significantly decreased stride length
Stride period and width significantly increased
Thomas et al., (2017)
Can change cadence, step length of both to walk faster
Ardestani et al., (2016)
Stance phase duration and double support time decrease as cadence, stride length and velocity increase
Kirtley et al., (1985)
Slope walking decreases the peak external knee abduction moment
Hip, knee and ankle become more flexed at foot strike and more extended during mid-stance
Haggerty et al., (2014)
Uphill walking significantly increased joint compressive forces over all lower limb joints in 18 healthy males
Downhill walking significantly decreased ankle joint forces but significantly increased hip, tibiofemoral and patellofemoral forces
Alexander and Schwameder, (2016)
Biomechanics of the lower limb
If OA in L hip beneficial to carry walking stick in R hand
Load is greater at medial side of the knee
Ankle has greater surface area
Subtalar joint as a mitred hinge
Monk, (2016)
Acetabular labrum reconstruction via iliotibial band autografts and semitendinosus allografts
Lee et al., (2014)
Variation in femoral stem ante/retroversion has greater effect than acetabular orientation on JCF and average muscle force after THA
Myers et al., (2018)
Direct contact at distal tibfib syndesmosis found in 23 cadavers, in 7 a synovial plica extended between
Bartonicek et al., (2003)
Improper rotation of tibial and femoral components leads to patellofemoral complications after TKA
Rotation of tibial will relatively change the position of the tibial tubercle
Rossi et al., (2010)
Lateral wedge insoles with and without anti-pronatory device to treat medial compartment OA
Jones et al., (2013)
Different types of feet have different structures
Malleolar valgus index and arch height index
Risk of injuries
Hillstrom et al., (2013)
Big foot paper
Fraser et al., (2016)
Deltoid-short rotator force-couple
Scpulohumeral rhythm
Lucas, (1973)
Biomechanics of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
Medialization of the glenosphere
Berliner et al., (2015)
Dislocation of elbow joint most frequently occurs in posterolateral direction
Spreads from lateral to medial
Eygendaal et al., (2000)
Radial head and coronoid process are significant posterolateral rotatory stabilisers as removal of both caused dislocation of all 7 cadaver elbows despite intact ligaments
Schneeberger et al., (2004)
Ulna is primary load bearing bone of forearm
Axis of rotation of forearm not constant
Range of forearm supination increases as elbow flexion increases but pronation decreases
Lees, (2009)
DRUJ, PRUJ and interosseous membrane shown to function as an intergrated osseoligamentous systm distributing applied load
PRUJ behaves similar to DRUJ re force transmission and contact area profiles
PRUJ does bear load
Malone et al., (2015)