Paper 7 Flashcards
Utility of placebo 1,2
1) when a well selected medicine continues its action, we give placebo to keep action of medicine undisturbed
2) most of the medicine start their action with aggravations , in these cases no medicine should be administered
Utility of placebo 3,4
3) when a patient comes to us after over drugged from allopathic medicine we should prescribed placebo for 10 to 15 days in this tym vital force annihilate medicinal symptoms due to over drugging
4) patient who have imaginary illness
Utility of placebo 5,6,7
5) some medicine start their action after 2-4weeks we have to wait for action, during waiting placebo is given
6) in homeo, we give minimum quantity of medicine ie, 2-4doses ask patient to come after long tym placebo is given so patient think he is taking medicine regularly
7) it takes tym to study the case select a medicine, so physician give placebo to keep his honour
The doctrine of placebo is from Latin place-re. ie, to please or satisfy
#Stuart close said that placebo is 2nd best remedy in MM, with out which no good homeo physician can long practice medicine
Synonym : Nihi-linum, phytum, rubrum, lacto-pen
Different forms of placebo (unmediated substances)
Physician given placebo when there is no necessary for administration of medicine he gives un medicated substances,to satisfy patient,to create confidence of using medicine regularly
Solids : SL, globules, tablets, cones
Liquid : alcohol, purified water, purified H2O with alcohol
Principle of LM scale
Globules source or prepared from & tell uses of it
1) pure cane sugar or sucrose 12-13%
2) beet root or sugar beet 15-25%
Uses : for dispensing of medicine
- best medium for preserving
- by this vehicle medicine can be preserved for long time
- as they are capable of retaining medicinal property for long tym
Preparation of globules 4
impurities : starch, flour, glucose glycerine & white colouring material detected through chemical testing
1) granulated cane sugar is placed in a rotating stainless steel globule making pan / pill 💊tube rolled to form sphere
2) purified water is injected while rotating, size of globule is directly proportional to water spray
3) then transferred to hot chamber
4) they are dried and pass through sieve screen hhaving diff size meshes
Characteristics of globules 7
1) shape - round
2) size - 8 to 80 homeo-10,15,20,25,30
3) colour odour - white, odour less
4) taste - sweeter than SL
5) consistency - neither hard nor soft
6) solubility - soluble in water not in Alc
7) melting point - 160°C
Testing of globules
1) con.H2SO4 - decompose gradually
2) sweeter in taste as made of cane
3) do not react with aldehydes, ketone
4) not easily fermentable by yeast
Preservation : dried before storing
Should be kept in air tight vessels, retain their virtue for many yrs if protected from sunlight☀️ heat🔥
Measurement of globules
Aim : space of scale (mm)occupied by 10 unknown size globules is no.of these globules
Requirements : scale📄gum globules
Procedure :
1) paper sheet is folded gum attached along folded line of paper
2) 10 given globules of uniform size are attached in such a way to avoid inter globular space
3) with the help of mm scale, space occupied by globules measured
4) process repeated for 3 times, avg value is noted
Medications of globules in large scale
1) a large porcelain bowl 🥣is taken
2) filled with globules keeping 1/3 vacant
3) required potency of medicine is poured over it in order to moisten them thoroughly
4) poured off on filter paper, so that excess medicine is absorbed
5) when dry kept into a phial marked with name & potency corked tightly
Medications of globules for emergency or limited quantity
1) clean dry phial is taken, non porous velvet cork is taken
2) name, potency is written on crock
3) fresh non medicated globules are poured into it leaving 1/3 part
4) requisite quantity of liquid medicine poured on globules, moisten them uniformly phial kept inverted for 8 hrs
5) excess lq med is drained out & then labelled, kept for 48hrs, ready to use