Pain Flashcards
Pain vs Nociception ?
NOCIOCEPTION - neural encoding from actual or potential (future tissue damage ) -HARD WIRING
0 nociceptors - nerves which sense & respond to tissue damage in parts of the body.
Pain - subjective experience (unpleasant sensory & emotional experience ) of actual or potential ( future ) harm - PERCEPTION
pain is multifactorial
0 impacted by many things e.g gender , culture , anxiety , stress etc.
How does the body transmit pains signal from periphery to brain ?
signal from body (periphery) to brain
BODY ———> BRAIN (primary somatosensory cortex just posterior to central sulcus - parietal lobe ) -(ascending pathway.)
PSSC - Perceives sensation - in this case pain.
ex -
- ## damage to right hand hand
- immune cells in damage area/ skin cells or any other damaged cells - inflamed & damage - release cytokines /inflammatory mediators
- Prostaglandins
- Bradykinins
- H+
- Serotonin
- Histamine
- Prostaglandins
- Cytokines - include prostaglandins
These chemicals stimulate Nociceptors - bind to receptors on the neurone causing depolarisation.
part2 - nociceptors further release chemicals e.g substance P , CGRP - promote inflammation - amplifying inflammatory response.
(Calcitonin gene related protein -highly potent vasodilator as well - helps protect cardiovascular system )
NOCICEPTORS under skin , ( can be in joints ) - detect noxious stimuli - immune cells etc release chemicals
0 ALPHA / DELTA FIBRES myelinated & small - produce fast sharp pain
Unmyelinated , smaller produce slow , poorly localised - throbbing / burning pain.
- 1st order neurone (nociceptor/ afferent -bringing info in) - Sensory nerve fibre respond to prostaglandins .
- 1st order neurone - carries
signal/ impulse to dorsal horn of spinal corn ( back of it ) - 1st Order neurone synapse with 2nd order within dorsal horn - relaying impulse. Substance P released by 1st order neurone to relay signal.
- 2nd order neurone crosses over to opposite side if spinal cord
- 2nd order - enters spinothalamic tract. ( from spinal cord - to Thalamus)
- 2nd order neurone - continues up the ascending pathway —–> up spinal cord ———–> medulla ——-> pons (medulla & pons midbrain ) —————> midbrain ———> terminates in Thalamus.
- 2nd order synapses with 3 order neurone in thalamus.
- 3 order neurone relay with part of the PSSC that correlates with injured hand. —–
this is on the left side of the brain - the 2nd order neurone cross over in spinal cord. )
What is the descending pain pathway ?
Controls & can inhibit ascending pathway.
- Neurones arise from periaqueductal grey matter —————–>
- neurone synapses with neurone which produces Serotonin or Noradrenaline in nucleus Raphe magnus
- Serotonergic / Noradrenergic neurone travels down to the dorsal horn of spinal cord
( where 1st and 2 order neurone of ascending pathway synapse - Serotonergic / Noradrenergic neurone - release serotonin & noradrenaline
SE/NA binds to pre - synaptic membrane ( 1st order neurone end terminal ) preventing release of substance P.
they inhibit and control communication btw them - controlling pain signals going up to brain )
- In the Sustantia Gelatinosa - there is also also an interneuron (which is an opioid neurone ) with serotenergic / noradrenergic neurone synapses with - stimulates it to release - ENKEPHALIN
( endogenous opioid )
- inhibit presynaptic neurone from releasing substance P by binding.
- inhibits post- synaptic neurone from depolarising -stop continuation of impulse to thalamus.
periaqueductal grey matter - area of gray matter found in midbrain - surrounds cerebral aqueduct occupies column in brainstem (length - 14mm)
Nucleus Raphe magnus in medulla -
PAG - plays a role in analgesia - inhibits pain - through descending pathway
Substantia Gelatinosa - collection of cells in gray mater of dorsal horn - where 1st order & 2nd order neurones of ascending pathway synapse -
(synapse of neurones from body carrying info about pain & temp to neurones which will carry info to brain. )
What is the difference btw the position of white & gray mater in brain & spinal cord ?
Spinal cord - White on the outside
0 Gray on the inside.
0 White matter contains axons of nerves
0 Gray matter - contains cell bodies.
Brain - Gray on the outside ,
0 white on the inside.
Withdrawal reflex
0 Nociceptor - detect painful stimuli
- Sensory neurone carries signal to dorsal horn of spinal cord.
- Multiple reflex pathways activated
4. One of pathway excites motor neurone which activates flexor muscle in thigh)
another pathway inhibits the motor neurone which activates extensor muscle in thigh -opposing muscle to flexor.
Another pathway crosses over to opposite side of spinal cord
0 does the opposite of the other leg (which detected pain )
- extensor muscle activated by motor neurone , flexor muscle inhibited.
(cross extension reflex )
CROSS EXTENSION REFLEX - contralateral limb - extension activated , flexion inhibited -
compensates for lack for support when ipsilateral limb withdraws from painful stimulus
- happens to hold weight e.g if other leg withdrawing from something e.g fire - the other leg has to be ready to hold your weight.
What is visceral pain ?
Pain originating from internal organs within :
0 Thoracic
0 Abdominal
0 Pelvic pain
visceral structures in these areas are high susceptible to :
0 Stretch /distension
0 Inflammation
0 Ischemia
Visceral pain - poorly localised - vague
( can feel like pressure , aching , deep squeeze )
What is Radicular pain ?
caused by compression of nerve root (which exits out of spinal column )
0 can happen in neck ——-> radiates to shoulder blade & hand
0 happen in lower back ——–> radiate to lower back e.g sciatica
- pain travels down nerve – radiating from spinal nerve root to extremity - partly or fully.
- irritates nerve and compresses it.
anywhere from that point - you can get pain , tingling , numbness etc.
NOTE - RADICULOPATHY -( range of symptoms produced by pinching of nerve) - nerve does not work properly - conduction block / neuropathy .
SYMPTOMS - radiating pain.
- weakness
- numbness /paraesthesia
- difficulty controlling muscles.radiating pain is one of its symptoms but involves other things
What are the ways you can provide analgesia - mechanisms ?
- Block pain pathway ( disrupt pathway which recognises pain ) e.g local anaesthetics
- Inhibit amplification symptoms - NSAIDS - block COX enzymes - which trigger pain.
- Boost inhibitory systems - OPOIDS / SRI - facilitate inhibitory system.
Mechanism of Action of Local anaesthetics ?
numb small part of the body
0 Unionised form - penetrate cell membrane - effective - can be absorbed by body
(non - polar and lipid bilayer so compatible )
0 Ionised - polar - cannot pass through membrane - ineffective - cannot be absorbed
- if administer local A in a person with a lot of acid in body - it is will ionise as it is a weak base
this means that it the local A will quickly ionise and thus not be effective.
- ## Local A - administered -ionised form - needs to pass through aqueous extracellular phase ( is a Weak base)
- LA becomes UNIOINSE-
has to be unionised - to penetrate membrane.
- Ionised LA binds on sodium channels - (blocks transmembrane pore from the inside ) - prevent sodium from coming in to the neurone - prevent propagation of action potential down neurone.
( once ionised can no longer leave through membrane - stuck,)
More NA + on outside
More K + on inside
Action potential -NA + moves in - make inside more positive = actional potential propagates.
Which nerves are most & least susceptible to LA ?
0 small fibres more than large
0 Myelinated more than unmyelinated
1. Nociceptor
- Sympathetic
- Temp fibres
- Motor fibres ( massive dose would be needed to paralyse a person )
Types of Local A ?
Lidocaine / Lignocaine - rapid onset - medium duration of action - commonly used
*- also an anti - arrithymic drug
Bupivacaine - slow onset , long duration , medium tissue penetration - used in long surgeries
(High myocardial toxicity - take care with patients with heart
conditions / failure.
If duration of action is too short ——- add
adrenaline* / catheter + infusion.
- Unwanted blockade - as LA can affect sympathetic nerves , temp , motor fibres )
0 Use low conc.
What was the first Local A ?
Mechanism of action of NSAIDS ?
How are Prostaglandins made ?
Immune cells and other cells convert phospholipids in membrane to Arachidnoic acid ——————————–> prostagladin H2 -( converted by COX 1 & 2) ———————————> Prostagladin E2 / F2
these cause fever , enhance pain & inflammation
What is COX 1 & 2 ?
- side effects of blocking them ?
Enzymes that covert Arachidonic acid to Prostaglandin H2 .
COX 1 - Physiological - is always active .- maintain homeostasis
especially in stomach , kidneys ,
Stomach - PGE2, PGF2 - reduce acid production.
Inhibition of COX 1 in stomach SIDE EFFECTS 0 Dyspepsia 0 Nausea 0 Vomiting 0 gastric ulceration 0 Haemorrhage
AA ——-> PGH2 ——–> PGE2 , PGI2 ( instead of PGF2)
PGE2 / I2 - Maintain renal blood flow.
- cause dilation of afferent arteriole in kidney maintain eGFR (even more important when issues in kidney - role becomes more significant)
inhibition of COX1 reduces these prostaglandins - increases risk of injury - can cause
NSAIDS - part of triple Whammy (drugs you do not want to be on if you have kidney issues
0 Diuretics
0 ACE Inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers.
COX-2 - inflammatory
not always on - active during injury , stress , trauma
What are the different types of NSAIDS ?
Non -specific - act at both COX 1 & 2 e.`g :
0 Iburpofen 0 aspirin - irrevsible & nati- platelet action 0 Naproxen- 0 Diclofenac - reversible - highly potent 0 paracetamol ?
antipyertic , anti-analgesic , antinflammatory
- inhibition of COX -1
- increased acid productio , reduce production of protective mechanisms e.g mucous
- associated with prolonged bleeding time.
aspirin - works mainly by inhibiting COX & platelets.
platelets produce Thromboxane A2
(Prostoglandin H2 —————–> Thromboxane A2 (catalysed by TX synthase)
if platelets are inhibited - Thromboxane A2 not produced ——-> platelet aggregation reduced —–> clotting reduced ——> blood thins.
aspirin - irreversibly inhibits COX -1 in platelets - blood thinning effect -platelets don’t have nucleus so effects persist as cant make new COX -1 enzymes
- NSAIDS - with high COX -1 selectivity - have protective cardiovascular because of anti- platelet properties.
Selective - work only at COX 2
- normally a balance btw PGI2 & TXA2
0 PGI2 - causes vasodilation & inhibition of platelet activation. -produced mainly by COX 2
0 TXA2 - promote platelet aggregation & vasoconstriction produce mainly by COX - 1
if only COX2 inhibited - there will be more TXA2 vs PGI2 - increase in vasoconstriction & platelet aggregation ————————————————-> Increased risk of cardiovascular events e.g. stroke , myocardial infraction.
Where do corticosteroids work on the Prostaglandins synthesis pathway?
Phospholipid ———————————————–> Arachidonic acid
( catalysed by phospholipase A2)
corticosteroids inhibit phospholipasea2 - blocking pathway.
Function of different prostaglandin ?
PGE1 - Hyperalgesia
Renal vasodilator
Ductus arteriosus patency
- Bronchoconstriction
Uterine contraction ( sometimes used t terminate pregnancy )
PGI2 - prostacyclin- Hyperalgesia
Inhibition of platelet aggregation
TXA2 - Activation of platelet aggregation
Where is the site of analgesia for :
Local A
Local A - site of injury , peripheral nerve , spinal cord (spinal epidural )
NSAIDS - site of injury
OPOIDS - site of injury (not used as much - with opioids ), spinal epidural , brain - centrally
What are opiods ?
Medicines - natural to synthetic
Natural - Opiates
0 Morphine - not very lipid soluble - slow onset , long duration of action.
0 Codeine - prodrug
0 Thembaine
Semi - synthetic (chemically modified opiates ) 0 Diacetylmorphine - prodrug ( - mod morphine ) 0 Hydrocodone - ( mod codeine ) 0 Oxycodone ( mod thembaine)
Sympathetic 0 Fentanyl - highly lipid soluble - passes easily through Blood brain barrier - has rapid onset , short duration of action ( as can leave just as fast as it came ) 0 Methodone 0 Pethedine / Meperidine
0 mimic effects of endogenous Opiods : 1. endorphins 2. enekaphlins 3. dynorphins ( release at brain / spinal cord ( locally ) &systemically
Opioids bind to opioid receptors 9 found in brain ,spinal cord & GI tract ) & activate them
3 types of opioid receptor mu - Delta - Kappa - (they have special signs - look online ) THEY ARE ALL G COUPLE RECEPTORS
sedation , pain relief , anxiety reduction , euphoria etc.
- Opioid administered - intravenously ( enters blood )
- Opioid crosses BBB into CNS
- Once in CNS - Opioid binds to opioid receptor located on pre -synaptic M of neurone in spinal cord for example.
- prevents pre -s synaptic GABA releasing inhibitory neurone from releasing GABA (neurotransmitters - in general )( pre - synaptic inhibition )
- prevents pre -s synaptic GABA releasing inhibitory neurone from releasing GABA (neurotransmitters - in general )( pre - synaptic inhibition )
- binding causes part the some of the subunits of the g coupled/opiod receptor to bind & stop voltage gated CA2+ channels from opening.
(GABA -inhibitory neurotransmitter - found in descending pain pathway
Descending P - inhibits & controls ascending pathway -)
2. prevents depolarisation of post synaptic neurone (post - synaptic inhibition) OPOIDS BIND TO G COUPLED RECPTOR ON POST SM - SUBUNIT OF GCR BINDS TO VOLTAGE GATE K+ CHANNELS - OPENING IT - INFLUX OF K+ OUT OF NEURONE
- So if neurotransmitter binds to NA+ channels on Post SM - sodium would enter at the same time K+ was leaving -POSITIVE CHARGE DOES NOT BUILD UP - DEPOLARISATION PREVENTED ——————————> action potential does occur.
In the case of GABA example - after descending pathway is activated :
endogenous opioids release and act on opioid receptors on pre /post SM. - causing inhibition of both 1st order & 2nd order neurone in dorsal horn of spinal cord.
What are the effects of opioids ?
- Analgesia
0 Constipation
0 Sedation
0 Respiratory depression
0 Mood alteration
0 nausea -unwanted
0 vomiting - unwanted
Special case for Diamorphine / diacetyl morphine & codeine ?
They are prodrugs (need to be broken down into active form )
Diamorphine —————————–> 6 monoacetyl morphine ————————————————–> Morphine ——————————————-> Morphine 6 Glucuronide
Codeine —————————–> Morphine ( by CP450 2D6) ————————————————-> Morphine 6 Glucuronide
in people who are ultra- metabolizers ( in terms CYP 2D6 ) & children - ultrametabolizers —– codeine rapidly metabolised - so morphine levels accumulate - toxic .- need to be careful.
0 6 monoacetyl morphine
0 Morphine
0 Morphine 6 Glucuronide
(active metabolite of morphine )
- MORE POTENT THAN MORPHINE ( higher affinity for opioid receptor )
- MORE EASILY ACCUMULATES TO TOXIC LEVELS IN KIDNEY FAILURE- as it will not be cleared and levels accumulate.
What is the Analagesic Ladder ?
Step up approach to treat chronic pain
Stength of Pain relief increased with increasing pain.
STAGE 1- Paracetamol + NSAIDS
STAGE 2 - Weak opioids -
Tramadol - prevents serotonin & NA reuptake.
(with or without non - opioid analgesics (e.g para & NSAIDS )
STAGE 3 - Strong / potent opioids -
- Morphine
-oramorph - used in severe pain (instead or morphine )(liquid morphine taken by mouth - takes effect faster than a fentanyl patch)
- Fentanyl
- Oxycodone
with or without non - opioid analgesics (e.g para & NSAIDS )
- AT ALL OF THESE may have or may not use ADJUVANTS (co -analgesics - administration usually have indications other than pain relief. - but are still helpful e.g.
0 TCA e.g- amytriptyline - for neuropathic pain
0 SSRI OR SNRI - ( serotonin - norephedrine reuptake inhibitors. ),
0 anticonvulsants e.g:
- pregabalin,
- gabapentin ,
0 Corticosteroids .e.g( dexamethasone)
- Dexamethasone is an adjuvant analgesic; useful in reducing oedema caused by raised intra-cranial pressure, liver capsule pain and bone pain
0 bisphosphonates
- Adjuvants - in some indications are used as first line treatment for specific types of pain e.g. diabetic painful neuropathy.
Points about Fentanyl ?
Highly potent
Highly lipid soluble
Transdermal use - patch (topical )
Becoming a problem on the streets -a lot of abuse
very dangerous
What is Patient controlled analgesia ?
Patient controlled analgesia – they give themselves small doses of analgesic drug e.g morphine – they will only get a maximum amount in a 5 min period
What is :
- Somatic
- Visceral pain
- Allodynia
- Dyesthesia
NOCIOCEPTIVE PAIN - pain caused by physical or potential damage to the body.
Somatic pain - generally described as musculoskeletal pain
- pain originating in joints , bones (skin , muscles )
- can be either be :
SUPERFICIAL - arise from nocioceptors in the skin & mucous membranes DEEP - originates from structures e.g joints , bones, muscles , tendons.
- sharp , aching , throbbing , gwawing.
0 Visceral
- pain originating from internal Thoracic , abdominal and pelvic organs
e.g. Liver , Gut
(when these structures are damaged / injured )
e.g - pelvic pain after Bladder infection
- abdominal pain after IBD.
- Non localised
- cramping pain
- squeezing
- pressure
- aching
NEUROPATHIC PAIN - damage to the Nervous systems / abnormal(not working properly ) causing pain.
0 Allodynia - non painful stimuli causing a sensation of pain (e.g brushing hair becomes painful of touching skin )
- sometimes seen in morphine toxicity.
0 Dysesthesia
- Abnormal sensations e.g shocks , burning , tightening around body etc.
seen in MS (multiple sclerosis )
Pain relief in renal failure ?
GFR below < 30mls/ min ( Stage 4 or 5 CKD ) - increased risk of toxic side effects with opiods due to metabolite accumulation - not being cleared by kidenys.
Stage 3 - severe pain + renal failure
1st Choice -
Alfentanil -
undergoes hepatic metabolism , short half life , metabolites non toxic and only 1 % excreted by kidneys (limited renal clearance )
Drugs to be avoided 0 NSAIDS (unless patient is already on dialysis ) 0 Morphine (however it can be used - in smaller doses and less often - as it can accumulate. )
Stage 1 - > 90 mls/min
Stage 2 - 89 - 61 mls/ min
Stage 3 - 60 - 30mla/ min
Stage 4 CKD - 29 mls - 15mls /min
Stage 5 - < 15mls /min
Side effects of Opiods ?
- Sedation
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- dizziness
- Respiratory depression