Paeds Summary Q's Flashcards
ages of puberty onset - M & F
M - 10-14
F - 10 - 13 –> menstration starts around 18 months later
what are the common causes of acutely unwell child (split into systems)
Resp - Croup / Asthma exac / acute epiglott / foreign object Inf Dis - Sepsis / GastroEnt CV - arrythmia Neuro - Meningitis / Other - Hypoglyc / NAI / Volvulus
positive of breastfeeding (mother and child)
Mother - decrease risk of breast cancer / ovarian cancer , increase bond between baby, helps lose weight, lowers risk of osteoporosis
Baby - lowers risk of atopy, lowers risk of diabetes, lowers risk of obesity??
contra-indications to breastfeeding
psychological aspect?
radioactive iodine therapy
feeding methods for sick child
NG tube feeding
hypotrophic feeding
central line feeding?
signs of dehydration in a sick child?
dry mucous membranes low urine output low core cap refill low BP high HR sunken eyes sunken fontanelle
causes of fluid loss in child
fever, burns, diarr, vomiting
causes of motor development delay
Cerebral Palsy, DMD, Global development decrease (downs)
investigations for failure to thrive
Bloods - TFT’s and TSH (hypothy causes decreased growth hormone), FBC (B12/Iron/ WCC), TTF (coeliacs) Faecal Eleastase
Sweat Tst - CF
karyotyping - genetic
causes of febrile child (split into systems)
Resp - bronchiolitis, croup, pneumonia, epiglotitis
GI - viral gastroent, appendix, intuss,
Renal - UTI
Neuro - meningitis
Inf Dis -
ENT - viral throat/ strep throat, ottitis media,
definition of respiratory distress syndrome
inability of lungs to fully expand as a result of decreased surfactant production, most commonly becuase of prematurity. This leads to increased effort of breathing and eventually exhaustion.???
causes of seizures (5 H’s, D, E, M)
Hyperthermia Hypoglycaemia Hypernatramia/hypocalcemia hypoxia h drugs epilepsy meningitis
signs of NAI
child is:
unkempt, overly friendly to strangers, poor developed speech, weird bruises, failure to thrive, odd hx given, suspicious injuries, any STI
acute abdo DDx
What are the COntra-Indications to Immunizations
what are contra-indications to giving live/attenuated vaccines?
CI - Severe confirmed anaphyllaxis reaction / current febrile illness
CI to live - Immunocompromised or suppressed / HIV /
what predisposes to needing resusitation peri-natally OR causes of fetal resp distress
prematurity fetal distress transient tachpnea of neonate meconium stained liquor emergency c-section congenital abnorm
causes of IUGR
chromosomal abnorm
smoking / alcohol
meningitis signs
photophobia neck stiffness fever sweaty headache dizzy N+V \+/- meningococcal rash
umbilical cord components
2 arteries
1 vein
Meningitis in infancy, initial signs and complications
Signs - Irritable cry, Gastroent, bulging fontanelle, apnoea, head retraction and resistance to flexion (coma, convulsion)
Compl - seizures, cerebral oedema, hypoNat, deafness, drug fever, mental handicap
cause of paediatric deafness
- meningitis
- congenital syndrome
- Pre Natal infection (TORCH)
- Ototoxic drugs
- Perinatal problems
Causes of Raised Intra-cranial pressure
Meningitis, CA, haemorrhage (stroke?) any cause og hydrocephalus (TORCH??)
causes hydrocephalus
NTD’s, post haemorhage (stroke etc), infection (meningitis)
what can cause lymphadenopathy in kids
Malignant - Leukaemia, Lymphoma,
Infection - anything?? TB?
AutoImmune - Sarcoid, SLE,