Haemotology Sumamry Q's Flashcards
cause of DIC
Surgery, CA/leukaemia, sepsis
causes of thrombophilia - split prim and secondary
1 - anti-phospholipid / apc def
2 - CA, OCP, Preg, Immob, smoking
characteristic features of ALL,CLL,AML,CML
ALL - lymphoblasts
AML - auer rods in cells, gum hypertrophy
CLL - smudge cells
CML - 9:22 chromosome
what CF will be seen if a disorder is infiltrative?
splenoemegaly, bone pain, lymphadenopathy
keys of support treatment for leukaemia?
Maintain all cell lines :
Transfusion (RBC’s and platelets)
control infections
neutropenic sepsis management
isolate room full barrier nursing full clean after every bowel opening avoid IM injections inspect for infection sites monitor vitals every 4 hours
CRAB symp mult myeloma and what seen in urine?
Bence Jones Proteins
CRAB - Ca2+ up Renal (Urea) Anaemia Bone disease
transfusion key facts
Must always - check details, handwrite bottle form crossmatch, explain to patient
SE: ABO incompat –> human error, TRALI, TACO, anaphyllaxis
what special considerations may be taken into account in a transfusion/ when might transfusion blood need altered before being given?
pregnancy, immunocomp, in-utero (rhesus neg)
immediate management if reaction to transfusion?
STOP give IV fluid ABCDE call help investigate
phone lab
restart slowly if no deterioration
mechanisms for anaemia of chronic disease?
less EPO (CKD) or increased destruction (infection)
if low B12 suspected?
lemon tinge skin and glossitis, check folate and assess neuro
what must be checked before commencing foalte therapy
Markers of haemolysis (5)
Reticulocytes, LDH up, haptoglbin up, hyperbilirubin, urinary urobilinogen up
pernicious anaemia key facts?
atrophic gastritis –> less parietal cell producing Intrinsic factor –> B12 malabsorption