Infectious Dis Summary Q's Flashcards
what are 4 abx’s contributing to C Diff?
Cephalosporin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, co-amox
patient is given a stat dose of vanc rather than a timed infusion, what SE can occur?
Red man syndrome
what is first line therapy for c-diff
metro if mild symptoms
vanc +/- faecal transplant if severe
(only treat if symptomatic)
what comprises ‘Full Barrier Nursing’
isolate room
wash hands and wear gloves and apron
change catheter often
how might you determine a patient with c-diff’s severity level?
CFEW?? Creatinine >1.5 baselines Fever >38.5 Evidence of colitis WCC >15
describe timeline of HIV and when might HAART be started?
1 - seroconversion + transient illness
2 - asymptomatic period +/- periph lymadenopathy
3 - constitutional symp - night sweats, weight loss etc
4 - oppurtunist/low CD4 period
when CD4 count is
what is the neutropenic regime?
- full barrier nursing
- no IM injections
- inspect for signs of infection
- change catheters regularly
- wash perinium after poopoo
- monitor vitals/baseline bloods
patient with HIV develops a cough, fever and SOB. what is top DDx, what investigations could be done and how would you treat this?
chest xray / bronchi-alveolar lavage
empirical ABx, consult micro ??gent
what must be excluded in a patient with hx of rigors, foregin travel suspicious of malarua?
are the complications of malaria?
death, cerebral, pul oedema, anaemia,
what is the management plan of ??meningitis? and what complications can ensue with this condition?
clinical exam
if meningococc suspected, give ben pen and dexamethasone
iv fluid, cultures, bloods taken off
CT –> LP
local guidelines once sensitivity known (IV ceft)
deafness, seziures, shock
what investigation might allow you to discover cause of diarr?
stool culture
what are major RF’s for mrsa in hospital? and what is first line treatment for MRSA?
cannula’s and catheters
other sick people
surgical wounds
vanc + full barrier nursing
if a patient has c-diff, what are the most concerning possoble sequelae?
pseudomembranous colitis
toxic megacolon
both would require surgery (colectomy)
what is diagnostic tests for HIV? (2)
Viral p24 Ag
Serum HIV AB Elisa
what common oppurtunist infections can occur? 3 diff systems.
Eyes - CMV retinitis Lungs - PCP / TB Mouth - Candida Neuro - encephalopathy Skin - Kaposi's Sarcoma