Paeds renal Flashcards
How might a baby (<3 mnths) present with a UTI?
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Irritability
- Vomiting
- Poor feeding
What are the signs and symptoms of a UTI in older children (verbal and > 3 yrs)
- Frequency
- Dysuria
What is the first line examination in a UTI
-Clean catch urine dip
What is the diagnosis based on urine dip outcome
- Under 3mnths : needs MCS
- 3 mnths to 3 years : LE +ve or nitrite +ve = treat as UTI
- > 3 yrs : le +ve and nitrite +ve = UTI. If nitrite +ve but le -ve, treat as UTI and send MCS
what is the most common UTI cause in children.
- E.coli
How should all children under 3 mnths old with a fever be managed and in the case of suspected UTI ?
- Admit + IV antibiotics (cefuroxime)
When is an USS done in a child with a UTI?
- All children under 6mnths with their first UTI
- Children with recurrent UTI’s
- Children with atypical UTI’s
When is a DMSA scan done in a child with a UTI
- 4 to 6 mnths after the illness to assess for kidney scarring in recurrent or atypical UTI’s
- Patches of scarred kidney will not take up the injected material
When is a micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) done in a child with a UTI?
- To assess for vesico-ureteric reflux when the urine has a tendency to flow from the bladder back into the ureters
- Done to assess atypical or recurrent UTI’s in children <6mnths
How is a MCUG done?
- A child is catherised and contrast is injected into the bladder.
- X-rays are then taken to determine whether the contrast refluxes into the ureters
When would a diagnosis of acute pyelonephirits be given in a child?
- Temp of greater than 38 degrees or loin pain / tenderness
Define enuresis, nocturnal enuresis and diurnal enuresis
- Enuresis : involuntary urination
- Nocturnal enuresis : bed wetting
- Diurnal enuresis : inability to control bladder functioning during the day
What is primary nocturnal enuresis
- Where a child has never managed to be consistently dry at night
- Usually caused by a variation on normal development and there will often be Fx of delayed dry nights.
- Requires reassurance
Give 4 other causes of primary nocturnal enuresis
- Overactive bladder
- Fluid intake -> fizzy drinks, juice and caffeine before bed
- Failure to wake
- Psychological distress
Give 4 secondary causes of primary nocturnal enuresis
- Chronic constipation
- Learning disability
- Cerebral palsy
How is primary nocturnal enuresis managed ?
- Determine cause using 2 wk diary
- If <5, reassure will likely resolve
- Lifestyle changes : reduce fluids at night, pass urine before bed
- Encourage and + reinforcement
What is secondary nocturnal enuresis ?
-When a child begins wetting the bed when they have been previously dry for at least 6 mnths
Give 5 causes of secondary nocturnal enuresis
- Constipation
- T1DM
- New psychosocial problems
- Maltreatment
Give 2 kinds of diurnal enuresis
- Urge : overactive bladder than gives little warning before emptying
- Stress : leakage of urine during physical exertion, coughing or laughing
Give 3 types of medication that can be used for nocturnal enuresis
- Desmopressin - taken at bed time to reduce the volume of urine production by the kidney
- Oxybutin - anticholinergic medication reducing contractility of the bladder in an overactive bladder causing urge incontinence
- Imipramine - tricyclic antidepressant