Paeds cardio Flashcards
Where does foetal blood get oxygen and nutrients and dispose of CO2 an lactate?f
-The placenta
What is the ductus arteriosus?
-Shunt in foetal circulation that allows blood to pass from the pulmonary artery to the aorta
what is the foramen ovale?
-Foetal shunt that allows blood to pass from the right to the left atrium
What is the ductus venosus ?
-Foetal shunt that allows blood to pass from the umbilical vein the to inferior vena cava and bypass the liver
What happens to the patent foramen ovale at birth ?
- When the baby takes its first breath, the alveoli expand decreasing pulmonary vascular resistance
- This causes the pressure in the right atrium to fall
- As left atrial pressure is then greater than right atrial pressure, it squashes the atrial septum closing the foramen ovale
What happens to the ductus arteriosus at birth ?
- The increased blood oxygenation causes a drop in prostaglandins
- As prostaglandins are required to keep it open, it causes it to close
What is a patent ductus arteriosus ?
-When the ductus arteriosus fails to close at birth
How does a PDA present? (5)
- Difficulty feeding
- Poor weight gain
- Murmur picked up on newborn examination
What murmur does a significant PDA cause?
- Normal first heart sound
- Continuous crescendo-decrescendo ‘machinery’ murmur that may continue to the second heart sound
How is a PDA managed ?
- Monitored with echoes until 1 yr
- Trans-catheter or surgical closure
Explain the pathophysiology as to why a PDA leads to heart failure
- It creates a left to right shunt : pressure is greater in the aorta and so blood flows from here to the pulmonary vessels
- This leads to pulmonary hypertension and right sided heart strain as the RV struggles to contract against the increased resistance
- This leads to right ventricular hypertrophy
- Increased blood flow through pulmonary vessels returning to the left side of the heart leads to left ventricular hypertrophy
Give 2 RF for PDA
- Prematurity
- Maternal infections such as rubella
What is the most common kind of ASD?
-Ostium secondum : the septum secondum fails to fully close leaving a hole in the wall
Name 2 other kinds of ASD
- Patent foramen ovale
- Ostium primum : this tends to lead to an atrioventricular valve defect, making it an atrioventricular septal defect
What is the most common congenital heart defect in adults?
-Ostium secundum
What kind of ASD is seen in 25% of people with downs syndrome ?
-Ostium primum
Is an ASD an acyanotic or cyanotic heart defect?
- Acyanotic
- Blood still flows to the pulmonary vessels and lungs to get oxygenated
What murmur is heard in an ASD?
-Mid systolic, crescendo-descrendo murmur heart loudest at the upper left sternal border
What happens to the 2nd heart sound in an ASD?
- Fixed split second heart sound
- This is because there is a greater volume of blood passing by the pulmonary valve
- This means there is a slight delay in it closure compared to the aortic valve
- However, this is on both inspiration and expiration
If an ASD is not picked up on newborn examinations, how might it present in childhood ?
- Difficulty feeding
- Poor weight gain
If asymptomatic in childhood, how might an ASD present in adulthood ?
- Dyspnoea
- Heart failure
- Stroke
Why is stroke a common complication of patients with an ASD who develop a venous thromboembolism ?
- The clot travels to the right atrium passes through the ASD to the left atrium
- From here, left ventricle, aorta and up to the brain
Give 4 complications of an ASD
- Stroke
- AF and atrial flutter
- Pulmonary HTN and right sided HF
- Eisenmenger syndrome
What medications are given to adults with an ASD to reduce the risk of clots and strokes
-Anticoagulant : aspirin, warfarin, DOACs
What 2 genetic conditions are commonly associated with VSD?
- Down’s syndrome
- Turner’s syndrome
What murmur is often heard in antenatal scans in VSD?
- Pan-systolic
- More prominent at the left lower sternal border in the third and fourth intercostal spaces
- Possible systolic thrill on palpation
Give 3 causes of a pan-systolic murmur
- Ventricular septal defect
- Mitral regurgitation
- Tricuspid regurgitation
If not picked up as a newborn, how might a VSD present?
- Poor feeding
- Dyspnoea
- Tachypnoea
- Failure to thrive
What a patients with a VSD at increased risk of ?
- Infective endocarditis
- If having surgery, prophylactic antibiotics should be given
What is Eisenmenger syndrome ?
-When blood flows from the right to the left side of the heart through a structural lesion, bypassing the lungs
What 3 underlying lesions can cause Eisenmenger syndrome ?
- Atrial septal defect
- Ventricular septal defect
- Patent ductus arteriosus
Explain the pathophysiology behind why Eisenmenger syndrome develops
- ASD or VSD allows left -> right shunt
- This leads to pulmonary HTN
- Eventually pulmonary pressure > systemic pressure
- This creates right -> left shunt
- Deoxygenated blood bypasses the lungs and enters the body
- This causes cyanosis
Give 4 examination findings associated with the pulomonary HTN seen in Eisenmenger syndrome
- Right ventricular heave
- Loud P2
- Raised JVP
- Peripheral oedema
Explain the cyanosis seen in Eisenmenger syndrome
- Blue discoloration of the skin due to low oxygen sats in the blood
- BM will produce more RBC and haemoglobin leading to polycythaemia
- Polycythaemia = plethoric complexion