paeds - HIV Flashcards
words to use
- HIV disease not infection (infection stigma of being contagious, threat, unclean)
people living with HIV not HIV infected ppl (ppl w/ HIV emphasises humanity)
perinatal/ vertical transmission not mother-to-child
how do children acquire HIV
- Vertical Transmission
- Accounts for > 95% of cases
- ‘Horizontal’ transmission
- Unexplained
- Blood transfusion transmission
- Sexual abuse
- Wet nursing
% pregnant women in SA are HIV +
transmission - mother to child / vertical / perinatal
- 1 in 4 babies born HIV+ (25%) if no intervention offered
transmission types in children
- intrapartum 60%
- breastfeeding 30%
- in utero 10%
HAART transmission %
from 20-40% to 2%
stages of grief cycle & emotions
SAD DAE (day)
- shock & denial
- anger
- depression and detachment
- dialogue & arguing
- acceptance
- empowerment
HIV/ AIDS staging for infants and children
stage 1 (HIV) -> stage 4 (AIDS)
stage 1 - asymptomatic
stage 2 - mild disease
stage 3 - advanced
stage 4 - severe
HIV/ AIDS staging for infants and children - stage 1
- Asymptomatic – i.e displays NO symptoms
- PGL - Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy
HIV/ AIDS staging for infants and children - stage 2
In 2s = HH PP RR L
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Herpes zoster / shingles (blistered rash)
- Papular pruritic eruptions
- Parotid enlargement
- Recurrent oral ulcerations
- Recurrent or chronic URTI
- Lineal Gingival Erythema (LGE) angular chelitis
seen in OPD/GP
HIV/ AIDS staging for infants and children - stage 3
3rd stage: 4P Minus One CHaiN
- Pulmonary TB
- persistent diarrhoea Unexplained (14 days or more)
- persistent fever Unexplained, for longer than 1month)
- pneumonia Severe recurrent presumed bacterial
- malnutrition Unexplained moderate
- Oral candidiasis (outside neonatal period )
- Chronic HIV associated lung disease
- haematologic abnormalities Unexplained - anaemia, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia for more than 1 month
- Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis/periodontitis
admitted to wards
HIV/ AIDS staging for infants and children - stage 4
- Wasting Unexplained severe
- Extrapulmonary cryptococcosis including meningitis
- Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
- Chronic Cryptosporidiosis
- Chronic Herpes simplex infection
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
- Recurrent severe presumed bacterial infections (excl. pneumonia)
- Kaposi’s sarcoma
- HIV encephalopathy
HIV direct effect on CNS
HIV encephalopathy
HIV indirect effect on CNS
secondary to illnesses and therefore delayed development
- Tumours
- Opportunistic infections (OIs)
- Vasculitides
- IRIS –immune reconstitution syndrome
- Drug related phenomena (like with Efavirenz)
unrelated to HIV effects on CNS
- birth related brain injury
- foetal alcohol syndrome
HIV encephalopathy diagnosis
long term disability
* birth hx
* Slow achievement or loss of milestones or loss of intellectual ability
* Acquired microcephaly
* Acquired symmetrical motor deficits in an alert child - increased tone, pathologic reflexes, ataxia, gait disturbances, paresis
* CSF is normal or has non-specific findings
* CT scan shows diffuse brain atrophy
* Rule out CNS infections/conditions
HIV encephalopathy Rx
HAART+multidisciplinary team approach
Later management – spasticity, tendon procedures, Botox
role of primary healthcare workers
- Promotive – as HCWs need to empower through knowledge dissemination
- recognize HIV signs and symptoms
- Preventive – specific HIV preventive strategies
- HIV can be prevented
- Rehabilitative – to avoid long term complications
- Understand the complications & mx
- Curative – part of MDT providing care and
treatment - counsel patients and their families
severe pneumonia & recurrent how to help
- support in ICU
- sputum collection
- rx
why to treat neurodevelopment disability
- prevent complications