Paeds: CMPA Flashcards
Cow’s milk is a good source of:
Cow’s milk is a good source of:
* Calcium
* Vitamin D
* Energy
* Protein
* Fat
* Fat soluble vitamins
* Iodine
* Magnesium
* Phosphorous
* B Vitamins
What is cows milk protein allergy?
What are the different forms?
- Cow’s milk protein allergy is an an immune system response to proteins found in cow’s milk, primarily casein and whey.
- The allergy can be IgE mediated or non-IgE mediated.
Is the prevalence of non-IgE mediated CMPA well documented?
According to Skypala & Meyer the prevalence of non-IgE mediated CMPA is not well documented
According to Allergy UK, CMP is the ? most common food allergen to cause anaphylaxis.
According to Allergy UK, CMP is the 3rd most common food allergen to cause anaphylaxis .
What is atopy?
Genetic predisposition to develop exaggerated immune responses to common allergens
Is the prognosis of CMPA good?
Yes, the prognosis for CMPA is good. 80-90% of sufferers will develop tolerance by 3yo.
IgE mediated CMPA is ? in adulthood
IgE mediated CMPA is rare in adulthood
Possible advice/intervention for CMPA
Possible advice/intervention for CMPA
* Alternative formula milks/ breastfeeding advice
* Food label understanding
* Travelling
* Alternative words for “milk protein” e.g. casein, whey
* Management at school/nursery
* Additional resources: Allergy UK, Anaphylaxis campaign
* Effect on diet/nutritional status if food is excluded
* ‘May contain’ advice
* Milk challenge, Baked milk?
* Carriage of Epi Pen or allergy medication?
The European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology & Nutrition (ESPGHAN) guidelines for CMPA
The European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology & Nutrition (ESPGHAN) guidelines for CMPA
* Diagnosis: elimination diet followed by an oral food challenge
* Breastfed: may react to protein from mother’s diet. CMP can be found in breastmilk hours-days after ingestion. However a study found (Munbilit et al.) that the CMP content in breast milk was insufficient to cause an allergic reaction.
* ESPGHAN advice for breastfeeding mothers: not usually necessary to exclude CMP from diet.