NS Flashcards
(Todorovic & Mafrici) Aim: if there is evidence of malnutrition and systemic inflammatory response
(Todorovic & Mafrici) Aim: if there is evidence of malnutrition and systemic inflammatory response.
To minimize further losses in nutritional status
(Todorovic & Mafrici) Aim: if there is malnutrition but no evidence of metabolic stress
(Todorovic & Mafrici) Aim: if there is malnutrition but no evidence of metabolic stress
To improve nutritional status: via wt gain or wt loss
Ulna limitations
Ulna length limitations
* Ethnicity
* Sex
* Bone deformity
* Different equations needed for: sex & ethnicity
Ulna measurement description
- Ulna: alternative measure for height
- Point of elbow (olecranon process) to prominent bone of wrist (styloid process)
- Non-dominant arm or left arm (MUST)
Madden et al. 2020 study about ULNA length “Improved prediction equations for estimating height in adults from ethnically diverse backgrounds”
Madden et al. 2020 ULNA length study: prediction equations
* Participants: White, Asian, Black. Age: 21-62years
* Ethnicity & sex found to be significant in ulna-height relationship
* Tested proposed new prediction equations using historic data
* Madden et al.’s predicted equations better overall height predictions in non-whites than Elia equation
* MUST: use Elia equations not for ethnically diverse
Study limitations: not measured by same researcher, opportunistic sampling
Gender and body composition
Gender and body composition:
* Women more fat than men
* Men have more muscle than women
* There are gender specific skinfold equations
Age & body composition
Age & body composition
* Older adults: more likely to have higher fat mass, lower lean mass than younger adults.
BMI limitations
BMI limitations:
* There are different ranges for different ethnicities.
* BMI doesn’t differentiate between lean and fat mass. Could indicate concern in athletes who actually have high muscle
* It indicates that there is a linear relationship between height and weight
* Not an indication of how weight is distributed, where is it concentrated
* Doesn’t consider disease state – dehydration, oedema
* Doesn’t consider fluid retention
* Doesn’t measure body compartments
Does a higher body density mean more or less fat?
Higher body density = LOWER % of fat
Does a lower body density mean more or less fat?
Lower body density= HIGHER % of fat
What % of fat is common in healthy adults?
Estimate of healthy % of fat in adults
Men: 10-25%
Women: 15-35%
BUT % is dependent on ethnicity
Which factors affect ENERGY requirements in illness and injury? (PENG)
Factors affecting ENERGY requirements in ILLNESS & INJURY
* Age
* Sex
* Body weight/body composition
* Type of illness (ACUTE or CHRONIC)
* Severity & phase of illness
* Metabolic state (metabolically stressed, not stressed or anabolic)
* Nutritional status
* Medical, surgical or pharmalogical inteventions
* Absorptive capacity of the GI tract
* Physical disabilities
* Psychological state
* Physical activity
* Goals of nutritional support
* Likely duration of nutritional support
PALs for PENG requirements
PALs for PENG requirements
* In bed & immobile (Acute illness/post surgery): 1.00-1.10
* In bed &/or sitting out (Hospital ward/care home/at home): 1.10-1.20
* Limited mobility (Hospital ward/care home/at home): 1.20-1.25
* Sedentary (care home or at home): 1.25-1.40
* Physically active: >1.40
Why is Mifflin-St Jeor better than Harris-Benedict?
Mifflin St-Jeor better than Harris-Benedict:
* developed using more modern populations (1990)
* incorporates sex, changes in age
* it is 5-10% more accurate at estimating REE
What is the gold standard for estimating requirements?
What are its limitations?
Indirect calorimetry is the gold standard for estimating requirements however it is not easily accessible, can be taxing to use and is expensive. It is becoming more accessible in clinical settings though.
Considerations for using Mifflin St-Jeor
Considerations for using Mifflin St-Jeor
* Based on caucasian populations
* Validated for use in obese populations
* Adjusted body weight may be useful to avoid overestimation/overfeeding
* Easy to use
* PAL needed
* Not as accurate as indirect calorimetry
* Better than Harris-Benedict
What is the SIRI equation? What is its limitations?
The SIRI equation estimates body fat % based on body density.
Limitations: young children & elderly as it assumes FFM=1.1g/cm3