CC Flashcards
Acute phase response biochemistry
Acute phase response:
* Low albumin
* High CRP
* High WBC
* Deranged LFTS
* Us + Es
Define intubation
Intubation: placement of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea (windpipe) to maintain an open airway or to administer certain drugs.
Define extubation
Extubation: removing an endotracheal tube
Define artificial ventilation
Artificial ventilation: process of simulating normal breathing in a patient who is anaesthetised or unable to breathe for themselves
Define weaning
Weaning: gradual decrease in ventilatory support
Define tracheostomy
Tracheostomy: procedure to help air and oxygen reach the lungs by creating an opening into the trachea (windpipe) from outside the neck. A person with a tracheostomy breathes through a tracheostomy tube inserted in the opening.
Factors indicative of metabolic stress
Factors indicative of metabolic stress
Lab data
* High temperature
* High WBC
* High CRP
* High serum urea (difficult to interpret)
* Low haemoglobin
* Low serum albumin
Clinical indicators
* Anorexia
* Fatigue
* Reduced physical activity
Terminology that describes critical care
Terminiology that describes critical care
* Critical Care Department
* Adult Intensive Care Unit
* Critical Care Unit
* Intensive Care Unit
* High Dependency Unit (more stable/possibly step down but not fit enough to be on ward)
Reasons for being in critical care
Reasons for being in critical care (not exclusive)
* Advanced respiratory support
* Complex surgery
* Severe heart attack
* AKI requiring RRT
* Severe pancreatitis
* Sepsis
* Sedation: head injury, epilepsy, cardiac arrest
* Vasopressers: treatment of low blood pressure unresponsive to fluid resuscitation on the ward
* Severe burns (unstable)
* Resuscitation and stabilisation
* Physiological optimisation to prevent MOF
* Facilitate complex surgery
* Support failing organs
* Recognise futility of treatment
* Provide organ support to maintain normal physiology
* Sepsis: Provide vasopressors to maintain organ perfusion & improve BP as antibiotic treatment and immune system combat infection
MOF = Multi Organ Failure
CVC = Central Venous Cathether
MIFFLIN: (10 x wt) + (6.25 x ht) - (5 x age) -161
PSU: (MIFFLIN x 0.96) + (Tmax x 167) + (Vm x 31) - 6212
Ht= cm
Tmax= Max body temp in 24h
Vm= ventilator l/minute
MIFFLIN: (10 x wt) + (6.25 x ht) - (5 x age) +5
PSU: (MIFFLIN x 0.96) + (Tmax x 167) + (Vm x 31) - 6212
Ht= cm
Tmax= Max body temp in 24h
Vm= ventilator l/minute
Ebb phase
Ebb pase
* 0-24 h following trauma/injury
* “Untreated SHOCK”
* Body attempting to recover from acute injury/trauma
* Reduction in metabolic activity
* Reduction in oxygen consumption
* Reduced body temperature
* Energy reserves mobilized BUT reduced ability to utilize reserves
* Reduction in REE: hypometabolic state
* Conservation of fluids & electrolytes due to hormones
* Haemodynamic compensation: e.g. vasoconstriction & tissue blood flow shunting: redirection of cardiac output to essential/injured tissues
Ebb phase nutrition specific considerations
Ebb phase nutrition specific considerations
* Minimal-no nutrition advised
* Energy reserves mobilized BUT reduced ability to utilize reserves
* Reduction in REE: hypometabolic state
* Protein losses increase 4 fold (Furst, 2005)
* Critical care patients weight can increase by 10-20% due to fluid shifts (Lowell et al., 1990)
Flow phase
Flow phase
* “DAYS”
* 24-48H +
* “CATABOLIC” phase
* Phase length depends on severity & treatment of trauma/injury
* Hypermetabolism: Increased REE
* Hypercatabolism
Which hormones cause conservation of fluid & electrolytes in the EBB PHASE?
Hormones that cause conservation of fluid & electrolytes in the EBB PHASE
* Vasopressin (Anti-diuretic hormone): may have glycogen mobilizing effect too
* Renin
* Angiotensin
* Aldosterone
Flow phase nutrition specific considerations
Flow phase nutrition specific considerations
* “DAYS”
* 24-48H +
* “CATABOLIC” phase: increase in energy production & consumption
* Phase length depends on severity & treatment of trauma/injury
* Hypermetabolism: Increased REE
* Hypercatabolism: Increased nitrogen losses
* Protein mobilisation caused by: increased catecholamines, glucagon & cortisol
* Increased glucose intolerance: caused by catecholamines
* Aim: prevent further nitrogen losses
* Increase in dietary pro: can reduce but NOT reverse accelerated loss of body protein due to anabolic resistance
* Excess non-protein calories may have adverse effects (Wolfe, 2017)
* “Less is more” : avoid overfeeding
* Muscle, glycogen, lipid mobilised to increase glucose availability
How much LBM can critically ill patients lose per day? (Puthucheary et al., 2013)
Critically ill patients can lose up to 2% of their LBM per day (Puthucheary et al., 2013)
How many kcal/ml is there in Propofol?
There is 1.1kcal/ml in Propofol.
Anabolic phase/Recovery phase nutritional considerations
Anabolic phase/Recovery phase
* “ WEEKS or MONTHS” after catabolic phase
* Appetite increases
* Transfer to positive nitrogen balance
* Improvement in nutritional status possible: ANABOLIC
* Aim: increase muscle mass via increased protein intake & exercise
* Aim: Weight gain
* Increase protein
What happens during the metabolic response to critical illness?
What happens during the metabolic response to critical illness:
* Early acute phase: EBB “SHOCK”
* Late acute phase: FLOW “CATABOLIC”
* Adaptive stress response to critical illness
Build up of kcal:
* 0-24h
* Day 1-4
* Post Acute ICU phase >Day 5
* Post ICU phase
* Post Hospital Discharge
Build up of kcal:
* 0-24h: no nutrition
* Day 1-4: go slow. Day 1: 25%, Day 2: 50%, Day 3: 75%, Day 4: 100% of target
* Post Acute ICU phase >Day 5: 70% of predictive equations or 100% of indirect calorimetry
* Post ICU phase: 125% of predictive equations/indirect calorimetry or 30kcal/kg/day
* Post Hospital Discharge:150% of predictive equations/indirect calorimetry or 35 kcal/kg/day
(protocol is in place if patient adm on weekend)
Build up of kcal: 0-24H
Build up of kcal: 0-24H
* 0-24h: no nutrition
Build up of kcal: Day 1-4
Build up of kcal: Day 1-4:
* Go slow
* Day 1: 25%
* Day 2: 50%
* Day 3: 75%
* Day 4: 100% of target
(protocol is in place if patient adm on weekend)
Build up of kcal: Post Acute ICU phase >Day 5
Build up of kcal: Post Acute ICU phase >Day 5:
* 70% of predictive equations
* 100% of indirect calorimetry
Build up of kcal: Post ICU phase
Build up of kcal: Post ICU phase:
* 125% of predictive equations/indirect calorimetry
* 30kcal/kg/day
Build up of kcal: Post Hospital Discharge
Build up of kcal: Post Hospital Discharge:
* 150% of predictive equations/indirect calorimetry
* 35 kcal/kg/day
During the flow phase, is the glucose generated by muscle, glycogen and liver mobilisation suppressed by feeding or IV glucose?
No. During the flow phase, the glucose generated by muscle, glycogen and liver mobilisation is NOT suppressed by feeding or IV glucose (Oshima et al., 206)
During the flow phase, what might simultaneous delivery of excess non-protein kcal do?
During the flow phase, simultaneous deivery of excess non-protein kcal may have little benefit & cause adverse effects (Wolfe, 2017)
Anabolic phase/Recovery phase
Anabolic phase/Recovery phase
* Reduced metabolic rate
* Fluid status returns to normal
* Increased appetite
How much glucose does Dextrose 5% have per litre?
Dextrose 5%: 50g of glucose/L
How much kcal does Dextrose 5% have per litre?
Dextrose 5% contains 200kcal
What are catecholamines?
* A type of neurohormone.
* Catecholamines are important in stress responses.
Catecholamines, glucagon and cortisol increase during which response?
Catecholamines, glucagon and cortisol increase during the FLOW PHASE.
What do increased catecholamines do during the FLOW PHASE?
Increased catecholamines causes hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance during the FLOW PHASE
What does increased: Cytokines, Catecholamines, Glucagon & Cortisol do during the FLOW PHASE?
Increased cytokines, catecholamines, glucagon and cortisol increases PROTEIN MOBILISATION during the FLOW PHASE.