P2C Resource management Flashcards
state reasons for demand outstripping supply (3)
- population growth- more people consuming energy
- economic development- happening globally, in LICs/NEEs more energy is being consumed for development (industry/food/water) and the growing population
- development of technology- demand for resources results in the need for modern technology, energy consumed in appliances
describe the significance of food in LICs
- suffer from food insecurity+ famine due to food shortage- as a result of extreme weather+ poverty
- without sufficient+ reliable food sources people become undernourished- prevents them from working to earn money for family+ receiving education
describe the significance of food in HICs (the UK)
- UK imports 40% of food- due to demand for greater choice of exotic foods+ unsuitable growing conditions in the UK
- importing food increases food miles+ the consumer’s carbon footprint
state methods of ethical food consumption (4)
- eat locally sourced farm foods
- eat foods in season
- reduce food waste+ over-purchasing
- eat organic produce (uses environmentally+animal friendly farming methods, healthier, fairtrade)
describe pros and cons of importing foods for LICs
/ provides workers in LICs with an income to provide for families, taxes from their incomes contribute to local development
X less land for locals to grow their own food, increases food miles so bad for the environment
describe pros+cons of importing foods for HICs
/ adds variety to diet, cheaper (than farm foods) as sold at supermarkets
X increases food miles-> increases our carbon footprint-> contributes to climate change, eg. egyptian potatoes for UK shops have 120,000 miles, supermarket produce uses pesticides/fertilisers which are bad for human health
describe the significance of water
- clean water supply needed for drinking/ cooking/ washing/ toilet flushing/ agriculture/ manufacturing
- areas of high water demand which exceed their supply are under water stress
describe the distribution of water in the UK
- north-west has a water surplus: due to high rainfall, hills, less urban development, winds from the Atlantic
- south-east has a water deficit: due to low rainfall, large population, therefore high demand, water stress in London+ SE major cities
describe the causes and impacts of water pollution (6)
- sewage containing bacteria pumped into water sources - spreads infectious diseases
- chemicals used in agriculture (pesticides/fertilisers) run-off from farmland - pollutes rivers+ kills wildlife
- untreated wastewater from industry - unsafe drinking water
- hot water used in industrial cooling processes - increased water temp kills sealife
- rubbish/litter (shopping trolleys/plastic/food wrappers) - disrupts habitats+ ruins landscape
- oil/petrol from boats/ships enters coastal waters
describe the UK’s energy mix
- majority comes from fossil fuels; consumption is lower as industry declined (industrial revolution) + coal is a dirty fossil fuel + produces mass amounts of CO2
- UK aims to bring greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by reducing demand + increasing renewable energy supply
describe the process and pros+cons of hydraulic fracking
drilling into shale rock to release the natural gas trapped in underground fissures
/ energy security as it uses UK’s own natural resources, creates a diverse energy supply, clean energy source as it emits less carbon than other fossil fuels
X groundwater pollution from chemicals in the sand mixture used, localised earthquakes+ noise pollution, loss of natural amenities/areas/landscape/properties
describe the location and process of a local renewable energy scheme in an LIC (case study)
- Nepal- mountainous, land-locked, part of the Himalayas
- micro-hydro plant built in Karbang- simple, community built, makes use of the land height+ streams
describe the pros of a local renewable energy scheme in an LIC (case study) (6)
- improved healthcare- medicines can be refrigerated
- reduced fire risk- kerosene lamps used in the past no longer needed
- reduced flood risk- plant provides water regulation
- improves availability- energy available even in winter/ all year round
- reliable- less electricity power cuts
- street lamps built- allow working+ travelling after dark
describe the cons of a local renewable energy scheme in an LIC (case study) (4)
- expensive investment from the UN
- site-specific for the water source
- environment damage from structures
- limited energy output
describe the neg impacts of energy insecurity (4)
- food production: agribusiness requires a lot of energy (machinery/transport), causes price increases/inflation (economic)
- exploration of sources: land flooded for dams, deforestation for biofuel farms, visual pollution from wind+solar, causes environmental damage (enviro)
- rise in cost of living: food/ travel/ domestic becomes more expensive (social)
- conflict: between energy consumers, between countries with sufficient+ low supply, between neighbouring countries sharing an energy source
describe the term agribusiness
- modern farming
- the application of business skills to food production
- to maximise profit + increase food production
describe factors affecting energy supply/availability (3)
- geology: whether a country has fossil fuels- exploitation depends on the country’s economics/ the source’s reliability/ affordability/ technology to extract it
- climate: affects potential use of renewable energy
- environment conditions: affects accessibility therefore affordability, eg. natural disasters affect infrastructure needed
describe factors affecting energy consumption (4)
- technology development: modern technology gives access to different forms of energy -> more energy available -> cheaper so consumption increases
- economic development: increased consumption due to advanced agriculture/ industry/ transport
- regulations: prevent construction of nuclear plants/ turbine farms + exploitation of fossil fuels
- technology development: efficient appliances lower energy costs -> decreases consumption
– technology development also introduces energy-consuming tech, and more people begin using devices eg phones -> increases consumption
describe methods of sustainable energy conservation+consumption (4)
- home design: motion activated lights, insulated walls, energy meters, rain/grey water collection, triple-glazed windows, south-facing windows (conservation)
- efficient technology (improved appliances consuming minimum energy): hybrid/electric cars, LED lights (consumption)
- public transport: reduces short car journeys so less energy consumed, eg. Curitiba triple-articulated buses hold more passengers so reduce no. journeys needed (consumption)
- ethical food consumption: local food sourcing (farm , foods in season, reduce food waste+ over-purchasing, organic produce
- use renewable energy: reduces carbon footprint, eg. Manchester Metrolink runs on renewable energy so doesn’t contribute to climate change