P1C Rivers and Coasts (Physical Landscapes UK) Flashcards
Describe river erosion processes (4)
- hydraulic action- erosive force exerted by water
- attrition - sediment particles knock against each other and break into smaller/more-rounded pieces
- abrasion - river bedload grinds against the bed+sides
- solution - minerals dissolved into water
Describe river transportation processes (4)
- traction - larger boulders/stones roll along river bed
- saltation - stones bounce along river bed
- suspension - smaller clay/silt/sand particles are carried without contact with river bed
- solution - dissolved minerals carried in water
Define deposition
when a river loses its energy or volume, resulting in materials being transported to settle
Define the two types of river channel erosion
- lateral - widens river channel
- vertical - deepens river channel
describe the long profile of a river in the upper course
- (erosion) mostly vertical erosion by hydraulic action+ abrasion
- (transport) mostly traction - large boulders moved
- (deposit) - largest boulders deposited
- steep gradient at the source
describe the long profile of a river in the lower course
- (erosion) very little erosion - only lateral erosion on outside of river bends
- (transport) mostly suspension - lots of small particles
- (deposit) deposition mainly occurs here
- flat gradient, reduces quickly in height as slope reduces
Describe the cross profile of a river in the upper course
- (channel) narrow and shallow
- (valley) clear v-shaped valley
Describe the cross profile of a river in the lower course
- (channel) wider and deeper
- (valley) widened, flood plains at sides of river
Describe how a waterfall forms
- river flows over hard rock
- hydraulic action+ abrasion erodes soft rock underneath
- hard rock cap layer/overhang collapses into plunge pool
- hydraulic action+ abrasion+ attrition cause particles to become smaller and are washed downstream by traction+ saltation+ suspension
- as the waterfall retreats up river it leaves behind a steep vertical-sided gorge
describe gorges
- very steep valley sides
- river channel takes up most of valley floor
- turbulent, fast-flowing water
- boulders in river bed
describe interlocking spurs
- steep sides
- winding river
- narrow valley floor
describe how meanders form + properties
- river flows faster on outside of bend due to centrifugal force - results in erosion (hydraulic action/abrasion/attrition) on outer bank + undercuts to create a river cliff
- deposition occurs in slow-moving water on inside of bend - slip-off slope of sand+shingle forms
describe how oxbow lakes form
- caused by continuous erosion of outer bank of a meander
- river eventually cuts through narrow neck
- deposition isolates a portion of the river as an oxbow lake
- over time may infill with sediment to form a scar
describe how levees and flood plains form
- during a flood the heaviest/most coarse sediment is deposited at sides close to river as more difficult to transport - forms levees
- finest sediment is carried further+ deposited to form a flat flood plain
- river bed deposits build up+ raise the level of the river - increases chance of a flood
describe tidal estuaries
- formed by the sea level rising+ filling an existing river valley
- river carries sediment downstream+ deposits it at lower course of the river as it stops flowing when it reaches the sea
- mud flats form at bottom of estuary bed - visible at low tide
- sand bars form due to the deposition
describe the use of dams and reservoirs
regulate the water flow and hold back the water in a reservoir
describe the use of channel straightening
a meandering section of a river is engineered to be wider and straighter, shortens distance water travels and speeds water away from vulnerable areas (cities)
describe the use of embankments
raising the banks of either side of the river channel (sometimes covered in grass/flowering plants)
describe the use of flood relief channels
an extra channel bypasses and adds capacity to the main river, controlled by a weir/flood gate
describe benefits and costs of dams/reservoirs
/ boosts tourism, highly effective, provides hydroelectric power, source of drinking water, new habitats
X flooding valley above dam displaces people, expensive, interferes with migration of fish, can destroy habitats, have to be dredged
describe benefits and costs of channel straightening
/ moves water away more quickly/ improves efficiency, makes boat navigation easier, home owners no longer worry about flooding so invest in properties
X habitats destroyed, can cause flooding lower downstream, expensive, may use unattractive concrete linings
describe benefits and costs of embankments
/ cheaper than other hard engineering, provides habitats, used for walking paths, increases river’s carrying capacity
X if breached water lies on surrounding land, needs continual maintenance, access to river is difficult for fishing/boating
describe benefits and costs of flood relief channels
/ moves water away more quickly, home owners no longer worry about flooding so invest in properties, new habitats created
X habitats changed/destroyed, can cause flooding lower downstream, expensive, take a long time to build