P1 Check Ride Flashcards
mast moment limits
0-50% continuous
50-64% precautionary (Thick yellow circle)
64-77% 25 Seconds cumulative time (MM symbol with number underlined)
>77% precautionary landing
AEO FLI or Torque limits
Continuous: 0-8.5 FLI or 0-71%
5 minute take off power (yellow arc): lass than of equal to 65KIAS 8.5- 10 FLI or 77-88% TQ
12 second transient (red dot): lass than or equal to 65 KIAS 10-10.5 FLI or 88-97% TQ
Starting limits TOT
max TOT starting limit (hollow red triangle):8.5 FLI or 785 degrees
TOT starting 5 second transient (solid red triangle) 8.5-11 FLI of 785-865 degrees
Starting range (white arc): 6-7 FLI TOT
Starter limits: onboard
30sec on/60 off/30 on/ 60 off/ 30 on/ 30 minutes off
starter limits: external
20sec on/ 60 off/20 on/ 60 off/ 20 on/ 30 minutes off
starting wind limit
50 knots in all directions
airspeed limits: OEI operations, steady autorotation, doors open/spoiled, rearward flight
OEI operations: 110kts
steady autorotation: 90kts doors open/spoiled: 100kts
rearward flight: 15kts
Emergency equipment; Aircraft and personel
first aid kits and fire extinguishers for the aircraft & ALSE and CSEL personal
class 2 aircraft definition
aircraft whose weight or center of gravity limits can be readily exceeded by loading arrangements normally used in tactical operations or those aircraft designed primarily for transporting troops and other passengers
when shall the DD forms 365-4 be reviewed
12 months at Rucker; 90 days in all other units
When does the aircraft need to be reweighed?
- overhaul or major airframe repairs
- modifications of one or more percent of greater of the aircrafts basic weight
- modifications or component replacements (including painting) have been made where accurate CG cannot be computed
- weight and center of gravity record are suspected to be in error
- has been longer than 24 months since last weighing
What are the PCs responsibilities for weight and balance?
- accuracy of computations of the DD 365-4
2. that a completed 365-4 is aboard the aircraft and CG will remain within allowable limit for the entire flight
when must the PPC be recomputed (same for arrival data)
- temp change of 5 degrees or more
- pressure altitude change of 500 feet or more
- gross weight of 200 lbs or more
aircraft basic weight
weight of aircraft with all lubricants and trapped unusable fuel
what is aircraft zero fuel weight
operating weight plus passengers, ammunition and cargo
aircraft operating weight
aircraft basic weight crew members and their equipment and any mission equipment
aircraft gross weight
zero fuel weight plus fuel
max torque available
maximum amount of power the engine can produce under maximum environmental conditions while maintaining the rotor as the desired RPM
what does GO/NO GO TQ for IGE/OGE represent?
the TQ you could expect to see at a 3 foot hover if the aircraft weighted to computed max GWT IGE/OGE
what can make the hover TQ different from the predicted hover TQ
FAT PA GWT hovering of uneven terrain higher or lower than 3 foot hover head/tail wind
H/V altitude
minimum OGE altitude at which a safe landing can be made under OEI