Oxygen Therapy Flashcards
How easy is it for the first oxygen molecules to bind to Hb?
- very hard
- needs to be saturated
How easy is it for the second oxygen molecule to bind to Hb?
- co-operative binding via confirmational change
- easy for 2nd one to bind
- same for 3rd and 4th
What does the oxygen-Hb dissociation curve show you?
- O2 sat % against change in PO2
- sigmoid shape due to co-operative binding
What factor shifts the ox-Hb curve right?
- CO2 increase (Bohr Shift)
- pH decrease
- Temp
- exercise
- 2-3 DPG
What happens to oxygen release when you move the curve to the right?
- easier
Supply of oxygen forms in hospital
- wall
- cylinder
BTS Guideliness
- above 94% sats target
- 88-92% target if at risk of T2 resp failure
- COPD use venture mask
BTS Critical Illness Ox advnce
High levels of oxygen supplementation
15L of high flow
BTS Stable Patients Ox advice
- nasal cannulae low dose
Harmful effects of oxygen
- free radicalisation = toxicity
- flammable = explosion risk
- can cause vasoconstriction of pulmonary circulation
- loss of hypoxic drive
Oxygen delivery devices
- venturi = fixed conc.
- simple face mask
- non rebreathe reservoir bag
- nasal cannulae
Nasal cannulae
- 2-5L/min
- conc between 25-50%
- resp failure
- for stable patients
- over face mask as more comfortable
- low cost
- no-rebreathing
- easily tolerated
Simple face Mask
- medium conc
- variable performance
- type 1 resp failure
- 5-10L/min
- variable conc 35-60%
- flow at least 5L/min to avoid CO2 build up
Humidification purpose and how
- done normally by nasal cavities
- stops airways becoming dry so less thick secretions
- if giving medium to high flow oxygen for more than 24 hours should be humidified
High Conc Reservoir Mask
- non-rebreathe
- trauma/critical illness
- post-cardiac or resp arrest
- ST treatment
- 70-80% conc
High Flow Nasal Cannulae
- critical illness
- flows up to 60L/mind
- humified and warm
- LT use if higher conc required
- can provide PEEP 7.4cm H20 at 60L/min
Define PEEP
Positive End Expiratory Pressure
- normally 5cm of water
- keeps alveoli open when expire
- prevents alveoli collapsing
Venturi or Fixed Peformance Masks
- colour coded
- deliver constant ox conc
- fixed performance device
- increasing flow does not increase ox conc.
- fixed sized air slots allowing fixed size concentration of air
- conc depends on size of air slot
Blue venturi mask
2L min
White venturi mask
4L min
Yellow venturi mask
8L min
Red venturi mask
8L min
Green venturi mask
5L min
What is the worry with COPD patients?
- some are CO2 retainers (5-15%)
- hypercapnic state is what induces oxygen drive
- if give oxygen = wont have drive to breathe = hypercapnia