COPD Flashcards
Define COPD
- airflow obstruction
- not fully reversible
- progressive in LT
- does not change over several months
- smoking cause
- occupational exposures contribute
Define exacerbations
Rapid sustained worsening of symptoms beyond normal day to day variations
Define chronic bronchitis
presence of chronic productive cough and sputum for at least 3 months in each of 2 successive years
Define emphysema
Enlarged alveolar spaces and loss of alveolar walls
How to calculate pack years
= number of packs per day x years smoked
How many cigarettes in a pack?
Causes of COPD
- tobacco smoke
- indoor air pollution (smoke, biomass fuels)
- occupational dusts, chemical agents and fumes
- outdoor air pollution
Pathophys of chronic bronchitis
- hypertrophy of mucus secreting glands
- increased mucus production
- infiltration of bronchial walls with inflammatory cells = airways narrow
Pathophys of emphysema
- loss of elastic recoil = airflow limitation and air trapping
- bulla formation
`Difference between asthma and COPD Pathophys
- asthma mostly reversible
- asthma causes CD4+ lymphocytes activating eosinophils, macrophages, mast cells
- COPD causes CD8+ lymphocytes activating macrophages and neutrophils
COPD symptoms
- over 35
- smoker/ex
- exertional breathlessness
- chronic cough
- regular sputum production
- frequent winter bronchitis
- wheeze
- morning cough with sputum
- peripheral oedema
Diagnostic factor main for COPD
Stages of COPD
1 = FEV1>80 2 = 50-79 3 = 30-49 4 = <30
Management for COPD
- treat airflow obstruction
- monitor treatment adherence
- follow over time
- consider pulmonary rehab? (if MMRC > or equal to 2)
- assess gas exchange of MMRC =2 or greater
What do normal spirometry values vary with?
- age
- height
- race
Modified MRC Dyspnea Scale
0 = breathless with strenuous exercise 1 = SOB when hurrying on level or walking up slight hill 2 = walk slower than people of same age on level as breathless or have to stop for breath when walking on my own pace on the level 3 = stop for breath walking 100m or after a few mins on level 4 = too breathless to leave house or breathless when dressing/undressing
COPD symptoms presentation how
- age
- COPD symptoms slowly progressive
- smoking history long
- dyspnea during exercise
- irreversible airflow limitation
Asthma symptoms presentation how
- child
- symptoms vary day to day
- symptoms at night or early morning
- allergy/rhinitis/eczema
- FH
- largely reversible
Peak flow with COPD
- reduced
- little day to day variation
- asthma diurnal variation and day to day
Bronchodilator response
- symptomatic response
- asthma symptomatic and lung function response
Corticosteroid response
- small response to lung function
- better with asthma
COPD signs
- wheeze
- tachypnoea
- prolonged expiration
- accessory muscle use
- pursed lip breathing
- hyper inflated lungs
- cyanosis
- HF
- Dahl’s sign
Refined ABCD Assessment Tool
A = 0-1 exacerbations and mMRC 0-1 B = 0-1 exacerbations and mMRC ≥ 2 C = ≥ 2 exacerbations or ≥ 1 leading to hospital admission and mMRC 0-1 D = ≥ 2 exacerbations or ≥ 1 leading to hospital admission and mMRC ≥2
3 stages of smoking cessation