Oxygen Flashcards
What is a full charge?
1850 psi
Ground service panel for the flight deck oxygen system is located where?
Directly aft of the radome
Where is the green blowout desk?
Located forward of the passenger door
What indicates the crew oxygen is discharged overboard?
Missing green disc
The oxygen on flag indicates what?
The oxygen SOV is open
What is the duration of the passenger oxygen
13 minutes
Which aircraft have three masks on the right and the left side of the cabin?
The rest have three masks on the right side and two on the left
How many masks in each laboratory
How many masks about each flight attendant station
When does the CPM automatically deploy oxygen mask
14000ft +- 300
How many portable oxygen in the cabin for the flt attendants
Entrance compartment
After bulkhead overhead compartment
Where is the oxygen bottle located for the flight deck?
Behind the entrance storage compartment
When must oxygen be used
ABOVE 10,000
8-40 fom
How many px o2 masks?
3 left 3 right
AC 950-954, 272 and subsequent
2left 3 right
Where are the portable o2 bottles located?
Entrance compartment
Normal cylinder pressure is?
1850 psi
1410 psi
The high pressure discharge indicator is on which side?
Left side captain side
What color is the Discharge indicator?
The oxygen servicing panel is on which side?
The right side of the forward fuselage
When do The pilots oxygen mask supply 100% oxygen regardless of switch position?
Above 30,000 feet
Passenger oxygen masks Provide oxygen for how long?
13 minutes
How many portable oxygen cylinders are available for the flight attendants
Located near each flight attendant station
PBE Provides oxygen for how long?
15 minutes
How many hand held flashlights are installed in the aircraft
Behind the pilot seat
Behind the first officer seat
Forward and aft flight attendant storage compartments
Observers seat
17-19 Oxygen and emergency equipment
OXY low pressure?
1410 psi
Normal is 1850