Landing Gear Flashcards
Gear doors linked?
Nose doors are linked?
What protects main wheels against burst?
4 heat sensitive fusible plugs/ wheel
Which brakes bleed off when parked?
Outboard brakes
Which set of brakes hold for long period of times?
Inboards hold for longer periods
Nose gear retracts?
Main gear retracts?
Nose retracts fwd
Main retracts inboard
Landing gear is _______actuated?
Hydraulically actuated
When manual landing gear lever pulled?
MLG uplocks released( mechanically)
Bypass valve dumps hydr pressure #3 from the normal ext/retrct hydr circuits
( permitting ldg gear to partially xtend due to its own weight)
Hyd2 system pressure directed to main ldg gear aux actuators and nose gear downlock manual release actuator( thru selection of manual release handle)
Nose gear is assisted down during manual xtension by?
Airflow and 2 tension springs
Landing doors are linked?
Prox sensing system provides 5 functions..
- ldg gear position
- ldg gear position indications
- wow
- door-fuselage
- -thrust reversers indications
Landing gear position indicator removed when?
30sec after gear up and locked
Flaps at 0
If a leak occurs in a brake line?
Associated hydr fuse will close the line
What provides reserve braking in event of hyd sys 1/2 failure?
3000 psi
What system provides brakes when parked?
When are BTMS displayed?
When landing gear down
Brake overheat
Systems 14-21
BTMS overheat warning switch?
Resets system when condition ceases
Steering tillers turns nose wheel?
Rudder pedals?
Tiller? 80 degrees each side of center
Rudder? 8 degrees
Ldg gear is hydraulically operated by system?
How many anti skid control valves?
With loss of one hydraulic system?
50% symmetric braking capability
With full anti skid control
When is BTMS displayed?
When landing gear indications are displayed or when any brake overheat condition exists
ANTI-SKID performs what pfunctions…
Individual wheel anti-skid cntrol
Touchdown protection
Locked wheel protection
Antiskid in the air?
ASCU dumps pressure to prevent wheel lock up on touchdown(withno weight on wheels)
When does antiskid become operational on the ground?
35 kt wheel spin up
wow after 5 sec delay
Powered steering using the tiller is available when…
Armed and wow
For normal operation which hydraulic system is utilized for main landing gear retraction extrension?
System three
Which hydraulic system is used during an alternate gear extension
System 2
How is the main landing gear up lock released during alternate extension?
When does the shimmy damper minimize gear shimmy?
At high speeds on the ground
What do the brush seals provide
Aerodynamics seal
How are the main landing gear doors attached?
During normal operations which hydraulic system is used to retract and extend the nose landing gear?
During alternate gear extension, which hydraulic system unlocks the nose landing gear from the up lock position?
System 2 pressure is utilized to unlock the nose landing gear from the upper lock position during an alternate extension
Works when the alternate gear extension handle is pulled
How many systems are required to lower the nose landing gear during hydraulic two and three failure?
At least one system is required to lower the nose landing gear
(mainland to get my fall under the wrong weight)
When is the antiskid system armed? On the ground
Switch on
Parking brake not set
( provided….Main landing gear down and locked)
Sys 14-19
For normal operation which hydraulic system is utilized for main landing gear retraction extrension?
System three
Which hydraulic system is used during an alternate gear extension
System 2
How is the main landing gear up lock released during alternate extension?
When does the shimmy damper minimize gear shimmy?
At high speeds on the ground
What do the brush seals provide
Aerodynamics seal
How are the main landing gear doors attached?
During normal operations which hydraulic system is used to retract and extend the nose landing gear?
During alternate gear extension, which hydraulic system unlocks the nose landing gear from the up lock position?
System 2 pressure is utilized to unlock the nose landing gear from the upper lock position during an alternate extension
Works when the alternate gear extension handle is pulled
How many systems are required to lower the nose landing gear during hydraulic two and three failure?
At least one system is required to lower the nose landing gear
(mainland to get my fall under the wrong weight)
When is the antiskid system armed?
Switch on
Parking brake not set
( provided….Main landing gear down and locked)
Mlg are fitted with _____ multi disc brakes
What prevents selection of ldg gear hndl on the grnd?
Solenoid lock
Solenoid lock malfunction?
Downlock release on ldg gear cntrl panel
Ext and retr is _______ activated
Electrically activated by ldg gear hdl
Ldg gear warning horn when?
In ldg config and gear is not extd’d
Ch 8 …… 8-283
Below 500 feet and 190 kn, and gear not down
When is the ldg gear cntrl hndl solenoid downlock released to permit up selection of ldg gesr cntrl hndl?
Aircraft is airborne with no WOW
How are the rudder pedals linked to the associated brake cntrl valves?
How many brake wear indicator pins on each brake assembly
Break temp overheat?
If failure detected by steering cntrl unit?
Reverts to free castoring
Pseu monitors…
Park brk
Antiskid is operational until what speed
10 kn
Nose gear door position
Open when gear is extended
Closed when gear is retracting
Landing gear and break information are displayed on what pages
Hydraulic synoptic page
Status page
Primary page
What fills the landing gear shock strut
How many breaking applications if loss of number two and number three hydraulic system?
Six breaking applications
Provided antiskid a selected off
In the event of a failure in the antiskid system how is manual braking restored?
By selecting the antiskid system off
Main landing gear held up? Down?
Mechanical uplocks up
Held overcenter down
Red ovt at what temp?
Greater than 14
Wheel ovht protection ?
Each wheel bin contains a single loop over heat detection wire
Less than 1800 psi
BTMS when red?
Must be inspected by mx
check plugs
Turn radius?
80 ft (900)
75 ft. (700)
When torque link connected, turn restriction?
8 degrees
Main ldg gear held up and locked?
With a failure of both hydraulic system two and three… accumulators will give how many break applications?
Six brake applications with anti-skid select it off
Antiskid armed on gnd?
In flight?
Parking break not set
MLG down and locked
WOW +5/ seconds
Wheel spin up 35 kts
Anti-skid is available on rollout until what speed?
10 kts
BTMS red?
Will remain read until the BTMS overheat warn reset button is pushed
The break wear indicator pins Should be checked when..
Brake applied
Hydraulic 2 and 3 pressurized