Limitations Flashcards
Max ramp wt 900
Minimum fuel for a go around
600 pounds per wing
Cargo limits aft and forward
After cargo. 3650
Forward cargo 1700
(700… 1000)
Flex limitations?
No flex if …
Wing cowl on
Anti skid inoperative
Continuous ignition?
Take off and landing on contaminated runway
Moderate turbulence
Moderate to heavy rain
Moderate thunderstorms
Engine warm-up?
No greater than 75% N1 ……
-for 2 minutes
longer of
-oil press norm range
APU altitude limitations
APU generator 41,000 feet
APU starting 37,000 feet
APU bleeder 25,000 feet
APU ground starting limit 15,000 feet
APU starting limits
Three starts per hour
Fuel limit center tank versus wing tanks
If more than 500 pounds in the center tank
We need more than 4400 pounds in each WinG tank
Minimum zero fuel weight
(700) 62300
Minimum flight weight
(700) 42000
Fuel imbalance for takeoff
-other phases of flight
300 pounds for takeoff
800 pounds all other phases of flight
Emergency D press is prohibited above
15,000 feet
Gear retraction speed
200 kn gear retraction speed
220 kn gear extended speed
220 kn extending gear
Max tire speed
195 kts
(700) .. 182
Engine start limits on the ground
90 -5-5-5
Engine start limits in flight
120” start. 10” off
60”. Start. 5 -5-5-5 min off
( also for in flt motoring)
Cold soak limitations
Motor for 60 seconds and verify fan rotation verified before an engine start
TR must be actuated until the deploy and srow cycle is 2seconds or less
APU min temperature for starting a cold soaked apu
Autopilot altitude limit… Dual engine
80 feet dual engine
110 feet single-engine
Crosswind limitation take off and landing dry runway
Take off 35 kn
Landing 32 kn
Crosswind limitation WET runway takeoff and landing
27 WET
Cwnd limitation less than 100 hours
25 kn for Capt
15 kn for first officer
RVSM required equipment
One autopilot
One altitude reporting transponder
One altitude alert system
Two ADCs
Flight spoilers limitations
No less than 1000 feet AGL
No less than than vref +10
Wiper speed
250 kn
Wing and Cowell anti-ice prohibited if
APU is used as the bleed source in manual
Flap speeds
1° flap. 230 8° flap. 230 20° flap 220 30° flap 185 45° flap 170
Slat settings
1° flaps 20° Slats 8° flaps 20° slats 20° flaps 20° slats ----------------------- 30° flaps 25° Slats 45° flaps 25° Slats
If a windshield wiper has failed in a non-parked position the aircraft speed shall not exceed
250 kn
Maximum airport pressure altitude for takeoff and landing
Take off 8000
Landing 8000
Maximum ambient air temperature for takeoff and landing
ISA +35 kts
Minimum ambient temperature approved for takeoff
Maximum relief differential pressure
8.7 PSI
EMER depress switch shall not be pressed above what altitude
Autopilot limitation for visual and non-precision approaches
400 feet
Autopilot operation engaged is prohibited at what altitude
600 feet AGL
Is fuel remaining in the tank when the quantity indicates zero usable or not usable
When tanks indicates empty the fuel remaining is not usable
If the use of cowl Anti ice and continues ignition are required at the same time
Cowl then continuous
The starter must not be used if indicated N2 RPM exceeds
Motoring limitations on the ground
90 seconds 5 minutes off
30 seconds. 5-5-5-5 minutes off
Enroute use of flaps slats extended is prohibited
Above 15,000 feet
Xwnd limitations
TW.. TO dry.. LDG dry.. WET.. FAIR BA.. POOR BA.. Hi mins dry..
TW......10 TO DRY..35 LDG DRY..32 WET........27 FAIR BA..20 POOR BA.. 15 HI MINS DRY..25/15
Max thrust proh blo?
Reverse idle achieved by?
Max thrust proh blo…… 75 kts
Reverse idke achieved by… 60 kts
Holding speeds
15000 ft
15,000 feet and above..
Vmd +10
Below 15,000 feet…
Vref flaps0+10
Appch not in contained in the EGPWS airport data base?
Inhibit w/i 15 nm
QFE operations authorized?
Flashlights LED flash at what interval
Windshields off when?
Above 30degrees
Delayed start procedures prohibited when
Contaminated surface
Ground vis less than 1 mile
Icing conditions
APU inop
XFLOW pump deferred
Rvsm reqd equip
Autopilot must be operational
Alt alert system operational
2 Xpdrs ( alt report) .. 1 operational
2ADCs .. both operational
Approach category
900 Category D
700 category C
Fwd cargo compartments
- 1700
- 1000
Aft. 3650
Max mach crj 700
Mach .83
Difference 700, flap speeds
230 230 230* 185 170
Max tire speed 900/700
- 195 kts
700 182 kts
700 is group 7 6000-6700
900 is group 8 7000-7700
Sgl pack crj 700?
Is the use of FMS temperature compensation function allowed?
Are PRNAV OPERtions allowed?
Take off with excess of 500 pounds in the center tank is not permitted unless
Each wing tank is about 2000 pounds
Zfw Is reduced by the weight of the fuel in the center tank in excess of 500 pounds
CG is wothin env per aerodat
Dispatch must be contacted
Single pack 700
Xwnd limit rcc3
Xwnd limit rcc2
Xwnd limit rcc2
Xwnd limits
Wet. 27
Rcc3. 20
Rcc 2. 15
Dif press cannot exceed…
.1 psi
Initial landing (TD) .. max dif press?
Max landing (700)
(700) Max ramp?
(700) max takeoff?
Max ramp… 75250
Max takeoff.. 75000