Oxidation, Reduction and Redox Equations - Oxidation State Rules Flashcards
What do oxidation states/numbers tell you?
- The total number of electrons that have been donated or accepted
How are oxidation states written?
- Charge comes before number
- E.g +2
Rule 1: OS of atoms and elements
- Oxidation states of atoms in an element are 0
- Elements bonded to identical elements have oxidation states of 0, e.g O2
Rule 2: Simple monatomic ion
- The oxidation state of a simple monatomic ion is the same as its charge
- Na+ OS = +1
- Mg2+ OS = +2
Rule 3: Neutral compounds
- Sum of oxidation states equals 0
Rule 4: Compounds/compound ions
- Sum of oxidation states equals overall oxidation state
- Overall oxidation state is equal to overall charge on ion
- When writing formula of a compound, the element with the positive oxidation state is written first. One rare exception is ammonia, (NH3)
Rule 5: Fluorine
- Oxidation state of fluorine in its compounds is always –1
- Fluorine is the most electronegative element it always gains 1 electron on bonding
Rule 6: Oxygen
- Oxidation state of oxygen is usually -2
- Except when bonded to fluorine, peroxides or superoxides
- Peroxides are compounds with structure R-O-O-R, e.g H2O2
- Superoxides are compounds containing superoxide ion O2-, e.g NaO2
Rule 7: Hydrogen
- Oxidation state of hydrogen in its compounds is usually +1
- Except when bonded to a metal ion, in which case it is –1
Which elements have a fixed oxidation state of +1 in its compounds?
- H (except rule 7, with metal ions is -1)
- Li
- Na
- K
Which elements have a fixed oxidation state of +2?
- Mg
- Ca
- Ba
Which element has a fixed oxidation state of +3?
- Al
Which element has a fixed oxidation state of -2?
- O (except for rule 6, with peroxides, fluorine and superoxides)
Which element has a fixed oxidation state of -1?
- F
Name all the elements with fixed oxidation states alongside their oxidation states
• +1
- H
- Li
- Na
- K
• +2
- Mg
- Ca
- Ba
• +3
- Al
• -2
- O
• -1
- F
What is the maximum oxidation state an element can have?
- Maximum oxidation state an element can have is equal to its group number in the Periodic Table
- E.g maximum oxidation state of sulfur is +6 (Group 6), the maximum oxidation state of iodine is +7 (Group 7)
What do the roman numerals mean in formulas?
- Roman numerals show that that element can have varied oxidation states
- The roman numeral shows what the oxidation state that atom has in that compound